Dallas For Safer Water

This webpage covers News & Activism starting around June 2018.
Be sure to see the previous News & Activism
"Home Page 2" (January 2015 - June 2018)
"The Vote" (2013 - February 2015)
Want to search text on a web page, pressing Control + F will bring up a search box.
NOTE: In 2019, we have a new Mayor and also some new faces on the Dallas City Council.
Again, we want to note that the current (2019) Dallas Mayor Pro Tem, Adam Medrano, courageously voted against water Fluoridation because he is concerned about the health of the citizens. He looked at the science, not the hype.
Older Council photo
Click photo for LARGE view
ANYONE can take action.
ANYONE can EMAIL the Dallas City Council.

The Dallas City Council is culpable for unnecessarily risking the health of its citizens by adding Fluoride to the drinking water in the form of Hydrofluorosilicic Acid, (also known as FSA or HFS).
HFS is a highly corrosive, hazardous, toxic waste (per EPA) full of other contaminants such a lead, arsenic, mercury, radioactive particles, etc.
Many hundreds of scientific studies show that swallowing Fluoride can adversely affect health.
Never has the City Council presented scientific studies which show that swallowing Fluoride is safe for everyone, for all subpopulations (minorities, the Fetus, children, immune compromised, kidney patients, heart patients, cancer patients, thyroid compromised, etc).
~~~ Never has the City Council brought forth an open dialogue with experts on toxicology to a public forum discussion. ~~~
When the harm to children from Fluoride toxicity becomes well known, there will be an angry mob of parents at City Hall. The scientific evidence is very clear.
This EMAIL address goes out to all Dallas City Council Members and the Mayor. councilmembers@dallascityhall.com
Go to the following LINK to see the map for each district. https://dallasgis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/minimalist/index.html?appid=807494fddae04830852e4b13e6847979/
District 1 = Chad West
District 2 = Jesse Moreno
District 3 = Casey Thomas II
District 4 = Carolyn King Arnold
District 5 = Jaime Resendez
District 6 = Omar Narvaez
District 7 = Adam Bazaldua
District 8 = Tennell Atkins
District 9 = Paula Blackmon
District 10 = Adam McGough
District 11 = Jaynie Schultz
District 12 = Cara Mendelsohn
District 13 = Gay Donnell Willis
District 14 = Paul E Ridley
Mayor: Eric Johnson eric.johnson@dallascityhall.com
City Manager: TC Broadnax TC.Broadnax@dallascityhall.com
Terry S. Lowery is the Department Director for Dallas Water Utilities. terry.lowery@dallascityhall.com
Falling under the City’s Management Organizational Chart with Deputy City Manager Kimberly Bizor Tolbert,
City of Dallas Water Utilities is a not-for-profit department of the City of Dallas providing water, wastewater, and storm drainage services to about 2.6 million people in Dallas and 27 nearby communities.
Its operations are funded through water, wastewater and stormwater rates paid by customers. Customers’ water use is metered to ensure accurate billing.
Terry Lowery is guilty of deliberately hiding information from you.
Customers entirely pay for Dallas Water, and they pay for fluoridation. The people of the Dallas metro area are the true employers of Dallas Water Utilities.
They deserve to be informed with balanced information, especially when it comes to ‘health risks’ versus ‘health benefits’ of a medical intervention that is arbitrarily added to the water.
The people of Dallas do not need their employees (City officials) acting as Authoritarians who will censor and cloak highly credible scientific information about health risks associated with fluoridation. Any Boss would fire an employee who deliberately withheld potentially life-altering information. The people of Dallas do not want Authoritarians telling them what to think.
The point is about balanced transparency of information by City officials. The point is not whether fluoridation is a good or bad thing.
"Dallas Water Utilities" officials have no right to intentionally hide valid scientific studies in their presentations of fluoridation when viewing a risk/benefit analysis. Dallas Water Utilities is a not-for-profit entity.
This censorship demonstrates wanton disregard for public safety.
"Informed consent" is a crux of any medical intervention.
Terry Lowery has deceptively and deliberately hid information about the health risks associated with fluoridation.
She cannot say, “I didn’t know about those scientific studies.”
Terry Lowery cannot say, “I trusted government agency Authoritarians and I trusted ADA publications, and thus censored the public’s right to know about those scientific studies. Therefore, I am not culpable if any person is harmed by fluoridation.”
Your employee, Terry Lowery, has intentionally withheld top-tier, U.S. government funded scientific studies which definitively demonstrate health risks at Dallas fluoridation levels (0.7mg/liter).
There are over 400 studies which have found that fluoride is a neurotoxin (a chemical that can damage the BRAIN).
Anyone can “Select a Topic in Health Effects” for studies covering other health aspects. The information is easily available.
Any City Official who hides important information from its citizens should be fired.
The atrocity becomes criminal when people are injured as a result of the censorship.
City officials are not our Authoritarians; they are the people’s employees.
Dallas Water Utilities has long-term wholesale contracts with neighboring metro areas, which include the communities of Addison, Carrollton, Cedar Hill, Cockrell Hill, The Colony, Coppell, Denton, DeSoto, Duncanville, Farmers Branch, Flower Mound, Glenn Heights, Grand Prairie, Grapevine, Highland Park, Hutchings, Irving, Lancaster, Lewisville, Mesquite, Ovilla, Red Oak, Richardson, Seagoville, University Park, and Wilmer, as well as Dallas County WCID #6, Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, Ellis County WCID #1, and the Upper Trinity Regional Water District. The type of relationship varies with each community (e.g. treated water, untreated water, wastewater, irrigation only, reciprocal water and wastewater). Cities tend to renew contracts.
See pages 20 and 21 of this Dallas City Briefing Memorandum to get an overview of different cities and their relationship.
Each summer, the City of Dallas provides a Water Quality Report. You will note that Fluoride is categorized as a “Contaminant” with listed sources of contaminants being “Erosion of natural deposits; water additive which promotes strong teeth; Discharge from fertilizer and aluminum factories.” Removing fluoride from public drinking water is virtually cost prohibitive. About the Water Quality Report via the CDC/EPA.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Our Repeated Video Evidence of the Council 'horseshoe' (not shown on City TV) demonstrates a callous lack of concern for the health of citizens in Dallas and in the over 20 neighboring suburbs which receive Dallas water. Millions of people are affected. There can be no doubt that many people and pets are harmed by the Dallas City Council Members.
The principle of nonmaleficence states that we should act in ways that do not inflict evil or cause harm to others. In particular, we should not cause avoidable or intentional harm. This includes avoiding even the risk of harm. It is important to point out that this principle can be violated with or without intention. That is, you don’t have to intend harm to violate this principle. In fact, you don’t even have to cause harm. If you have knowingly or unknowingly subjected a patient or colleague to unnecessary risk, you have violated this principle.
See the "Home Page" for how the Dallas City Council is poisoning Blacks and Hispanics with Lead in drinking water.
...or watch 10 minutes here to see some of the science.
Robert F Kennedy Jr. is an Environmental Scientist and is well skilled in Environmental Law. He has a very successful track record of suing major corporations and also government agencies who have contributed towards posing health and environmental risks with toxic chemicals. Clean water is a major concern for Kennedy. For example, RFK, Jr. is the founder of the international Waterkeeper Alliance and chief prosecutor of the New York-based Riverkeeper, which helped lead the successful movement for the restoration of the Hudson River.
Attorney Michael Connett sat down with Robert F Kennedy, Jr. in August 2020 for an engaging discussion on the ongoing TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) fluoride lawsuit. Michael Connett is the lead attorney for plaintiffs in the trial, which ran for two weeks in June 2020, in U.S. Federal Court. The court has yet to rule. The trial seeks to force the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to eliminate the “unreasonable risk” of neurotoxicity that fluoridated water presents to the American public.
This must watch video has been heavily censored off mainstream social media platforms (e.g. YouTube deleted it). Click on the IMAGE below to watch the full 33 minute VIDEO or go to this webpage https://fluoridealert.org/articles/rfk-jr-michael-connett-fluoride-lawsuit/ . More information on the TSCA Fluoride Lawsuit can be found here. https://fluoridealert.org/issues/tsca-fluoride-trial/
RFK. Jr's website's link to Fluoridation on Trial: RFK, Jr.’s Conversation with Attorney Michael Connett which includes a stellar 6 minute video of the "Interview Highlights" with key points made about the EPA and CDC.
FLUORIDATION ON TRIAL - RFK Jr’s Conversation with Attorney Michael Connett on the TSCA Fluoride Trial
33 minute video - https://odysee.com/@FluorideActionNetwork:5/rfkconnett:6
TSCA FACT SHEET - https://fluoridealert.org/issues/tsca-fact-sheet/
Select a Topic in TSCA Trial: (Drop down Menu starting with “Overview”) - https://fluoridealert.org/issues/tsca-fluoride-trial/
The CDC admits that Fluoride ingestion provides no benefit prenatally nor to early infants.
CDC official in court testimony. 9 minute video.
In Court testimony
CDC admits Fluoride's toxic risks
to the fetus and infants,
while also acknowledging that Fluoride provides
no benefit to the fetus and infants.
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency –
Fluoride Water Standards and EPA corruption
In the “FLUORIDATION ON TRIAL” video with RFK, Jr. you will hear Michael Connett describe how the EPA did not call upon their own Fluoride scientists during the trial. Instead, the EPA used a notorious “rent-an-expert” company. The EPA administrators have an ugly history of censoring their own top fluoride scientists and studies. Read about the 1,500 EPA Washington D.C. employees who protested against the EPA corruption on fluoride water safety. Watch this VIDEO with EPA top scientists who as whistleblowers were disparaged by the administrators at the EPA. There is a lot of important information on Fluoride in this video, including legal liabilities.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
The next Hearing date is scheduled for January 29, 2024
EPA Fluoride Lawsuit Trial Date - January 29th, 2024
The start date for the final phase of our federal lawsuit against the EPA over the neurotoxicity of fluoridation chemicals has been scheduled for January 29th, 2024. The Court has set aside two weeks to hear testimony and cross-examination of expert witnesses focused on new evidence and science published since the last trial dates in 2020, including the NTP’s 6-year systematic review of fluoride’s neurotoxicity.
February 23, 2023
NTP Will Make Blocked Neurotoxicity Report Public After FAN Legal Action
LAWSUIT UPDATE regarding Status Hearing of Thursday, January 12th, 2023
Court Rejects EPA’s Attempt To Delay Case Further
For many, many months we have been waiting for the publication of the National Toxicology Program’s state of the science review and meta-analysis on fluoride neurotoxicity.
[Please read the article for details.]
The deceptive, corrupt, non-transparent nature of these ‘captured’ Federal Agencies becomes very apparent throughout this trial.
This article hits the most recent escapade.
LAWSUIT UPDATE - December 2022 - VIDEO
The Court has just made available the video recording of the most recent October 26, 2022 hearing in our federal lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the neurotoxicity of fluoridation chemicals. This is the first footage from the trial that the Court has made available to the public.
