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Testing for Fluoride in the Water

Most Fluoride tests are not accurate.

Even the Fluoride testing equipment available at Water Departments falls short of accurately testing for Fluoride.

The reason why Fluoride is difficult to accurately measure in water has to do with its IONIC PROPERTIES which are explained on a simple layman's level in this video

A Texas A&M University chemist, Dr. Francois P. Gabbai, has developed an organometallic molecule that has the ability to emit fluorescence when mixed with water that contains fluoride — a discovery that can facilitate detecting fluoride in water.

The recommended amount of fluoride in drinking water has been established to be no more than 0.7 parts per million.

Because Fluoride has toxicity, it becomes very important for municipalities to prevent over-exposure.

Such a small amount of fluoride in water can be difficult to detect, however. Dr. Gabbai’s new organometallic molecule has the ability to do so.

One of the difficulties with current monitors is that they have to make contact with fluoride anions to detect it. Unfortunately, water makes an efficient buffer, which keeps sensors away from fluoride, essentially masking its presence. According to Dr. Gabbai, “We make organometallic compounds that have a high affinity for small anions. These compounds are Lewis acids — molecules that are lacking in electrons — that capture fluoride and brighten when they find it. I think we were the first to consider the use of these metal-based Lewis acids in water. It was a bit of a daring move.”

To find out more about the Texas A&M Department of Chemistry, go to and for more information about Gabbai’s research, visit


This YouTube Video shows someone testing for Fluoride in the drinking water and in bottled water using an electronic tester. There are other methods of testing, but an electronic method is more accurate.




She also demonstrates the effectiveness of two different methods used in filtering out Fluoride. Furthermore, she talks about the acidity and alkalinity of bottled water. Some brands of bottled water contained fluoride.

As a visual concept of one Liter of water, look at the Fiji bottle.

This is one liter.


2 mg (milligrams) of Fluoride

Four (4) liters of Dallas RAW Water (before fluoride is added) equates to 2 mg (milligrams) of Fluoride. (This is four of the Fiji bottles.) On a hot day, an adult easily can drink 4 bottles.

Again, this is just RAW DALLAS WATER, before supplemental Fluoride is added.

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