Dallas For Safer Water

This Web Page is dated to around January 28th when the VOTE on Fluoride occurred.
Scroll down for many NEWS STORIES which occurred during this time.
Feb 1st - Important Notice: "It's not over!" Stay tuned.
The Dallas City Council VOTED on the Fluoride Issue Wednesday morning January 28th.
The ISSUE https://www.dogsagainstfluoridation.com/the-issue
Scroll below for Info on January 28th and other news.
This website,
is a collection of dog photos along with Fluoride information
in the quest
to have the City of Dallas stop adding Fluoride to the Metropolitan Water Supply
(which includes many suburbs, like Irving, Grand Prairie, Cedar Hill, etc).
Howard Garrett "The Dirt Doctor"
was there speaking to the
Dallas City Council on Jan 28th.

Fluoride Action North Texas - https://www.facebook.com/FluorideActionNorthTexas?fref=nf
Scroll below for CONTACT information and to find out HOW YOU CAN HELP.
On the morning of Wednesday January 28, 2015
Dallas City Council Voted on the Water Fluoridation Issue
We will update as further news develops.
We posted how each City Council Member Voted below.
City Hall VIDEO January 28th
Below we have a YOUTUBE VIDEO of the City Council Meeting.
Hopefully, we will also have some videos of how inappropriate some City Council Members have been "paying attention". This disrespectful and non-attentive inappropriate action by many of the City Council Members has been ongoing for over a year.
Here is a link to the archive footage.
~Click on "Open Mic Speakers".
~Then after watching click on "Item 44".
About Item # 44
Authorize a three-year master agreement for the purchase of hydrofluosilicic acid to be used for the treatment of potable water Mosaic Crop Nutrition, LLC, lowest responsible bidder of three - Not to exceed $1,060,800 - Financing: Water Utilities Current Funds
WATCH THIS VIDEO! It explains what is REALLY happening about Item #44. (with documents)
or this page https://www.dogsagainstfluoridation.com/hazardous-waste Dr. David Kennedy Talks about Water Fluoridation in Dallas
Dr David Kennedy, DDS - This esteemed 3rd generation Dentist of more than 20 years, who also has been on the Board of Directors of several dental organizations and is past President of “International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology”, goes over in great detail Item # 44 of the Dallas City Council vote on January 28th (Fluoridation of Public Water). DOCUMENTS ARE SHOWN IN THE VIDEO.
--- --- --- VIDEO --- --- ---
YOU WILL SEE THE Disappointing vote where Dwayne Carraway and Scott Griggs betray their commitment to Vote Against the Purchase of the Fluoridation Chemical!
But Sheffie Kadane and Adam Medrano act honorablly and stood against purchasing this Toxin!
Send your Thank You messages to these HEROS!
Let us hit Callahan with a few emails!!
and complementary ones to Medrano and Kadane.
Tell Griggs and Carraway how you feel about their BETRAYAL !
(SCROLL BELOW to "How You Can Help" for email contacts to The Dallas City Council Members)
Dallas City Council Votes to Renew 3-Year Fluoride Contract
Jan 28, 2015 (Video)
YOUTUBE http://youtu.be/FSxT24z-D5A
(Includes the “Dallas Vote NO” video of people holding signs)
-- The photos of people holding signs are on the Gallery Page. We could not get everyone in the video. --
View the Live Stream from Dallas City Hall here
(Archive footage also available at the above link) and we have Videos of some past Council Sessions on this webpage https://www.dogsagainstfluoridation.com/city-council
We strongly encourage people to do everything that they can to make sure that all the City Council Members
(except for Kadane and Medrano)
are not re-elected.
Here is a list of the City Leaders to oppose in any election:
Mike Rawlings, Tennell Atkins, Monica Alonzo, Scott Griggs, Vonciel Hill, Dwaine Caraway, Rick Callahan, Carolyn Davis, Jerry Allen, Lee Kleinman, Sandy Greyson, Jennifer Staubach, Philip Kingston.
Dogs have a higher IQ than these guys! ...and more concern for Public Health Risks!
Support Adam Medrano in any election.
Unfortunately, Sheffie Kadane will not be running for office again.
Much thanks to David E. for putting together the following video...
"Dallas Vote NO" VIDEO
which was played at the January 28th City Council Meeting.
-- The photos of people holding signs are on the Gallery Page. We could not get everyone in the video. --
This Video shows City Council Members only ---->
It demonstrates how much attention the Dallas City Council Members have towards PUBLIC HEALTH.
As we know, they are not focused on PUBLIC HEALTH nor the HEALTH RISKS of Fluoride.
Watch how many are completely uninterested.