In this video you will see our attorney, Michael Connett, argue successfully on behalf of our motion to end the stay on the trial and reopen discovery so attorneys and the Court could examine the final draft of the NTP report that was supposed to be published in May of 2022. You will also see the attorney for the EPA, Brandon Adkins, argue to keep the trial suspended, and argue against additional expert testimony on new evidence, and against the National Toxicology Program having to turn over their final draft from May. The Department of Justice--on behalf of the EPA--has since complied with the Court and turned over a copy of the unpublished NTP report, though it is under a protective order and not available to the public at this time.
To help understand what's happening, we suggest reading our coverage of the hearing:
You can also read the written Court Order that resulted from this hearing:
The next status hearing has been rescheduled.
It will now take place on Thursday, January 12th at 11:00AM (U.S. Pacific Time) / 2:00PM (U.S. Eastern Time).
[See the December 14, 2022 pdf document directly below.]
The blatant corruption and non-transparent nature of Federal government agencies comes as no surprise to those of us who stay informed. There are decades of examples which jeopardize public health. The following article highlights another example.
Published January 5, 2023 at “The Last American Vagabond” – Article by Derrick Broze
"Internal CDC Emails Claim Assistant Secretary For Health Blocked Release Of Fluoride Review"
Michael Connett, attorney for the plaintiffs, outlined the findings of the emails in several exhibits submitted to Judge Chen.
“These emails confirm that the NTP considered the May 2022 monograph to be the NTP’s final report. They also confirm that the CDC was opposed to the NTP releasing the report, and that leadership at the top levels of the Department of Health Human Services intervened to stop the report from being released.”
On December 14, 2022, Plaintiff’s filed a redacted Notice regarding the National Toxicology Program’s assessment of fluoride’s neurotoxicity dated May 2022. [People should read this. The censorship by Federal Agencies is criminal.]
The second highest office in the Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Assistant Secretary of Health, Rachel Levine has put the release of the National Toxicology Program (NTP) report on hold. NIH’s Office of Director, the highest office within the NIH is also involved. Lawrence A. Tabak, D.D.S., Ph.D. (Dentist) is performing the duties of the NIH Director. He assumed this role on December 20, 2021.
Bloomberg Law – Dec 23, 2022
Agency Verdict on Whether Fluoride Harms IQ May Not Be Published
Tuesday December 27, 2022 YouTube Video (3 minutes)
FAN attorney Michael Connett gives an update on the progress of the TSCA Fluoride Lawsuit
Bloomberg Law 2019
Original Court Case Filing – Bloomberg Law hosting document
Dedicated Webpage, where you will find an overview of the case and a menu bar that will bring you to fact sheets, the key studies, a lawsuit timeline, media coverage, and much more.
VIDEO PLAYLIST – Fluoride Trial Witnesses
TSCA Fluoride Trial Witness Spotlight
Monday Oct 31 at 12pm
EXCERPT: If you missed Wednesday’s exciting hearing in federal court, you will be able to watch it. The court recorded the proceedings and will release it to the public. I was waiting to include a link to the recording in this bulletin, but it hasn’t been released yet. When it is, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) will immediately share it... ...In the meantime, here’s what happened.... [Read more.]
October 31, 2022 - Bloomberg Law
Drinking Water Case Proceeds to Probe Fluoride Data, Court Says
~~ Case challenges 77-year old tradition of adding fluoride
~~ Case to review studies on health effects of the chemical
A federal court will allow a lawsuit to prohibit fluoride from drinking water to proceed to review new scientific evidence about the chemical’s potential to harm babies’ developing nervous systems....
[We encourage readers to visit this article and to click the script's links for an edifying overview of this entire case.]
September 2022 EPA Lawsuit UPDATE
Status Hearing for September 20, 2022, rescheduled to Wed October 26, 2022.
The September 20, 2022, status hearing for our case against the U.S. EPA in federal court has been rescheduled yet again, to Thursday, October 26th. As is typical in government and industry, vested interests have been trying to thwart honest, expedient transparency. Read the backdrop to: FAN’s attorneys filed a motion asking the Court to take the case out of abeyance and to restart it with an abbreviated second trial to review the latest scientific studies and NTP review.
The June 14, 2022, status hearing for our case against the U.S. EPA in federal court has been rescheduled yet again, to Tuesday, September 20th.
The Court has been awaiting the final publication of the National Toxicology Program’s state of the science review on fluoride’s neurotoxicity before moving on to the next phase of the trial. The NTP’s review was expected to be published in 2021, but continues to be delayed. See more at https://fluoridealert.org/researchers/the-national-toxicology-program/
We will provide additional information and updates as they become available at https://fluoridealert.org/issues/tsca-fluoride-trial/
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
FIRST - Do no harm!
Do health risks exist from ingesting "?" milligrams of fluoride daily?
Wed August 9, 2023 - City Council Agenda Meeting
“What are the ACTUAL AGENDAS of the Mayor & Council Members when it comes to citizen concerns?”
Fluoride Activists Joe, Regina and Cyrena were among the morning’s Open Mic speakers. (Click “OPEN MICROPHONE (Part 1 of 2 )”)
As is typical, the Mayor starts the meeting very late at 9:42 rather than the designated time of 9am.
The first speaker, Joe, makes a strong point: “So? The much anticipated Fluoride Briefing will never happen?”
The second speaker, Regina, augments the point that the Mayor & Dallas City Council never called for a Public Fluoride Briefing to address alarming health concerns, but rather they had long briefings focused on shutting down the public’s voice and concerns.
The third speaker, Cyrena, further highlights that people are waking up to the pretense of government officials.
She brings up the fact that the council has been presented with mountains of evidence which demonstrate fluoride’s toxicity.
Cyrena states: “You have to know!...you have to realize that there is something to hazardous effects of fluoride in our water!”
“Is it you’re stupid?”
“Do you have a lack of courage?”
Fluoride Activists Joe, Regina and Cyrena – Open Mic - August 9, 2023 – 10 minutes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dnx6wIkCIvE or https://www.bitchute.com/video/NkfDEeRKPLmV/
From Joe’s Aug 9th presentation:
Adam Bazaldua- Dallas City Council Member OPPOSES fluoridation of Dallas Water
2:25 minutes
TRANSCRIPT of Adam Bazaldua in video
The part you do not mention is how many times I met with you and I’ve given my commitment. In fact, I’ve stated on public record several times that I am in support of your stance. It is absolutely something that you can’ get done without seven other people. In fact, I’ve also mentioned to you that we have five signature memo to get something on an agenda, but if we don’t have eight people to vote for it, it does no good. In fact if we kill it and it was an agenda item it hinders our ability to get back for a vote. So I’ve asked for patience and I’ve explained to you my strategy which is that we have to get it through the committee. I’ve put it on my committee agenda and I’ve also mentioned to you why I took it off because D W U-Dallas Water Utilities Department gave me the briefing that they were going to present at committee and I pushed back and I said I don’t want to hear from Dallas Water Utilities. I want to hear from an outside research source because any legislation that was passed sixty years ago should not be in place. I believe that we have come strides when it comes to fluoridation. In fact look at this as a very stereotypical example of something that has stayed in place and that a profiting industry that has a lobbying arm, it has a dental arm and has no true benefit that was originally intended of its purpose in our water. There’s no no reason why we should be adding something in our water that is labeled on toothpaste- every toothpaste that we test tells us not to swallow it. When mothers are nursing the doctors tell them to use distilled bottled water simply because they do not want children with their cognitive development to be ingesting fluoride. All of this data has been something that made me realize and support your efforts and sometimes that’s just the divide between activism and legislating. Some trust has to be put into who you are asking to do the work for you. I am still doing it. It’s just not going to happen overnight.
VIDEO from Regina’s Aug 9th presentation which highlights Mayor/Council efforts to censor the public and their lack of concern.
97 seconds - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZIbS8tP-as
City Council Briefing 10/19/2022 - Scroll to Item A - https://dallastx.new.swagit.com/videos/10192022-948
Ad Hoc Committee 8/30/2022 - https://dallastx.new.swagit.com/videos/09122022-557
For full reference: Scroll down the page to Wednesday October 19, 2022 Council Briefing - FREEDOM ALERT !
VIDEO referenced in Cyrena's Aug 9th presentation. She mentions how Fluoride can cause CANCER and/or facilitate cancer growth, and cites Dr. Dean Burk, Chief Chemist of the National Cancer Institute.
Dr. William Marcus, Senior Science Advisor in EPA's Office of Drinking Water, found that water fluoridation can certainly cause cancer, and he rang alarm bells about the issue. The EPA tried to shut him up.
Read the scientific literature on fluoride's adverse health effects: https://fluoridealert.org/issues/health/
Dr. Dean Burk, Chief Chemist of the National Cancer Institute warns of cancer from fluoridation
(under 6 minute video)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugOGnUfyb8M or https://www.bitchute.com/video/SYSTBd52ts6W/
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Wed June 28, 2023 - City Council Agenda Meeting
The Mayor and Council are the “Bad Guys” in the movie…
Fluoride Activist Regina is the first open mic speaker. (Click “#5 Open Microphone”)
Three minute video clip - https://www.bitchute.com/video/E2ymCYlLNeKF/ or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GC6eqwjchio
FULL TRANSCRIPT of Regina’s presentation:
The actress Fran Drescher - from the sitcom “The Nanny” – is the elected President of the largest Actor’s Union in Hollywood. She and Jamie Foxx are known for speaking out for healthier choices like: “Don’t drink the Fluoride”.
[For example: Cancer Schmancer's "Be The Change!" Sizzle – 2 ½ minutes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHiSTrvY5Bs ]
I emailed a link to you to watch an official trailer to the Jamie Foxx film scheduled to be released on July 21st. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2S3M1xFVdVg
The film is a comedy about a conspiracy set in the 1970s. Anybody can search for this movie. It is called “They Cloned Tyrone”
Mayor, You and the Councilmembers that funded the fluoridation program are like the Bad Guys in the movie. Fluoridated water is in everything made to eat or drink in Dallas.
You are the true Villains, because you are dictating that everyone swallows your toxic fluoride medicine.
Movies often get the truth out -- like the 2019 film DARK WATERS with actor/activist Mark Ruffalo, AKA the HULK. The trailer starts out with Ruffalo saying, “YOU KNEW BUT YOU DID NOTHING.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvAOuhyunhY
The EPA and City Officials are the Bad Guys in that movie. They knew for 20 years the PFAS, which are mostly composed of fluoride atoms, are causing long lasting health problems. PFAS or P-F-A-S are called “forever chemicals”.
Starting in 2023, the EPA mandated that the Dallas Water Utilities run tests for PFAS levels in our environment.
Things are finally coming to a head. June 23rd, 2023 - 3M reached a 10.3 Billion Dollar settlement over contamination of water systems with ”forever chemicals.” One of the lead attorneys in the case was Dallas Environmental Attorney Scott Summy.