YOUTUBE http://youtu.be/Pz468n6neTY?t=8m46s
-- SOUND... If the sound doesn't play, un-mute the video.
Move to Item 44 for the VOTE. Action starts after 8 minutes.
(Thanks Jon for filming.)
Feb 6, 2015 ADA American Dental Association
ADA NEWS – “Texas fluoride vote 'victory for dental health'”
“Editor's note: This report from the Dallas County Dental Society, edited for ADA News publication, describes professional activism in the public debate on community water fluoridation.”
“…"First and foremost, we are obligated to health and safety," DCDS President Dr. J. Christian Miller said in a letter to the Dallas Morning News touting the benefits and safety of fluoridated water. "It is our responsibility as health care providers to support evidence-based practices that are in the best interest of our patients and community…"
“…In the weeks leading up to the meeting, DCDS members and leaders contacted council members, other local leaders, dental and medical organizations, leaders of 20 surrounding cities that purchase treated water from Dallas Water Utilities and local media to voice their support for the program….”
Jan 28 Dallas Observer!!! "Dallas to Continue Adding Fluoride to Its Water" by Stephen Young
Jan 28 The Dallas Morning News by the well respected journalist Robert Wilonsky
Watch his short video -> http://youtu.be/1ofEJoM3qx0
Robert's quote regarding the video: "Not a scene from this morning’s Dallas City Council meeting, but not far off either."
and also by Wilonsky
Jan 28 Fox 4
Jan 28 VIDEO - Houston TV Station – CW39 – “Campaign to stop adding flouride has gone to the dogs” (They misspelled “fluoride”.)
Friday January 30, 2015 “Dallas City Council votes for Fluoridation because the Earth isn’t flat?”
Callaghan asked rhetorically whether Dallas should return times when the Earth was considered flat, denouncing studies published in peer-reviewed journals as little more than junk science.
Jan 30 Dallas Morning News Editorial
Jan 29 Pride Dental (Biological Dentist who knows the harmful effects of Fluoride)
Jan 29 Baylor College of Dentistry (featuring the slimy Dr. Lawrence Wolinsky who spoke Wednesday at The City Council)
Texas A & M Health Science Center Newsletter Vital Record
Jan 28 D-Magazine Blog by Zac Crain (who probably flunked science in High School)
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~ ...and... ~~~~~~~~
The Dirt Doctor FACEBOOK
Howard Garrett "The Dirt Doctor" NEWSLETTER of January 25th
The Newsletter goes out to over 100,000 subscribers, plus "The Dirt Doctor" Radio Show audience numbers in the countless thousands of devoted listeners!
Newsletter https://www.dogsagainstfluoridation.com/info-resources or http://www.dirtdoctor.com/Howard-Garrett-Weekly-Newsletter_vq4662.htm
"The Dirt Doctor" is a True Expert on Toxic Chemicals which can effect the environment, plants, animals, and humans. His Newsletters and Radio Shows often go into great detail about the chemical and biological problems associated with a myriad of toxic chemicals.
TOXIC CHEMICALS - "The Dirt Doctor" website has a plethora of information about Toxic Chemicals. Here are a few examples of pages.
Big List of Toxic Chemicals http://www.dirtdoctor.com/newforum/root/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=11345
Toxic Products Blog http://www.dirtdoctor.com/newforum/root/toxic-products-blog-f36.html?sid=b57e258272714aefe934f4f7922d9c49
Rick Callahan - City Council Member for District 5
There is not a graceful way to put this... In the opinion of us "Dogs Against Fluoridation", Rick Callahan is pretty stupid. You can tell by his own words, that he is a clueless airhead who NEVER even read any of the scientific literature on Fluoride, nor did he ever really see all the many, many topics on Toxic Chemicals which Howard Garrett has written and talked about for more than a decade.
His main "sin" is that he NEVER BOTHERED TO LOOK, TO STUDY, TO READ. What a doofus! Dogs have more common sense.
LISTEN and WATCH him for yourself! http://youtu.be/FSxT24z-D5A?t=31m26s
Stay tuned!
Updates Coming about Class Action Lawsuits because of Fluoride Toxicity!
Go to the "INFO & RESOURCES" page to see what the nationally famous and local organic gardening guru, Howard Garrett "The Dirt Doctor", says about Fluoride!
The Dirt Doctor FACEBOOK
January 10, 2015 - Howard Garrett "The Dirt Doctor"
sets off a
Dog Fight in the Media...
January 10, 2015
Howard Garrett’s Newsletter about Fluoride (which reaches over 100,000 people) set off a HUGE chain reaction in the PRESS.
See “The Dirt Doctor’s Newsletter here:
The famously respected journalist, Jim Schutze of The Dallas Observer came out with an article on Wednesday, January 14th.
Jim Schutze is also mentioned on this website in “The Debate on Fluoride” on THE ISSUE page.
Just as Jim Schutze predicted, here is The Dallas Morning News article of Thursday Jan 15th:
Following that Dallas Morning News article, D-Magazine (the top magazine for Dallas) came out with an article written by Tim Rogers. Tim Rogers always expresses himself very well in all his pieces.
Friday, Jan 16th, (8am), Howard Garrett was on The Mark Davis Show - 660 AM The Answer - discussing Fluoride.
Podcast - http://markdavis.660amtheanswer.com/?powerpress_pinw=12017-podcast and http://markdavis.660amtheanswer.com/?powerpress_pinw=12020-podcast
More articles keep on coming, even nationally.
~~ http://www.texasguardian.com/index.php/nav/newsr/5202
Late Friday, Jan 16, The Dallas Morning News, Rudolph Bush. (or our snarky: "Do Pro-Fluoride people want to harm babies?" )
January 19th - National News at FOOD CONSUMER
“Dallas Needs Your Help”
Tuesday, January 20, 2015 -- This was a prior BREAKING NEWS FLASH ! on this website --
“Poll: Should Dallas Put Fluoride in Its Water?” In D-Magazine (by Jason Heid)
Tuesday, January 20, Jim Schutze again addresses the Dallas Fluoride Issue in The Dallas Observer.
People and Dogs Support Anti-fluoridation Effort in Dallas
The famous “Girl Against Fluoride” writes an excellent summary of the situation and what people can do
“Our Friends In Dallas Need Help To End Fluoridation”
Friday - January 23, 2015 at 7:37 AM THE DALLAS OBSERVER “Dallas Anti-Fluoride Cause Now Supported by Web-Savvy Dogs” This had been a prior Breaking News Flash!
By Stephen Young - Categories: City Hall, Healthcare
(Jan 23, 2015) In this Dallas Morning News “Letter to the Editor”, Vincent Zanfagna describes his knowledge from involved family members about how WATER FLUORIDATION first came on the scene. And he goes into the TOXICITY, because his uncle had to deal with people exposed to excessive Fluoride.
...or on our "Statements" Page https://www.dogsagainstfluoridation.com/statements
Saturday, January 24, 2015 - Dallas.Culturemap.com
Fluoride under review
The Dallas City Council will vote on January 28 on whether to continue fluoridating city water. Fluoride has been added to the water for decades to prevent tooth decay. But fluoride opponents have raised issues about the chemical's neurotoxic effects, and some cities have ditched it. An anti-fluoride Facebook page is an easy way to keep up.
HbN “Health by Nature” Radio Host and Writer, Martie Whittekin, CCN writes about the Dallas Fluoride controversy and also interviews over the radio local Dallas Holistic Dentist, Dr. Philip Koslow, DDS.
January 16, 2015 – “Fluoride Dangers” - http://hbnshow.com/fluoride-dangers/
January 24, 2015 – Radio – “Holistic dentist, Dr. Philip Kozlow sheds light on an important question regarding the fluoride controversy….” http://hbnshow.com/archives/january-24th-2015/
[ Dr Kozlow, DDS - http://dallasdentist.net/ ]
January 23rd - The Power Hour Radio - Regina Imburgia is interviewed about the Dallas Fluoride Issue
...or see... YOUTUBE "Power Hour" Interview
January 26th - Here is something for Kitty Litter...
Another Dallas Morning News article by the bias and incredibly uneducated in the sciences, Jacquielynn Floyd.
Ironically, Jacquielynn Floyd states: "I choose science" when she would fail a 6th Grade Science Class.
“Floyd: As fluoride ‘debate’ rages again, perhaps dentists should take to the streets” by Jacquielynn Floyd
January 26 – “Fluoride freedom advocates fight Dallas City Hall” by Garry Reed
“…Why not turn this around? Why not insist that municipalities supply only pure, clean, unfluoridated water and let those who want it pay for it themselves?....”
January 28 - Natural News Reports on Dallas Fluoridation (Natural News gets over 7 million website hits a month)
"Dallas voting to possibly end water fluoridation Wednesday" by Jennifer Lilley
- - - See Previous NATURAL NEWS story on Dallas at this webpage - - -
Howard Garrett "The Dirt Doctor" NEWSLETTER of January 25th
This had been a prior Breaking News Flash!
The Newsletter goes out to over 100,000 subscribers, plus "The Dirt Doctor" Radio Show audience numbers in the countless thousands of devoted listeners!