The negative effects of ingesting HFS - Fluoride are well documented.
And it is also very well documented the Dallas City Council has been given the truth about this. You all will be held responsible morally, and on one day, I believe, legally. A Texas state law will take effect in September removing governmental immunity from City officials that commit harm.
By the way, the Dallas Water Utilities never had the risk of liability. All liability rests on the council that vote to purchase this HFS.
It's interesting that Terry Lowry, Director of the Dallas Water Utilities and advocate for fluoridation was constantly saying it was safe and effective. It was not. She's retiring. On the same month that Rochelle Walensky is leaving her post at the CDC. Both of them gave false confidence and both of them obscured the truth.
And Mayor, Today I think you beat your record on starting late. I thought that was interesting. I know. I know. And one more thing is: I've been told not to clap. We've been told not to clap, but there was an awful lot of clapping going on. Three, Two, One, Zero – Thankyou. Bye.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Wed Jun 21, 2023 - City Council Briefing
Scolding the Mayor and Council...
Fluoride Activists Joe and Linda were among the Open Mic speakers. (Click “Open Microphone Speakers”)
The Mayor and City Council Members were harshly scolded for their negligence in addressing Fluoride with its well documented adverse health risks.
Joe lays out a brief history of how the council had been informed of these health risks (e.g. “over 160 video presentations to the council”.)
Joe concludes: “Why do we persist? It's the right thing to do! It is what conscience, intelligence, and courage does!”
Three minute video clip - https://www.bitchute.com/video/pvfN6SOXRcmd/ or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCj1SdvZjCI
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Wed May 17, 2023 – Dallas City Council Briefing
Fluoride Activists Joe, Regina, Peter, and Linda were among the Open Microphone Speakers.
Click “Open Microphone Speakers” at City’s VIDEO LINK
Joe, Regina, and Linda showed fantastic VIDEO clips and promoted common sense methods of good oral health.
Watch this must-see 10 minute VIDEO presentation to the Horseshoe. Alternative Bitchute LINK
More information about the two video clips further below.
More about the two short video clips shown to the Dallas City Council…
VIDEO The Fluoride Deception: An interview with famous BBC journalist Christopher Bryson. 28:40 minutes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ly_QP4rGczo or https://www.bitchute.com/video/2p4iKXDL1Qex/
Taken via the FluorideAlert.org YouTube Channel which contains an archive of other educational videos on fluoride.
BOOK (Free online) 398 pages – The Fluoride Deception by famous BBC journalist Christopher Bryson
TV NEWS interview with Dentist Dr. Griffin Cole - https://www.bitchute.com/video/bjGynmdCHYwN/
Dr Cole belongs to the IAOMT – https://iaomt.org/
IAOMT - International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
The IAOMT are the leaders in science-based biological dentistry. We are a trusted academy of allied professionals providing scientific resources to support new levels of integrity and safety in healthcare.
Watch some fascinating lectures/presentations on the IAOMT YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@iaomt/videos
Dr. Griffin Cole is a Dental specialist in Ozone Health Therapies, and trains other Dentists. https://www.caddozone.com/
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Wed Apr 12, 2023 City Council Agenda Meeting
“Speaking up for what is right and what is wrong.”
Click OPEN MICROPHONE (Part 1 of 2) at the City Video: https://dallastx.new.swagit.com/videos/223889
The Dallas City website was down during Open Mic. No one could access the live stream video.
Of the first 5 Open Mic speakers, were Fluoride Activists Linda, Regina and Joe.
All three Activists smoothly delivered extremely poignant, summarizing remarks. Typed descriptions will not convey the concepts presented.
Spend 13 minutes to hear Linda, Regina and Joe on this VIDEO.
13 minutes - Linda, Regina and Joe - Plus City website down statement
Monday April 10, 2023 – The Dallas Examiner hosted “Meet the Candidates” – LINK to full video
City Councilman Adam Bazaldua District 7 describes the harmful effects of water fluoridation
in this 2 ½ minute VIDEO clip.
A 7 minute VIDEO gives more backstory.
YOUTUBE VIDEO LINK - Bazaldua on Fluoride - 2 1/2 minutes
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Wed Mar 08, 2023 City Council Agenda Meeting
Scroll to the bottom of the menu to OPEN MICROPHONE (Part 3 of 3) to hear Fluoride activist, Linda Newland.
Because some of the city officials were not educated on “poster board protocol”, Linda N was prevented from speaking during her timeslot.
However, Linda waited the entire long day and was one of the final speakers of the day.
Linda makes a point of “Why we are allowing poison to be placed in our water in the form of hydrofluorosilicic acid?” and points out how the City is not openly disclosing “Health Risks”.
4 minute VIDEO
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Wed Feb 22 - City Council Agenda Meeting
“The blame is going to stop at this horseshoe. You guys are responsible!”
VIDEO and AGENDA - https://dallastx.new.swagit.com/videos/208828
The first two Open Microphone speakers were Fluoride Activists Arman A. and Regina Imburgia. Both discussed the Robert F Kennedy, Jr. interview with attorney Michael Connett about the EPA trial on Fluoride.
Watch for yourself as Robert F Kennedy, Jr. interviews attorney Michael Connett about the trial in this 33-minute VIDEO.
VIDEO - https://odysee.com/@FluorideActionNetwork:5/rfkconnett:6
Both an EPA scientist and the CDC are on that video testifying that Dallas water fluoridation levels pose extremely alarming health risks. The Dallas City Council cannot plead ignorance. Deliberately, the horseshoe is acting in bad faith of their official duties.
Arman plays part of that RFK, Jr./Connett interview on his phone:
Attorney Michael Connett says:
“EPA also did not have any safety data on fluoridation and the brain in this case.
In fact, one of the NOTABLE things in this case, I asked the EPA to identify EVERY PRIMARY STUDY that demonstrates or supports the neurological SAFETY of prenatal fluoride exposure.
EPA identified ONE study, ONE STUDY, but it was a study by Phyllis Mullenix in 1995 which actually shows that prenatal fluoride exposure is neurotoxic and even EPA’s experts in this case admitted that the Mullenix study shows neurotoxicity from fluoride exposure.
So, the ONE study that EPA identified to DEMONSTRATE THE SAFETY of prenatal exposure ACTUALLY shows neurotoxic effects.
So, going back to the CDC deposition: The CDC representative admitted that they have no safety data on neurological health for fluoride. And, I asked the CDC rep about the 2006 NRC Report…fluoride at lower levels such as what is found in fluoridated water…"
[VIDEO clip of CDC testifying in court that fluoride interferes with the functions of the brain and the body…]
Arman got a phone call which glitches the playback, but Arman again gracefully handled the interruption of his presentation.
Regina starts her presentation by explaining the interview with Michael Connett by Robert Kennedy, Jr.
Then Regina says:
“Two years ago, I sent the City Manager, the City Council and the Dallas Water Utilities the full 33 minutes about this. Never got a response…”
“…in 1999, Health and Human Services (HHS) proclaimed that Fluoride topically may have some benefit, but not ingesting it. This was sent to you people…”
“…You (the Council) have the power to stop the HFS (Hydrofluorosilicic Acid) added to our water…”
“…Terry Lowery said that Tammy Palomino told her that the City Council doesn’t have the power to stop fluoridation by a vote of nine…”
[Addressing Tammy Palomino sitting on the horseshoe.]
“You are not a council member, so I can say your name. I have this recorded. Terry said it that it was you who told her this. Misinformation, so that the council does not realize the power that it has to stop this risk.”
“I was told that there was going to be a Public Hearing on Fluoridation, but Dallas Water Utilities wasn’t ready to do it in January.
Then, Deputy City Manager Tolbert and Terry Lowery told me that there was going to be an Open Public Hearing in February.
And then, now, it is pushed off to April.
So, somebody doesn’t really want to know the risks that are out there.
And the program keeps continuing because Terry Lowery keeps having misinformation spread about how it is “safe and effective”, which it is not.”
“Plus, it is risky because it comes in on the rail. This hazardous chemical that comes in – I asked about this 10 years ago. It is dangerous! It eats through concrete. Take a look at the people in Ohio, and think about how they keep pushing the blame onto everybody else."
"The blame is going to stop at this horseshoe. You guys are responsible.”
Arman and Regina address the horseshoe - 7 min VIDEO
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Thursday Feb 23, 2023 – The Highwire
The Deadly Toxin Lurking In Your Water
“The Highwire” VIDEO – 24 minutes
Del Bigtree interviews journalist Derrick Broze about his Feb 20 article (see below).
Also, the audio conversation of publishers at the prestigious JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) surrounding the 2019 Fluoride IQ study is played. The publishers found the study incredibly urgent to report.
Feb 20, 2023 – Derrick Broze
#FluorideLawsuit: Censored Review on Fluoride’s Toxicity Will Soon Be Made Public
Attorneys with the Fluoride Action Network and the U.S. government have agreed to the release of a censored report on the toxicity of fluoride, the latest development in the ongoing Fluoride lawsuit. Broze also mentions a very important recent scientific study about the Thyroid and Fluoride.
February 21, 2023 - The Defender
Fluoride Added to Drinking Water Contributes to Rising Rates of ADHD, Lower IQs in Kids
February 13, 2023
New Study Links Fluoridation To Hypothyroidism In Pregnancy
Fluoride and Thyroid – Science archives - https://fluoridealert.org/issues/health/thyroid/
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Wed Feb 8 - City Council Agenda Meeting
Entire Council EXPOSED !
VIDEO and AGENDA - https://dallastx.new.swagit.com/videos/207209
Covert Deceptions and Hypocrisy by the Council
When an observant, critical thinking person watches the entire February 8 City Council Agenda video, it becomes in-your-face obvious that the entire Horseshoe is composed of deceptive PR actors and blatant hypocrites.
Hypocrisy – definition - a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess; a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.
Words related to hypocrisy
bigotry, deceit, deception, dishonesty, duplicity, fraud, insincerity, affectation, cant, casuistry, display, dissembling, dissimulation, double-dealing, falsity, glibness, imposture, irreverence, lie
affectation – definition - conspicuous artificiality of manner or appearance; effort to attract notice by pretense, assumption, or any assumed peculiarity.
cant – definition - insincere, especially conventional expressions of enthusiasm for high ideals, goodness, or piety.
dissemble – definition - to disguise or conceal one's true motives, thoughts, etc., by some pretense; speak or act hypocritically. to give a false or misleading appearance to; conceal the truth or real nature of:
Evasiveness, dodging and lack of transparency are some characteristics which these deceptive politicians imbue.
These are not “Representatives of the People”. These are two-faced Politicians. They don’t really care about you, despite what they say or how they present themselves in public. Their history is well documented.