Newsletter https://www.dogsagainstfluoridation.com/info-resources or http://www.dirtdoctor.com/Howard-Garrett-Weekly-Newsletter_vq4662.htm
"The Dirt Doctor" is a true expert on toxic chemicals which can effect the environment, plants, animals, and humans. His Newsletters and Radio Shows often go into great detail about the chemical and biological problems associated with a myriad of toxic chemicals.
Monday - January 26, 2015 - PRESS RELEASE
(which gets picked up by many news posts)
This had been a prior Breaking News Flash!
"The vote of the people is clearly NO!"
"D Magazine poll reveals people do not want fluoridation to continue.
Opinion articles and blogs getting hundreds of comments, but no News Reports."
See the GRAPHIC above from the POLL in D-Magazine.
Public Water Fluoridation Being Challenged in Dallas (WITH GREAT VIDEO) by Activist Post
Dallas City Council to Vote on Water Fluoridation on Wednesday by Liberty Beat
Wednesday, January 21, 2015 - PRESS RELEASE
“Fluoridation Will Stop in Dallas Texas When Eight of The Dallas City Council-members Vote No on January 28th; Says Fluoride Action North Texas Leader Regina Imburgia”
“On January 14th, the Dallas City Council heard several dentists oppose the purchase of the fluoridating chemical Hydrofluorosilicic Acid. Fluoridation Status Quo is being challenged in Dallas.”
Dallas Councilman Sheffie Kadane states “We have enough fluoride in the raw untreated water and we can save a million dollars for the city by voting no to the purchase of this chemical. This fluoride is not even pharmaceutical grade; it is a toxic by-product of industry”.
Regina says, “The Media has been silent about the upcoming vote and the serious concerns about the neurotoxin that is being added to the Dallas water. I have pleaded with the reporters to stay and cover our presentations to the Council, but I have been told, they have been instructed not to stay. The people need to hear about how dangerous this chemical is and how unnecessary it is to be adding it to our water that already has .5ppm and (many days even higher amounts) in the raw untreated water. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vCgB_PGbTE#t=58
It must be NOTED:
Many people have not been informed by their District City Council Person about this issue. We continuously hear complaints from people "How come I haven't heard about this important issue?!"
Respected Reporter Robert Wilonsky did report about The Town Hall on Fluoride in City Councilman Sheffie Kadane's District. Other Council People were invited to attend, but did not show up.
YOUTUBE http://youtu.be/nA6q-1dkgyU (Town Hall on Fluoride - Oct 20, 2014 ) Very informative !!!!!!!!
PREVIOUS PRESS RELEASE – December 30, 2014
LULAC leader Henry Rodriguez came to Dallas and told the Council on December 2, 2014:
“LULAC the oldest and largest Hispanic civil rights organization...stands firm in its opposition to fluoridation of public water...it is a civil rights violation.”
The area drinking water supply controlled by Dallas includes many suburbs like Irving, Grand Prairie, Cedar Hill, Coppell, etc. Dallas is an International City, many people come here to work, dine and vacation.
It becomes obvious that many City Council Members remain uninformed about the basics of the Fluoride which occurs naturally in the source water. The quantity of Fluoride in the source raw water already meets the criteria for those who want fluoridated water from their tap. There is no need to add more Fluoride at a cost of over a million dollars. It becomes “overkill”, too much Fluoride, if more Fluoride is added, even according to the head of the EPA, Lisa Jackson in a public statement.
It is no wonder that the vast majority of comments come from Anti-Fluoridation advocates.
Anyone can research the subject.
Anyone who has taken a chemistry class knows… --->
Fluoride (Fluorine) is the MOST REACTIVE of all elements and it is the most electronegative element. (This means that it attracts electrons in other molecules more powerfully than any other element can.)
So, F- will react with nearly every other element, because it is the most reactive.
When ingested, it easily “overpowers” and replaces or reacts with other chemicals, chemicals which are found throughout the body. And the body makes thousands and thousands of chemicals (an estimated 70,000 enzymes alone.)
Don't miss this! City Council Meeting of 1/14/15
- https://www.dogsagainstfluoridation.com/city-council
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We argue that it is needless to add Fluoride due to adequate amounts in Raw Source Water (0.5 parts per million), adding more Fluoride is potentially harmful to public health in many ways (see website links), and adding Fluoride is costly (spending more than a million dollars of taxpayer money).
A vote by the City Council which decides this issue of Fluoridated Drinking Water will take place on January 28th, 2015.
Please read “THE ISSUE” page and explore our website.
EMAILS - We welcome your communication, even if you have "a bone to pick".