Among the Agenda Items were…
Item #22. An ordinance ordering a general election to be held in the City of Dallas on Saturday, May 6, 2023 (23-221)
Item #24. A resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and affirming the city's support for abortion rights (23-484) Memorandum
The Item #24 Resolution states:
”…the City of Dallas approved a resolution to condemn any action intended to abrogate the fundamental liberties of the people of Dallas…protecting people’s right to make…health decision for themselves and their families…
…each of us should have the freedom to make decisions about our bodies, our lives…”
BLATANT HYPOCRACY as the Council forces everyone to consume a fluoride medication.
Perhaps, legally, this have the flavor of “selective enforcement” which then constitutes a denial of equal protection of health and human rights.
Throughout the long Agenda Meeting, there were a large number of public speakers who spoke at different times. Among them were a number of Fluoride Activists. So many salient points were made, that we can’t note them all.
During the first 5 speakers on Open Mic (Part 1 of 2), Fluoride Activists Cyrena N and Anne R brought up “My Body, My Choice” and the generational exposure to toxins, while our culture is being destroyed.
Item #22 only covered the May election for City Council Members, but omitted to let the citizens of Dallas vote on the fluoridation issue. For many months, like slithering snakes, some of these Council Members had deceptively pretended that they would try to put fluoridation on the May ballot so that the public could decide what drugs they consume. It was a con job by Council Members. They know it was a con job.
Frustrated by this con job of Council Members, fluoride activists Linda, Joe S, and Regina Imburgia voiced their disgust at these Dictators on the horseshoe.
Item #24 had many public speakers. The soul of mankind’s humanity was well expressed.
Open Mic (Part 2 of 2), Fluoride Activists Marjorie S and Dallas Culture Club's featured Health Professional Ally Raskin made the points about Bodily Autonomy and how each of these activists have had Thyroid problems.
Fluoridation has long been known to have adverse health effects on the Thyroid.
NEWS - The Dallas Express
City Council Issues Pro-Abortion Resolution by Noah DeGarmo – Feb 9
Lawmakers Question Dallas Abortion Resolution by Jonathan Richie - Feb 12
VIDEO - Open Mic Part 1 and Item #22 (24 min)
VIDEO - Item # 24 - Abortion (69 min)
February 6, 2023
Censor the Science on Fluoride by Tom Nolan – The Dallas Express newspaper
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Wed January 25 - City Council Agenda Meeting
Prior to the Open Mic, special presentations were made in order recognize International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Unfortunately, some Council Members have no respect for The Nuremberg Code.
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.
Among the Open Microphone Speakers were fluoride activists Erin, Rudy and Chris H.
(7 minute VIDEO LINK)
All three emphasized: “Put Fluoridation on the May Ballot”.
Erin and Rudy pointed to the Bible and how God saw that the waters were good. God did not add toxic Hydrofluorosilicic Acid to the waters.
Chris gave a real life example of how her child’s teeth were damaged from fluoride.
She also pointed out that Israel and Highland Park do not fluoridate their water.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Wed Jan 18, 2023 - City Council Briefing
Japan's “Free Will” of the people to not choose Fluoride
NOTE "Free Will" in the Japanese document image below.
The population of Japan is equivalent to about 40% of the entire U.S. population. Sendai is a city in Japan, north of Tokyo. The Mayor of Sendai, Kazuko Kori, was formally presented with the key to the City of Dallas as discussed during the morning’s “Special Presentations”.
Fluoride Activist Joe was the second Open Microphone Speaker.
He opens his 3 minutes with: “Nowhere in Japan do they fluoridate their water.”
During his presentation, he talks about the World Economic Forum and others who desire to dictate how people live and what they ingest.
Joe ends with, “Put Fluoridation on the ballot and let the people decide!” - VIDEO LINK 3 minutes
Some City Council Members do NOT believe in Democracy and will not allow the public to vote. They DICTATE and FORCE everyone to swallow a Fluoride medication. These dictators consider themselves the owners of your body. There is no "informed consent" of a medical intervention.
Citizens of the Dallas metro area are prohibited from having "Free Will" by their rulers, The Dallas City Council.

Japanese document. - Also see James Corbett who lives in Japan explain no fluoridation at the 5 minute mark of this video.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Wed January 11, 2023 – City Council Agenda Meeting
Put Water Fluoridation on the May 6 Ballot. LINK
Three Fluoride Activists were among the morning’s Open Microphone Speakers: Arman, Regina and Linda.
Watch Regina, Linda and Arman address the City Council
After Arman speaks the VIDEO he tried to show will play.
"Robert F Kennedy, Jr. interviews Michael Connett of the Fluoride EPA Lawsuit."
Regina holds a large City Council photo from 1965 with two ashtrays and tobacco smoke wafting through the chambers. In fact, spent cigarettes in ashtrays were abundant around the City Council horseshoe while one Council member puffed his pipe.
Regina makes the analogy that many toxic substances of past decades were considered “okay” by society during that era. Finally, the culture becomes aware of the published scientific literature which showed the health risks of these toxic substances.
Regina reprimands Dallas Water Utilities and City Managers for publishing lies in their Memorandums.
The Memorandums stated that Fluoride Activists do not have valid science backing their presentations. That’s not true…many health risks do exist with Water Fluoridation.
Regina confidently states that Water Fluoridation will end one day, like smoking at the City Hall. Eight Council Members can stop fluoridation. There is no legitimate reason that City Council Members can tell the people in their District why they will not Put Water Fluoridation on the May 6 Ballot.
Linda brings up the fact that for 10 years Fluoride Activists have been presenting information to the Dallas City Council, but nothing of substance is ever done. Linda questions if the underlying problem might be with the City Manager’s office.
Linda holds a poster with a City Hall image citing “Ethics” and how the City touts transparency. However, the City is deceptive when it comes to Hydrofluorosilicic Acid.
When the citizens decide what Mayor and Council Members they want in the May election, let the people vote if they want Fluoride or not.
Put Water Fluoridation on the May 6 Ballot.
Arman gives his presentation at the podium, but with a computer visual aid showing the DallasForSaferWater website and then a Video clip with Robert F Kennedy, Jr. Unfortunately, the City had technical issues on their end and thus the online audience could not see nor hear the video. He salvaged the glitch well and emphasized: Put Water Fluoridation on the May 6 Ballot.
Arman tried to show the VIDEO of Robert F Kennedy, Jr interviewing the attorney (Michael Connett) in the EPA Fluoride Lawsuit. The EPA and CDC Trial testimony is in that video. The EPA and CDC admit that Dallas Water fluoridation levels can definitely affect the brain. Alzheimer’s Dementia, lowered IQ, ADHD, Thyroid, hormone issues, pregnancy and other topics are discussed.
Watch the 33 minute video here: https://odysee.com/@FluorideActionNetwork:5/rfkconnett:6
Regina held up the large poster which Linda had made of Councilman George Underwood Jr
and the smoke from the cigarette coming up off the ashtray.
Go to the bottom of this WEBPAGE to see LARGE IMAGES…
Councilman George Underwood Jr - lit smoking cigarette in ashtray and another ashtray over his right shoulder
Mayor Erik Jonsson with spent cigarette in ashtray by his hand and Pro Tem Carie Welch with pipe 1-25-65
Joe H. Golman – Motion to FLUORIDATE WATER - January 25, 1965 – Two spent cigarettes in his ashtray
Place 1 Councilman Carie E. Welch – puffing smoke out of a pipe -1-25-65 (Mayor Pro Tem)
On August 9, 1965, City Council Resolution #65-4383 was passed. The Dallas City Council voted six to three to add fluoride to the city's water supply. City Councilmen Moody, Carpenter and Cothrum voted against fluoridating the water. Groups were already circulating petitions seeking a referendum in hopes of defeating fluoridation. Councilman Moody said he would support seeking an injunction against the city to stop fluoridation.
Activists pointed out that the Dallas City Council enacted compulsory medical infusion of fluoride into the water supply in 1965, and by that fact, the Dallas City Council can always stop fluoridation at any time.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Wed December 14, 2022 – City Council Agenda Meeting
Among the Open Microphone speakers, Fluoride Activist Joe S. shot out some remarkable bullet-points. His talk follows:
"Fluoridation is not safe. It is not effective, and is not good for teeth. Dental caries are not caused by a deficiency of fluoride. Fluoride is not an essential element required of living organisms. The solution to improving dental health is brushing teeth after meals, and reducing consumption of sugary foods and substances."
Hydrofluorosilicic Acid, which you call “fluoride”, is a toxic waste product of industry. It is categorized as toxic waste and hazardous material, a neurotoxin poison.
Do the right thing and stop adding toxic waste to our water.
YOU are responsible for authorizing the purchase of and adding poison to our water. The Dallas City Council voted to begin fluoridation in 1965, and can vote to stop it. The last time I checked, it was illegal to poison an entire population. Vote as a Council to stop the misguided practice of fluoridation.
Or, let the public decide by placing the issue on the Ballot! It will come as no surprise to learn that the majority of voters do not want POISON added to their water."
"More than 240 communities in North America have rejected fluoridation since 2010, while less than 3% of the world adds toxic waste to their water.
Spend the money saved from subsidizing industry, and then put it where it belongs: which is in the mouths of children. Toothbrushes and toothpaste and dental hygiene education will harm no one and reduce the problem of tooth decay.
There is a legal term called Culpable Negligence. “It is acting without reasonable caution and putting another person at risk of injury or death, or failing to do something with the same consequences.”
That’s what we have here. You’ve been presented with all the evidence, all the information. You’ve been presented with all the research, and you should know that what you are doing is harming people."
Joe concludes with gifts of Fluoride Bumper Stickers to the Council Members. Spend 3 minutes to watch Joe here.
Notice Joe’s T-shirt. It says: "Fluoride: Poison On Tap"
"Fluoride: Poison On Tap" was a viral, high quality documentary which came out 7 years ago in 2015. The first 20 minutes is gripping historical context, followed by interviews with experts and whistleblowers. Dynamic footage throughout.
A lot has changed since 2015.
We are currently in the middle of the EPA Lawsuit TSCA Fluoride Trial, because ‘captured’ Federal Agencies have failed to do their job while powerful and wealthy vested interests have been directly involved with suppressing the damaging effects from fluoridation.
There are now over 400 studies which have found that fluoride is a neurotoxin (a chemical that can damage the BRAIN and can cause lower IQ and ADHD type problems).
Are all 400 studies wrong?
Does a risk exist?
In recent years since 2015, we have top-tier, U.S. government funded scientific studies which definitively demonstrate health risks at Dallas fluoridation levels (0.7mg/liter).
As of July 18, 2022, a total of 85 human studies have investigated the relationship between fluoride and human intelligence. A huge bulk of those studies came out after 2014-2015.
Notably and emphatically important is that SOLID, very well-respected, rigorously peer-reviewed, studies from prestigious institutions were published in some of the top scientific journals. Here are four solid studies which include a very large swath of the population and solidly demonstrate that Dallas fluoridation levels (0.7mg/liter) can affect the brains of children.
Yes, a lot has changed since 2015 when the "Fluoride: Poison On Tap" viral documentary was released.
A person would have to be pretty dense or illiterate to not recognize the impact of these recent post-2015 fluoride studies.
It is hands-down, in-your-face evidence that health risks exist for Dallas fluoridation levels (0.7mg/liter).
Of course, there will always be those folks who deliberately will not thoroughly investigate these studies for themselves with critical thinking skills… ...instead they prefer to place “an expert Authority” as their god.
City of Dallas Officials and Dallas Fluoride Activists are repeatedly featured in this 2015 Documentary.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Wed December 7, 2022 – Dallas City Council Briefing
During the Open Mic Speakers on December 7, Fluoride Activists Regina and Linda spoke. Regina's HANDOUT to the Council Members.
Both emphasized how important it would be to let the public actually decide about water fluoridation on the May 6th Election. LINK Put Water Fluoridation on the May 6 Ballot. Hopefully, there will be council members with enough spine to make this happen.
Both Activists pointed out that the Dallas City Council enacted compulsory medical infusion of fluoride into the water supply in 1965, and by that fact, the Dallas City Council can always stop fluoridation at any time.
About 14 months after President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, on January 25, 1965, Place 5 Councilman Joe H. Golman, (Deputy Mayor Pro Tem 4/6/1965) made a motion to fluoridate Dallas drinking water. In that smoke filled chambers of Mayor Erik Jonsson and 9 Council Members, a citizen interrupted despite being told that she could not speak. She was alarmed at such a tyrannical proposal to forcibly introduce a medical intervention into the water supply.
On August 9, 1965, City Council Resolution #65-4383 was passed. The Dallas City Council voted six to three to add fluoride to the city's water supply. City Councilmen Moody, Carpenter and Cothrum voted against fluoridating the water. Groups were already circulating petitions seeking a referendum in hopes of defeating fluoridation. Councilman Moody said he would support seeking an injunction against the city to stop fluoridation.
7 minute VIDEO
City of Dallas LINK - Click "Open Mic"
Do not miss watching this!
The horseshoe gave these speakers their full attention,
and when you hear Regina and Linda you will know why.
This May 12, 2014 VIDEO (23 minutes) is high resolution.
It goes over some of the early history of water fluoridation in Dallas and shows documents and newspaper clippings from the 1960’s. Big money from vested industry interests played an advertising role to fight against a citizen petition of over 10,000 signatures. The petition demanded that, via ordinance, it be unlawful to fluoridate the Dallas drinking water.
TIDBIT below with profound historical insights for critcal thinking people in a number of ways.
(e.g. "without vote of people" and the toxicology perspective of 1965)
May 31, 1965 WBAP-TV NBC station broadcast news story. (This is the script at the tail end of the news segment.)
"...And the Dallas City Council accepts for study a recommendation from the Public Health Advisory Board.
The board recommends the city take action on putting fluoride in city water without resorting to a vote of the people.
But it asks that a study be made of the effects of fluoride on pipes, plumbing, boilers, flora and fauna, sewage, the aged, the young and small animals.
About the only thing left out of the proposed study is the effects of - fluoride 'mn the taste of Scotch whiskey."
October 24, 1966, the FDA banned any “fluoride vitamin supplement” prescription for pregnant Mothers.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Unseen and untold Fluoride Activism …and how already…
...many, many people are informed about the adverse health effects from water fluoridation.
Fluoride Activist Display at the
Plano Event Center
Holistic Festival of Life & Wellness
EVERYONE at this event knew about Fluoride’s toxicity!
On Sunday November 20th, 2022 at the huge Plano Event Center was held the Holistic Festival of Life & Wellness which estimated the potential number of attendees to possibly reach 4000+.
Fluoride Activists were there with a table, flyers, bumper stickers, T-Shirts and more.
Unsurprisingly, with a “health educated audience” like this, every person there knew about the problems with water fluoridation.
In fact, a number of attendees who live in suburbs which receive Dallas water volunteered to speak to their own City leaders about the problems with Dallas Water Utilities and its deliberate censorship of scientific studies surrounding public safety concerns with fluoridation.
We want to point out that there are so many Fluoride Activist actions, that the DallasForSaferWater website cannot publish them all. It is hard to keep up.
People putting out signs and banners, distributing flyers, speaking at different events and groups, social media interactions…and the list goes on.
If you want to participate in Fluoride Activism, please contact us or Regina. (See the Home Page)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Tuesday December 6, 2022 – Cockrell Hill City Council
Tuesday evening, a car load of Fluoride Activists were welcomed by the Mayor and City Council of Cockrell Hill.
Among the group were Alfred, Peter, Linda, Regina, Joe and Ken. The City Council was very receptive at hearing about the concerns surrounding water fluoridation. After all, their City is among the many who receive drinking water from Dallas Water Utilities.
We will link to the video presentations once they are available at the City.
Tuesday Evening November 15, 2022 – DeSoto, Texas
DeSoto, Texas is seen as a very warm, welcoming City, recognized by many as unique and distinctive when compared to other cities in the area. The City of DeSoto was honored to be named an All-America City (only 10 cities honored annually). The warm caring nature of this community isn’t “shallow bureaucratic hype”. See this! DESOTO RELEASES RESULTS OF 2022 RESIDENT SURVEY Service Satisfaction Remains Higher in DeSoto Than in Most US & TX Cities
The City of DeSoto obtains its fluoridated drinking water from Dallas Water Utilities, as do many other Dallas suburbs.
Five Fluoride Activists appeared before the DeSoto City Council Tuesday evening, November 15th.
The Mayor and City Council Members were very welcoming and attentive as each activist spoke from their heart.
Marjorie S., Albert H., Joe S., Regina I. and Linda N. each presented a unique story of concern regarding fluoridation.
The Mayor emphatically thanked them for expressing these drinking water issues which directly affect the citizens of DeSoto.
We encourage you to watch the full 17 minute video presentation in order to capture the warm atmosphere and the messages rendered. City of DeSoto Video – Click ‘D’ Citizen Appearances
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Wed November 9, 2022 City Council Agenda Meeting
Fluoride Activist Ann was a morning “Open Microphone” speaker. She is a retired psychiatrist and walks the audience through the psychological aspects concerning both sides of the Fluoride debate.
Ann highlights that water fluoridation policy should sanely take into consideration all subpopulations.
(minorities, the Fetus, children, immune compromised, kidney patients, heart patients, cancer patients, thyroid compromised, etc.)
She later gives an example of “Someone who would rather protect children’s teeth, rather than protect their brains.”
Take that quote home.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Fluoride harms PLANTS and ANIMALS and the EcoSystem
The Fluoride Action Network (FluorideAlert.ORG) offers Weekly Newsletters and Updates. Free Subscriber information at this LINK.
Here is a recent "Fluoridation Weekly Review" with topic titles below:
~~ Missouri Botanical Garden Recommends Avoiding Fluoridated Water For Plants
~~ Fluoride Enhances Toxic Effects Of Cadmium On Plant Development
~~ Fluoride Denounced As “Xenobiotic,” Toxic To Rice Plants
~~ “Photographic Guide To Fluorosis In Livestock” Posted By California Doctor Of Veterinary Medicine
~~ Researchers Call Dental Fluorosis A “Pathology” And A “Disease”
~~ Aluminum Industry-Backed Scientists Would Raise Level Of Allowable Fluoride In Freshwater Ecosystems
Archives of the "Fluoridation Weekly Review" are at the link.
It does not take a brain surgeon to figure out how the toxic Fluoride content of Dallas City water accumulates in the soil, waterways and ecosystem.
A fascinating Interview with Paul and Ellen Connett, founders of the Fluoride Action Network, FluorideAlert.Org. YouTube VIDEO
Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) Lawsuit Opening Gates For Other Complaints Against EPA - LINK
Dr. Philippe P. Hujoel of the UW School of Dentistry is also a periodontist in Shoreline, Washington. He recently published a paper entitled: Private Interests and the Start of Fluoride-Supplemented High-Carbohydrate Nutritional Guidelines
“A key finding of this report is that public health policies can find their origin with the political leaders of an organization whose primary aims can include serving the private interest of the organization they lead, not necessarily serving the public interests. It is the political leaders of an organization who have the authority to appoint committees and its members, and this appointing authority can influence the resulting public health message.”
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Wed November 2, 2022 City Council Briefing
Fluoride Activists, Arman and Peter, were the first two of the morning’s five “Open Microphone Speakers”. Following the first five speakers, Council Member Adam Bazaldua made a motion to suspend the rules in order to hear the remaining speakers (who normally would have to wait all day until the horseshoe’s business was concluded.) The motion had a second. The remaining speaker(s) was heard.
We highly encourage readers to listen to all of the “Open Microphone Speakers” at this Dallas City Video link: https://dallastx.swagit.com/play/11022022-866
All of Wednesday’s “Open Mic” speakers drew attention to the threat of FREE SPEECH before the horseshoe. During the City Council Briefing of October 19th (Item A), the Mayor was considering removing or censoring the “Open Mic” Public Speaking Video platform. (Scroll below to Oct 19th)
Fluoride Activist Arman first highlights the City’s tyrannical maneuver with considering ending “Open Mic”.
Arman chides the horseshoe for their involvement with the Shoreline “private” development. He verbally scolds the horseshoe by exposing the Shoreline Project 75 year tax abatement and other inappropriate aspects. [See the SHORELINE STORY with PHOTOS/IMAGES.]
Arman concludes: “Let’s put Fluoride up to a VOTE. Let the people of Dallas decide.”
Peter really knows how to tell a story in order to present important life-value concepts. Some Council Members need to re-groove their Value Concepts, especially when it comes to their indifferent concern – Some Council Members seem quite at home with RISKING the mental faculties of children and the health of citizens.
Peter had sent the horseshoe a Harvard Meta-Study which reviewed 27 studies on Fluoride’s relationship to lowered IQ. As the Harvard study scientists state: “This risk should not be ignored.”
Harvard website: Impact of fluoride on neurological development in children
National Institute of Health (NIH) (Dr. Fauci’s domain) - Government’s LINK to Harvard Study
Omar and Peter VIDEO (6 minutes)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Wed October 26, 2022 City Council Agenda Meeting
Video Link – Click “Open Microphone Speaker” (3 minutes)
As the first “Open Microphone Speaker”, Fluoride Activist Linda N. delivers a fantastically superb presentation in only 3 minutes. She talks about the May 2023 ballot and placing Hydrofluosilicic Acid (Fluoride) on the ballot for voters to decide if they want this poison added to their drinking water with a simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
“Hold on! Breaking true news!” exclaims Linda.
Linda goes on to explain how the Mayor is considering the suppression of the “Open Microphone Speakers” platform. She points to Item A of the October 19, 2022 Council Briefing. (See below.)