We may “bark”, but we don’t bite.
And we love to get Dog Pictures with relevant captions! Please, please send them.
In the Subject Header, be sure to describe the nature of the email.
Fluoride Action North Texas - https://www.facebook.com/FluorideActionNorthTexas?fref=nf
(The above FACEBOOK page is a great resource for daily updates of this campaign and news.
It was featured on TV.)
Dogs Against Fluoridation!! Contest- https://www.facebook.com/events/1550451548506069/?ref=22
Please HELP
Help to stop the addition of Fluoride into the Dallas area drinking water.
- What ANYONE can do...
It is simple. Takes a few minutes.
You can make a difference.
This is an historic action!
The Anti-Fluoride Campaign is simple.
We have been asking the City Council and Mayor: "Please stop adding additional amounts of Fluoride to the Dallas water" as the Dallas source water already contains a substantial amount of Fluoride naturally for those who want fluoridated water.
However, On January 28th 2015, The Dallas City Council VOTED to
continue adding Fluoride to the Tap Water.
Our approach is now different, because the Dallas City council Members are LIABLE for the HEALTH RISKS which exist and which they have been made aware of.
~~~ Go to this link and fill out the form, addressing the Mayor and City Council. This method is most read.
~~~ Or you can contact each City Council Member individually.
City Council District Map(s)
for each City Council Member
mike.rawlings@dallascityhall.com; jerry.allen@dallascityhall.com; monica.alonzo@dallascityhall.com; tennell.atkins@dallascityhall.com; rick.callahan@dallascityhall.com; dwaine.caraway@dallascityhall.com; carolyn.davis@dallascityhall.com; jennifer.gates@dallascityhall.com; sandy.greyson@dallascityhall.com; scott.griggs@dallascityhall.com; vonciel.hill@dallascityhall.com; sheffield.kadane@dallascityhall.com; philip.kingston@dallascityhall.com; lee.kleinman@dallascityhall.com; adam.medrano@dallascityhall.com
~~~ Be sure to sign the Petition "Stop Water Fluoridation in Dallas, Texas" Petitioning Dallas City Council-City Secretary Mayor Rawlings and The Dallas City Council
~~~~> You can actually write a letter! Mail it to different City Council Members. Sometimes a hand addressed letter has impact! The names of City Council Members are in the link above. Mail to: Dallas City Hall 1500 Marilla Street, Dallas, TX 75201
~~~~> Write “Letters to the Editor”. Contact different NEWS organizations and anchors, (such as TV, radio, online, print). Share this website with friends and social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
[ Example: For The Dallas Morning News, on the right side of this link's page are resources on how to send a "Letter to the Editor" or 90 second Video Response to the "Debate on Fluoride".
http://letterstotheeditorblog.dallasnews.com/2015/01/the-fluoride-debate-safe-or-unsafe.html/ ]
~~~~~~~~~~> Share this website! It helps! https://www.dogsagainstfluoridation.com/
Sharing this website really helps to inform people. Please do so.
**************************Go to the bottom of this page. Important message for you.*************************
Everybody (and every dog) WINS on this!! Pro-Fluoride or Anti-Fluoride. We already have adequate amounts in our water. And an individual can always drink more water or use more toothpaste if they desire more Fluoride. Plus, the City will save over a million dollars of taxpayer money!
DOGS AGAINST FLUORIDATION https://www.dogsagainstfluoridation.com/
Side note: It is expected that even the EPA would concur that adding supplementary Fluoride to Dallas Raw Water is UNNECESSARY!! See what the Head of the EPA, Lisa Jackson, says about lowering the EPA's suggested guidelines on levels of Fluoride... https://www.dogsagainstfluoridation.com/dr-oz-psa
Dr. David Kennedy, an esteemed 3rd generation Dentist of more than 20 years, who also has been on the Board of Directors of several dental organizations and is past President of “International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology”, goes over in great detail Item # 44 of the Dallas City Council vote on January 28th (Fluoridation of Public Water).
Don’t miss this short video with DOCUMENTS
which shows what is added to the Dallas
Drinking Water.
Dr. David Kennedy Talks about Water Fluoridation in Dallas
YOUTUBE http://youtu.be/9IpJ7A_38nk

(Below) - Watch this short, less than 2 minute video!! Local Dr William Rea on Fluoride
YOUTUBE http://youtu.be/BU-nP34BBVY

(Below) - Watch this short, 2 1/2 minute video with a local PhD who is an expert in Biological Chemistry!
Environmentalist Neil Carman, Ph.D. to Dallas City Council: Don't Fluoridate!
YOUTUBE http://youtu.be/D3hzSWrgmB4