Linda dishes it out. She cites dates and times when the Council starts late. Linda continues by giving counterpoints to aspects which were presented during the Oct 19th Briefing.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Wednesday October 19, 2022 Council Briefing - FREEDOM ALERT !
City Council Rules of Procedure - Public Speakers - Item A - 22-2422
At the City Council Briefing, the Mayor and Council Members discussed changing the rules about public speaking.
They spent an hour talking about it. VIDEO (Scroll to Item A) https://dallastx.swagit.com/play/10192022-948
Here are minutes from the Ad Hoc Committee, and a later video of the Ad Hoc Committee discussing speakers during the first 28 minutes.
Click the Image below to watch the VIDEO
Employee/Employer Relationship – Public Speaking and “Open Mic” in Jeopardy
We all can agree that the Mayor and City Council Members are EMPLOYEES chosen by the people in their community. The public are their employers. The public has concerns, and a transparent platform (Open Mic) exists where the employers (public) can address their employees (Council). Anyone can watch this transparent communication on City TV. City TV gives ALL EMPLOYERS (public) the ability to watch other employers express their concerns to the EMPLOYEES (Mayor/Council). "Open Mic" is the public's platform for civil communication.
Some Dallas citizens have found it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to be able to directly access their Council Member with their concerns. The “Open Mic” gives everyone an opportunity.
Any threat to stifle the public voice is an attempt to hijack the Employee/Employer Relationship, like we see in China.
There is an attempt to eliminate “Open Microphone” speakers, or to make their speech less effective by further changing the rules.
Over the years, we have noticed that the City Council has progressively, bit by bit, restricted the Open Mic rules.
Examples: At one time, the public had the opportunity to speak 5 minutes about their concerns. Now it is 3 minutes. At one time, Dallas residents watching the City’s video feed were allowed to see the visual presentations of the Open Mic speakers, but that is now censored to the viewers.
Do not let the Mayor and City Council (your employees)
whittle away your voice.
THE DALLAS EXPRESS - The People's Paper
Oct 26 article by Eric Geist
Dallas City Council Considers Ending ‘Open Mic’ for Residents
Oct 21 article by Jacob Vaughn
Dallas Considers Eliminating Open Microphone Speaker Sessions During City Council Meetings
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Wednesday - October 12, 2022 - Dallas City Council Agenda Meeting
On the morning of Oct 12th, Fluoride Activists Joe and Regina were among the “Open Microphone Speakers” before the Dallas City Council. City VIDEO - https://dallastx.swagit.com/play/10122022-848 (Mayor’s Birthday at video end)
Civil Rights Violation Regarding Forced Medication by LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens).
LULAC’s National Resolution Against Fluoridation.
Joe gives this printed handout for all members of the horseshoe, and asks that Council Members read along with him. Joe did not have enough time to finish reading it. [See below for more on LULAC.]
Regina follows up on the LULAC’s point about violating civil rights with forced medication. Regina describes how the Mayor heard the Executive Director for LULAC speaking about fluoridation in 2014.
Regina faults the Mayor for NOT dividing Item #29 on September 14th in order for the water fluoridation aspect to be addressed separately.
“There is deception going on here, and the public does not like it,“ states Regina.
She gives an example from April 27, 2016 about grossly inappropriate City Council procedure which hit international news.
Regina says, “This brings us to where we are today” and then goes on to discuss the September 14th Agenda Meeting.
-- City Council Rules for Procedure (last amended March 2022)
Section 4.5 - Every present member must vote yes or no unless there is a conflict. [See Vote IMAGE ]
3.4 Code of Conduct Enforcement - The City Manager is acting Sergeant at Arms and should enforce the Rules of City Council.
Section 4.9 - All members are expected to stay in attendance.
Section 4.10 - No Member shall leave a Meeting while in Session without first alerting the presiding officer.
Regina then plays an audio recording from the City Attorney’s office which states that the City Council polices itself.
Why have Rules if they are not followed? Why have Council Procedures when the Council itself does not follow them? “The Council polices itself” is beyond ludicrous, and the September 14th City Council actions completely disregard procedural protocol.
VIDEO of Fluoride Speakers - 7 minutes
Click this LINK or horseshoe IMAGE below
Civil Rights Violation Regarding Forced Medication – Article

Civil Rights and Fluoridation
See this IMAGE and this IMAGE from the Home Page
LULAC Representative Henry Rodriguez addresses the Dallas City Council on 12/03/2014. (4 minutes) Video LINK
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
NEWS - October 7, 2022 - Phosphate Mining Expert Explains Hydrofluorosilicic Acid Process
Gary Pittman spent a career as a phosphate plant manager. The Fluoride Action Network interviews Gary about the industry. Pittman gives us details of the phosphate mining process, along with the manufacturing aspects used in making phosphate fertilizers from the ancient Apatite deposits. (Hydroxylapatite is the major component of tooth enamel and bone mineral.)
He discusses the contaminates, defoamers and toxic chemicals used in the phosphate industry process which eventually ‘scrubs’ off the toxic fluoride resulting in Hydrofluorosilicic Acid. Watch this fascinating 72 minute video . The final 15 minutes expose the corruption.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Wednesday - September 21, 2022 – Dallas City Council Briefing
On Wednesday 9/21, four Fluoride Activists were among the morning’s “Open Microphone Speakers”.
City VIDEO LINK - https://dallastx.swagit.com/play/09212022-1041
Four Fluoride Activists - VIDEO (14 minutes)
Marjorie S. who has been injured by fluoride poisoning has an advanced education and experience in Bio-Chemistry. She explained the ionic properties of Fluoride and how it relates to the necessary nutrient Iodine. See the July 2022 study below on this webpage: “Low Iodine In Pregnancy Worsens IQ Loss From Fluoride”.
Linda N. brought up the September 9, 2022 – Memorandum to Mayor and City Council. Linda highlighted some of its odd characteristics with presented handouts to the Council.
One of the most ridiculous absurdities in the September 9, 2022 – Memorandum to Mayor and City Council
is this statement: “While opponents of fluoridation have questioned its safety and effectiveness, none of their charges has ever been substantiated by scientific evidence.” …with a follow-up phrase of “pseudo-scientific literature”.
The City Official who wrote that statement is deceptively lying in several ways. This statement comes as a copy-n-paste from page 7 of the American Dental Association (ADA) "Fluoridation Facts", but these two words "The ADA's" were omitted, when it should read "The ADA's policies regarding...." [See IMAGE]-->
There are undeniable health risks from ingesting Fluoride.
Scientific studies demonstrate it.
The Dallas City Councils have seen well over 100 Fluoride Activist presentations and thousands of pages of printouts citing peer-reviewed scientific studies at respected institutions published in well-known journals. Anyone can access these scientific studies by going to the links on DallasForSaferWater.com.
Cyrena N. brought up the September 14th 2022 - Dallas City Council Agenda Meeting. During that meeting, Council Member Adam Bazaldua makes a motion to divide Item 29 into two parts which would separate the Fluoridation component from the rest of the lumped water budget in Item #29. The motion had a second and was voted on. Seven in favor of the motion and 7 opposed. It was not passed.
However, Council Member Gay Donnell Willis of District 13 was in the building, but did not vote. As Cyrena emphatically points out, this violates the “City Council Rules for Procedure” in a number of ways. Cyrenea makes it clear that this violation negates the vote on Item 29 and is not legally standing. She expects the Council to readdress Item 29.
Cyrena also dropped off fluoride toothpaste packets for the horseshoe. Informed people know about the poison control warning label.
Peter M. gives examples of how Federal agencies have often failed in their duties to protect citizens. He brings home the point that local governments have the potential to better serve their citizens. Peter mentions that many cities have stopped adding fluoride to the water. He also brings up the some of the peer-reviewed scientific studies at respected institutions which are published in well-known journals.

Sept 9th – Memorandum to Mayor and City Council - Page 5
[See IMAGE below]
NOTE ! This is a copy-n-paste (See Page 7)
It omits the phrase "The ADA's" policies regarding....

~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Wednesday - September 14th 2022 - Dallas City Council Agenda Meeting
Fluoride [Hydrofluosilicic Acid (HFS)] bundled within Agenda Item 29.
On Wednesday, September 14th 2022, the Dallas City Council Agenda Meeting occurred.
Item 29 (22-1921) on the Agenda has to with the Water Utilities Department budget for spending. Grouped within that budget was a request for purchasing the water fluoridation chemicals from Univar Solutions USA, Inc. - https://www.univarsolutions.com/product-categories/acids/hydrofluosilicic-acid
Here the Univar Solutions’ Safety Data Sheet for HYDROFLUOSILICIC ACID SOLUTION. (Link is an archived webpage)
The document itself can be an eye-opener with descriptives such as “hazardous”, “corrosive”, “toxic”, and “Harmful if swallowed”.
Page 4 describes how this industrial waste product is illegal to dump into waterways. E.g. “Prevent product from entering drains” and “If the product contaminates rivers and lakes or drains inform respective authorities.”
We outline this aspect with EPA documents below on the September 9th Memorandum.
VIDEO LINK - https://dallastx.swagit.com/play/09152022-515
Scroll down to Item 29. Click on “Item 29” to watch the video.
Nine concerned citizens spoke out against the harmful practice of water fluoridation.
Regina, Linda, Joe, Arman, Chantal, Dr. William Hirzy retired EPA Senior Scientist , David P., Chris H., and Travis.

Dr. William Hirzy was also previous Senior Vice-President of the Employees Union. See: WHY EPA'S HEADQUARTERS UNION OF SCIENTISTS OPPOSES FLUORIDATION.
...Our union is comprised of and represents the approximately 1500 scientists, lawyers, engineers and other professional employees at EPA Headquarters here in Washington, D.C....

With less than two minutes before the Item #29 video ends, Council Member Adam Bazaldua makes a motion to divide Item 29 into two parts which would separate the Fluoridation component from the rest of the lumped water budget in Item #29.
The motion had a second and was voted on.
Seven in favor of the motion and 7 opposed.
It was not passed.
RAILROADED in 11 seconds by Mayor Eric Johnson
(-0:19 time left on video)
In 11 seconds, Mayor Eric Johnson says: “Is there a motion on Item 29? Moved and seconded. Any discussion? [No pause.] Hearing none, all in favor say “aye”. [“Wait, wait wait…I’m sorry Mr. Mayor…” says a Council person, but the Mayor does not pause.] Any opposed? Ayes have it. Next Item.” (-0:08 time)
Four seconds later the City Secretary says: “I note three in opposition. Thankyou.”
NOTE: The Mayor deliberately rushed through his patter. The ‘n’ in “Any DiscussioN?” blended right into his next phrase: “Hearing none, all in favor say ‘aye’”. There was not the slightest pause after the Mayor asked: "Any Discussion?"
Click the Video Image below for the 24 minute Item 29 discussion.
For better sound quality go to Item 29 of the City Video.
It is very important to understand that Item 29 contained important aspects which help the City of Dallas to provide safer water. Of course, every Council Member wants the Water Department to have the tools it needs in order to provide safe water to the area’s citizens.
However, buried within Item 29 was also the purchase of Hydrofluorosilicic Acid (Fluoride). We believe that this was an intentional ‘tactical’ ploy by the Dallas City Water Department in order to not bring attention to the Fluoride issue.
The Dallas City Water Department has an AGENDA to forcefully place a ‘medical intervention chemical’ into everyone’s drinking water despite potential health risks. This is no secret. Read the Sept 9th Memorandum.
The Dallas City Water Department has an agenda towards this mandated medical intervention, and thus they deliberately omit any scientific studies which point to the health risks of water fluoridation. They do not give an objective presentation of all the facts. This is an insane approach to safer water. If health risks exist for an arbitrarily added and unnecessary chemical, then the public should know. The Water Department's agenda involves prescribing a medication without informed consent, and even without the rationale of dosage/weight or of an individual's other health factors.
We at DallasForSaferWater want to commend the following City Council Members who were willing to split Item 29 so that a discussion about Hydrofluorosilicic Acid (Fluoride) could occur.
Thankyou to: West, Moreno, Resendez, Bazaldua, Blackmon, Schultz, Mendelsohn. - Councilmember Bazaldua had moved to divide the question. Motion seconded by Councilmember Blackmon.
In October, the minutes to the September 14th City Council Agenda Meeting were published.
See pages 34 and 35 for Item 29.
One can only chuckle that the minutes did not mention Hydrofluorosilicic Acid or Fluoride, and that the minutes do not say that “Item 29 was RAILROADED in 11 seconds by Mayor Eric Johnson”.
Councilmembers Bazaldua, Blackmon and Schultz
voted “No” on Item 29.
This was a courageous act, especially considering that Item 29 also contained some important and beneficial aspects.
Their vote made a brave statement as “they refused to get on that bus.”

~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Friday - September 9, 2022 – Memorandum to Mayor and City Council
Regarding: September 14, 2022 Council Agenda Item No. 29 – ($1,325,000) (hydrofluorosilicic acid)
You can see the full “Memorandum” document at this ARCHIVED LINK without downloading it:
NOTE: Parts (see page 5) were copied from page 7 from this ADA paper, but deceptively these two words "The ADA's" (policies) were omitted.

NOTICE the second paragraph in the image above:
"Two open microphone speakers at the September 7, 2022 Council Briefing spoke in opposition to community water fluoridation, claiming such practice constitutes medicating the public without their consent. They further objected to the use of hydrofluorosilicic acid as a fluoride source, stating that it is an industrial waste and more recently, reported fluoride in drinking water presents neurodevelopmental risks to children."
That’s right! “such practice constitutes medicating the public without their consent”
With water fluoridation Dallas City Council Members are forcing everyone in the massive Dallas water-area network to consume a substance for the stated purpose of “medical reasons”. Council Members are practicing medicine.
Moreover, DOSAGE of this medication is on a wacky, mad scientist level. What about the construction worker in summer who drinks many liters of water every day? What about all the food cooked or manufactured in the Dallas area using water? What about all the soft drinks and beer which is made? How many milligrams of this “medical intervention chemical” does a pregnant mother or bottle fed infant consume? Since Council Members are now medical experts, they can tell the public what the optimum “healthy” number of milligrams of Fluoride should be ingested during pregnancy. Sadly, most City Council Members do not know how many milligrams are in a liter of water.
That’s right! “hydrofluorosilicic acid as a fluoride source, stating that it is an industrial waste”
Hydrofluorosilicic acid as a fluoride source is an industrial waste which comes mostly from the phosphate mining industry when they wash down their “pollutant scrubbers” smoke stacks so that the caustic fluoride chemicals do not enter the air. This hazardous toxic industrial waste can only be disposed of in specialized EPA disposal sites, but never dumped on the ground or in waterways. A previous supplier of hydrofluorosilicic acid to the City of Dallas was fined huge sums of money by the Federal government for improper disposal. REFERENCE LINK
However, if toxic contaminated hydrofluorosilicic acid hazardous waste is resold to the City of Dallas, then it “legally” becomes re-categorized. REFERENCE LINK (EPA document image)
The above references are on the Home Page.
That’s absolutely right! “fluoride in drinking water presents neurodevelopmental risks to children”
Hopefully, the Mayor and Dallas City Council are competent enough to explore this website and the links which it provides to find the actual peer-reviewed scientific studies in well-respected journals.
The mental and full body health of millions depend upon the actions taken by Dallas City Council Members on this issue.
Can the Mayor, Council Members and the City of Dallas honestly state with complete certainty that ingesting fluoridated water will definitely not adversely affect the health of anyone drinking it?
They need to have skin in the game…and become culpable and liable for any public harm caused by this needless water fluoridation policy.
FIRST – Do no harm.
Will they be wise enough to practice the Precautionary Principle and the Principle of Nonmaleficence when health risks are posed?
Dallas City Council Members should review this 3 minute message to the Dallas Council in 2016 from retired Senior EPA Scientist Dr. William Hirzy.
The Council may hear from him again.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Wednesday – September 7, 2022 – Dallas City Council
Sadly, the vast Dallas water-network area now has many more children under the age of 7 who have suffered IQ loss and ADHD type conditions as a result of Dallas City officials with their toxic water fluoridation policies. This could have been prevented if City officials had applied the Precautionary Principle back in 2015 with the VOTE to end fluoridation.
On the morning of September 7th, Regina and Joe were among the “Open Microphone Speakers” before the Dallas City Council to again raise the issue of halting the harmful water fluoridation program by Dallas.
Listen and watch them here: https://dallastx.swagit.com/play/09082022-574

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JULY 2022
People who are competent enough to read and properly research the scientific literature rather than mindlessly chirp propaganda talking points definitely know that Fluoride can adversely affect a person’s mental state. It would be incredibly idiotic for any policy maker or government official to not practice the Precautionary Principle when it comes to toxic substances such as Fluoride or Lead. Officials demonstrate their true concern for the public welfare by practicing the Precautionary Principle. Here is yet again, another study showing how Fluoride adversely affects a person’s mental state…
July 20, 2022
New Study: Low Iodine In Pregnancy Worsens IQ Loss From Fluoride
A new study from Canada published this week in the journal Nutrients, found that pregnant women who had low iodine levels and elevated fluoride had boys who suffered an average IQ loss that was 58% greater than the already significant IQ loss from elevated fluoride alone [Goodman 2022].
Artificially fluoridated drinking water was the main source of the fluoride. The boys of women with low iodine levels lost, on average, 9.3 IQ points, while those of mothers with adequate iodine lost 5.9 IQ points, for every 1 mg/g increase in mother’s urine fluoride concentration.* In previous work in the same group of pregnant mothers, drinking water fluoridated at 0.7 mg/L was associated with an increase of roughly 1 mg/g in urine fluoride [Till 2018].
23% of the Canadian women who took part in the new study were classified as having “low iodine”. The iodine status of pregnant women in the USA is much worse than in Canada, with well over 50% currently meeting the criteria for “low iodine” used in this study [Watson 2020]….
INFORMATION on IODINE as it relates to Fluoride…
Iodine is an important nutrient for a host of body processes, and especially for the Thyroid. Fluoride is not a nutrient and is not needed for any body process, and in fact the body tries to sequester the toxic fluoride that is not eliminated via the kidneys, and thus it goes to the bones. Calcium tends to attract fluoride. About half of the consumed fluoride accumulates in the bone and other places.
Fluoride hijacks the body’s receptors for the necessary nutrient of Iodine. Iodine, along with Fluorine, Chlorine and Bromine are in the same column of the “Periodic Table of Elements”. In other words, they all have some common chemical properties. Thus, Fluoride and Iodine are at conflict with each other as it relates to health.
To better understand this mechanism of how the body tries to protect itself from internal Fluoride exposure, WATCH this 4 minute VIDEO entitled: "Middle Aged Harm from Fluoride Exposure". The video contains scientific study references in the footnotes. From the video one will also gain insight about achy joints, bad knees, easily cracked teeth or broken bones.
"Middle Aged Harm from Fluoride Exposure"
Body mechanisms with fluoride.
Pediatrician Dr Yolanda Whyte
on Fluoride and children.
and see this article.
4 Game-Changing Fluoride Neurotoxicity Studies
(2 minute video OVERVIEW)
…which then links to…
Four Studies That Show Adding Fluoride to Drinking Water Unnecessarily Endangers Children’s Brains

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July 3, 2021 - Updates on the Fight to End Water Fluoridation with Dr Mercola and Dr. Paul Connett
Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Paul Connett with the Fluoride Action Network. (Story and transcript available at link.) LINK
Story at-a-glance
~~ Paul Connett, executive director of the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), provides promising updates on the historic lawsuit that FAN filed against the U.S. EPA to end water fluoridation.
~~ The judge hearing the case plans to review two things before making a decision: the National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) final review on fluoride’s neurotoxicity when it comes out, along with a benchmark dose study (BMD) that was recently published on fluoride’s effects on IQ levels.
~~ This landmark study found that a maternal urine fluoride concentration of 0.2 mg/L, which is exceeded four to five times in pregnant women living in fluoridated communities, was enough to lower IQ in children by one point.
~~ A Swedish study published in April 2021 found that rates of hip fractures among postmenopausal women were higher in regions with higher levels of fluoride in drinking water.
~~ The level of evidence that fluoride is neurotoxic now far exceeds the evidence that was in place when lead was banned from gasoline.
EXCERPT from Article/Interview:
Other (National Institute of Health) NIH-funded studies include:
Babies fed formula mixed with fluoridated water had IQs that were lower than babies fed formula mixed with nonfluoridated water, and researchers noted, “Consumption of formula reconstituted with fluoridated water can lead to excessive fluoride intake.”
According to Connett, “So the only difference was whether these children got fluoridated tap water in their formula when they were babies. A staggering 13 IQ points dropped, staggering.”
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
January 13th, 2021 Judge's Order -
Judge denies latest EPA effort to dismiss TSCA fluoride suit
A federal judge has once again denied EPA’s efforts to dismiss landmark TSCA litigation seeking to force the agency to regulate drinking water fluoridation, but the same ruling also says that the agency will be allowed to challenge any effort by the plaintiffs to amend the suit to bolster their legal standing.
The Jan. 13 order by Judge Edward Chen, of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, preserves the suit but keeps it in abeyance pending a final decision from EPA on the plaintiffs’ renewed petition urging it to take administrative action on fluoride — a step Chen mandated after a 2020 trial in the case, known as Food & Water Watch, Inc (FWW)., et al., v. EPA.
TRIAL UPDATE NOTATION: January 7th Meeting Cancelled
Judge Chen informed the plaintiffs and the EPA on Dec 31 that he was vacating (i.e. canceling) the Jan 7 meeting because he did not need any further oral testimony before he rules on the EPA’s motion to dismiss our case, which they have attempted before and lost. He will issue his ruling on this motion based on the written arguments already submitted.
The Fluoride Action Network will let you and all supporters know when the judge issues his ruling on the EPA’s dismissal motion.
TSCA Trial Update: A Message from Attorney Michael Connett
QUICK NOTES: Some quick notes about the trial set for June 8th. The EPA has made every corrupt effort it could devise to stall or dismantle this lawsuit. It becomes very evident that their concern is not about public health. A hearing was set for August 6th, 2020 with a ruling by the Judge, but again things got put on a back-burner. The next hearing is January 7th, 2021.
This link goes to a “Fluoride Action Network” webpage which has an
embedded video playlist
that addresses commonly asked questions regarding the trial.
Follow the Fluoride Trial (June 8th)
ZOOM information so you can watch the Trial - LINK
Fluoride Action Network NEWS FEED - LINK
Twitter Feed - #FluorideTrial - LINK
Video Trial on Fluoridation Chemicals Set for June 8 in Federal Court
Twice-delayed, a lawsuit seeking to prohibit the addition of fluoridation chemicals to public water systems in the U.S. because of the threat fluoride poses to the developing brain will begin June 8, reports the Fluoride Action Network (FAN).
Under the jurisdiction of the U.S. District Court in San Francisco, the eight-day trial will be conducted by video conference, rather than in the courtroom, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
FAN is the lead plaintiff in the groundbreaking case, which challenges a practice endorsed by the U.S. Public Health Service 70 years ago and that today affects more than 200 million Americans through water systems in thousands of communities.
In accordance with U.S. law, the trial will be accessible to the public, although details remain to be worked out. Whatever the precise format, fluoridation, aggressively promoted by the American Dental Association and the government as a tooth decay preventative, will get a close look over eight days.
As plaintiff, FAN is joined by Moms Against Fluoridation and the consumer advocacy group Food and Water Watch. The groups are joined by several individuals representing themselves and/or their children.
Plaintiffs are represented by Michael Connett and C. Andrew Waters of Waters Kraus and Paul of El Segundo, California. The defendant is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), represented by the Environmental Defense Section of the U.S. Department of Justice.
“This case is groundbreaking for the opposition to fluoridation,” said Paul Connett, FAN Executive Director. “Several well-conducted and government funded Mother-Offspring studies indicate that fluoride has the potential to lower the children’s IQ. These studies have changed the ball-game on the argument over fluoride’s neurotoxicity.”
EPA plans to call on hired experts from the consulting firm Exponent Inc., known for servicing large corporations.
The lawsuit falls under the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 (TSCA) which gives EPA the authority to prohibit “the particular use” of a chemical substance if it presents an unreasonable risk to the general public or susceptible subpopulations.
The plaintiffs submitted a Citizens Petition under Section 21 of TSCA to the EPA in November 2016 requesting a ban on the addition of fluoridation chemicals to water. When the EPA denied their Petition, they filed suit in federal court.
A Fact Sheet providing further information on the case is at
Fluoride Action Network – Founded year 2000
The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) seeks to broaden awareness among citizens, scientists, and policymakers on the toxicity of fluoride compounds.
FAN has created a video slideshow series showcasing the wonderful campaigners around the world who have taken action to prevent or end water fluoridation in their local communities.
COVID Era - Early Spring 2020
NOTE - Following the January 8th address to the Dallas City Council, there were a host of other actions by activists, including presentations, flyers, bumper stickers, phone calls, emails, and signs around the City.
They are well worth noting, because they certainly brought attention to the Fluoride issue.
However, we got behind on updates.
Events with the Coronavirus worldwide started to impact people everywhere.
We wish to acknowledge all the citizens who at a grassroots level took it upon themselves to try to make Americans healthier.
It is unfortunate that the Health of Dallas area citizens has been impaired by the water fluoridation practice.
In this COVID era, full body health is of upmost importance for the immune system.
Blame the Authoritarians who mandate poison in your water.
Bumper Sticker - Early Spring 2020

Wednesday January 8, 2020 - Joy, Joe, Hank, Peter and Regina address the Dallas City Council

Joy (pictured to the left) was the final speaker of the evening. You can watch the video portion at the 4:13 minute mark of Open Microphone Speakers (Part 2 of 2)
Joe, Hank, Peter and Regina spoke in the earlier part of the day. They can be seen at Open Microphone Speakers(Part 1 of 2) or at this YouTube Link.
Wednesday November 13, 2019, Regina Imburgia speaks to the Dallas City Council.
She commends the 5 City Council Members (Districts 2, 5, 7, 11, & 12) who voted not to purchase the EPA-rated hazardous waste (Fluoride) on August 14, 2019.
Regina brings up an analogy about how a 6 year old could comprehend the choice between putting a poison in the water which can hurt your brain, but possibly might prevent some cavities.
Which choice would the 6 year old decide? Would the 6 year old choose: "hurt my brain in order to protect my teeth."
Regina drives home the point that the City Council Members are "caretakers" of the people.
She points out that there are over 300 studies which show that Fluoride hurts the brain. They can't all be wrong.
Click "Open Microphone Speakers (Part 1 of 2)" at the following link to watch the VIDEO.
Regina starts speaking at the 7:45 mark.
August 14, 2019 - City Council Agenda Meeting VOTE to purchase Fluoride
19-1003 Authorize a three-year master agreement for hydrofluosilicic acid for the Water Utilities Department - Solvay Fluorides, LLC, lowest responsible bidder of four - Estimated amount of $1,163,625- Financing: Dallas Water Utilities Fund
VIDEO - After going to the following link, scroll down to "Item 45".
Wednesday November 6, 2019, four citizen speakers (Peter, Hank, Joe and Linda) address
the Dallas City Council regarding the Fluoride issue.
Great presentations! Important reasons to stop water fluoridation in the Dallas regional area!
Click "Open Microphone Speakers (Part 1 of 2)" at this link to watch the VIDEO.
YouTube Link
(Thanks to JG for doing the Video)
Year ending 2019 UPDATES
More science which demonstrate how infants and younger children can be permanently harmed
by Dallas fluoridated water.
Read about The 7 Mother-Offspring Fluoride Studies
Read about the November 2019 Scientific Study which shows how Fluoridation Lowers IQ of Formula-Fed Babies
August 19, 2019
Bombshell Study! - Link
The World's Premier Pediatric Scientific Journal has published a new government study.
It reaffirms...
Pregnant mothers drinking fluoridated water could lower their children's IQ!
(lowering IQ on par with Lead poisoning)
You can repair a cavity, but you cannot repair a child’s brain.
The American Medical Association’s journal on pediatrics (JAMA Pediatrics) has published the second U.S. Government-funded study linking low-levels of fluoride exposure during fetal development to cognitive impairment.
The observational study, entitled "Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in Canada", was led by a team at York University in Ontario, Canada and looked at 512 mother-child pairs from six major Canadian cities. It was funded by the Canadian government and the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Science.
Read the study online. Read the pdf version.
Toxicologist, Dr. Paul Connett gives a 6 minute overview of this rigorous new study . VIDEO LINK
A must-hear twelve-minute podcast (above) featuring AMA Pediatrics Editor in Chief, Dimitri Christakis, MD, MPH, and Frederick Rivara, MD, MPH, Editor in Chief of JAMA Network Open, was also released alongside the study. The editors express how “very concerning” and “startling” the evidence is against fluoridation, and how the neurological damage is “on par with lead.” They praise the high quality of this study, and call for additional NIH funding of more fluoride research. Before publication, the study was subjected to two statistical reviews, with the researchers combing through the data to make sure that the results were not skewed by the mothers’ education, income levels, or other factors.
Most importantly, they recommend that pregnant women avoid drinking fluoridated water.
Many NEWS ORGANIZATIONS covered the release and publication of this bombshell study.
Researchers noticed a 3.7 to 4.5 drop in IQ Scores!! LINK
Critics of this rigorous study tell fabricated falsehoods about it.LINK
WATCH THIS Canadian TV VIDEO interview with Christine Till, one of the lead researchers on the study.
On August 21, 2019, Regina Imburgia again addresses the Dallas City Council.
(3 minutes - YouTube LINK) (City video link below)
After bringing up this new rigorous JAMA Scientific Study, Regina points out:
"It is obvious now that Fluoride is not safe for fetuses. There is NO process in the body that needs Fluoride...."
Dr. Ken D Berry, MD, FAAFP, is a Board Certified Family Physician and Fellow in The American Academy of Family Physicians. He has been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for over a decade, having seen over 20,000 patients in his career.
Under his 18 minute YouTube VIDEO, he links other studies and source material.
Dr. Ken Berry discusses details of the study, along with all sides of the Fluoride issue.
He also brings up just plain common sense.
Yes, common sense. Something most politicans lack.
On Wednesday, August 21, 2019, Regina Imburgia spoke before the Dallas City Council.
Regina has been speaking to the Council for the past 5 years about the liabilities of water fluoridation.
Over 100 presentations by activists have been given to the Dallas City Council, along with huge stacks of scientific studies.
Go to this LINK from the City of Dallas Video archive.
Click "Open Microphone Speakers" and listen to Regina at the 4 minute mark.
Under the JAMA EDITORS' NOTE, the following comment appears:
On Nov 22, 2016, a coalition including FAN, Food & Water Watch, Organic Consumers Association, American Academy of Environmental Medicine, International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Moms Against Fluoridation, and several individual mothers, filed a petition calling on the EPA to ban the deliberate addition of fluoridating chemicals to the drinking water under provisions in the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
This lawsuit is based on a large body of human, animal, and cellular research, which shows that fluoride is neurotoxic at doses within the range now seen in fluoridated communities.
The judge of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California has just announced that the trial will begin on February 3, 2020.
As many independent scientists now recognize, fluoride is a neurotoxin. The question, therefore, is not if fluoride damages the brain, but at what dose.
This Federal Lawsuit against the EPA will allow the court to determine based on over 2800 studies (suppressed by EPA and CDC) showing the dangers of ingesting fluoride.
August 8, 2019
Mount Sinai Researchers publish Scientific Study:
Fluoride may diminish kidney and liver function in adolescents.
Ashley J. Malin, PhD, postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Environmental Medicine and Public Health at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai points out:
“This study’s findings suggest that there may be potential kidney and liver health concerns to consider when evaluating fluoride use and appropriate levels in public health interventions. Prospective studies are needed to examine the impact of chronic low-level fluoride exposure on kidney and liver function in the U.S. population.”
LOOK at the Science about Fluoride and Health!
The most up-to-date and comprehensive source for research on fluoride's complex, systemic, multifaceted effects on health.
Summer 2019
Fluoride Lawsuit Against the EPA Update & FUNDRAISER
A wonderful overview of the entire Water Fluoridation issue…
Be sure to read Dr. Joseph Mercola’s article entitled: Updates on the Lawsuit Against the EPA to Stop Water Fluoridation