Dallas For Safer Water

Go to THIS PAGE to see all the MEDIA LINKS and NEWS surrounding the VOTE on Fluoride for Dallas. The VOTE occurred on January 28th, 2015. Two Council Members wisely recognized the liabilities involved with adding a toxic substance which does not conform to Texas Law.

This website,
is a collection of dog photos along with Fluoride information
in the quest
to have the City of Dallas stop adding Fluoride to the Metropolitan Water Supply
(which includes 25 suburbs, like Irving, Grand Prairie, Cedar Hill, etc).

LINK to the Dog-Fight in the NEWS MEDIA !!!
More "Howard Garrett - The Dirt Doctor" at this LINK (Scroll down to Organic Gardening)
CONTACT information and to find out...
Call or text Regina Imburgia 214-597-5038
Email: Regina.Imburgia@gmail.com
Put "Dogs" in the subject line.
About the WEBSITE name: "Dogs Against Fluoridation" -
Originally, "Dogs Against Fluoridation" was not slated to be the final name of a Dallas Fluoride information website, but the name "stuck" because it takes tremendous time to build another website. On a whim in the beginning, "Dogs" was chosen because there is a vast history going back more than one hundred years with many experiments on dogs which demonstrated the toxicity of fluoride.
Example: Thyroid conditions were deliberately caused using fluoride in 1854. http://poisonfluoride.com/pfpc/html/thyroid_history.html
Example: Many other adverse health conditions arise from fluoride.~1936 https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/19371402151
Example: Fluoride has been used to kill dogs. It can be one large dose, or a series of smaller does because often 50% of the ingested fluoride can accumulate. The first symptoms which often appear from too much fluoride are gastrointestinal issues.
Stop right there.
Don't go any further.
We mean it.
A dog might bite.
You must watch this
6 minute video.

No matter where you live...
~~ Be sure to sign the PETITION.
~~ And, please call the office of Council Member Sandy Greyson at 214-670-4067. She is the Chairperson for the "Quality of Life and Environment Committee". Tell her: "Until the City of Dallas PROVES that Fluoridation of the water does not harm children, we want it stopped !"
Email the Mayor and City Council Members ! LINK (It does make a difference. We know from experience.)

Landmark Fluoride Scientific Study - September 2017
The study demonstrates that when pregnant mothers drink fluoridated waters at 0.7 mg/L fluoride, they are expected to give birth to children who will have meaningfully lowered cognitive function.
This means that Dallas which fluoridates the water (0.7 mg/L) falls into that category.
The credibility of the study is beyond reproach…
……a 12 year study
……a multimillion dollar study subsidized by the U.S. National Institute of Health
……prestigious institutions conducted the study (University of Toronto, University of Michigan, Indiana-Purdue University School of Dentistry, McGill University Montreal, Harvard University, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, and the National Institute of Public Health of Mexico.)
……starting with almost 1,000 mothers, the study rigidly qualified participants down to nearly 300 sets of mothers and children (testing the children twice). Children were tested on “verbal, perceptual-performance, quantitative, memory and motor abilities.”
F.A.N. Press Release LINK STUDY LINK - https://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/ehp655/
IMPORTANT NOTE about the study:
Researchers in this study took great care to ensure that no other neurotoxin (such Lead, arsenic, mercury, etc.) was involved. The study controlled for other neurotoxins along with socioeconomic status and education. To ensure a standardized measure (not influenced by hard to monitor factors such as foods consumed), urine samples were used.
This study isolates Fluoride, and Fluoride alone, as the determining factor which lowered the IQ of children during the 12 years.
Lead played no role whatsoever in the permanent brain damage of the children in the study.

The Dallas Water Fluoridation Program contains many more brain neurotoxins than just fluoride, because the HFS (Hydrofluorosilicic Acid) contains Lead, Arsenic, Mercury and Radioactive Particles.
Also, HFS aggressively leaches Lead from the pipes.
Dallas has a grave Lead problem. (See supporting documents and videos below.)
Lead exposure plus Fluoride exposure can potentially bring about an even GREATER loss of IQ in developing children.
Two brain neurotoxins combined.

Blacks are 4 to 6 times more likely to be affected than their Caucasian counterparts for each of these neurotoxins separately, Lead and then also Fluoride. Thus, the combination of both Fluoride and Lead for Blacks is alarming. This ethnic aspect comes straight from government reports along with institutional studies.
HFS ((Hydrofluorosilicic Acid) can longer be considered a health “risk”.
It is not a “risk”. It can be expected. It can be forecast.
Many Black and Hispanic children are expected to have lower intelligence resulting from Dallas water.

Dr. Paul Connett, has this video statement about the study.
(3 1/2 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSo32UTXiLQ
He elaborates with a written statement…
The CDC in their “Recommendations for Using Fluoride”(circa 2001), states “the DOSAGE of supplemental Fluoride for infants under 6 months of age is 0.0 mg."
The CDC’s ATSDR states: “…Fluoride can cross the placenta from the mother’s blood to the developing fetus.”
Below is Dr. Paul Connett addressing the Dallas City Council on June 11, 2014
The FDA suggests calling the Poison Control Center when a child under the age of 6 swallows too much Fluoride. See this graphic and this graphic
The Dallas City Council KNEW Fluoride was poison.
The following News Video below gives an excellent overview about the Landmark 12 year study done by many prestigious Universities in North America: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jQAO5j4g6M&feature=youtu.be&t=9m14s
NEWSWEEK 9/19/2017
Children's IQ
Could Be Lowered
By Mothers
Drinking Tap Water
While Pregnant
October 14, 2017 NEWS article about the study in Vermont's The Rutland Herald - LINK

FOX 5 KVVU-TV - "Fluoride Warnings Issued by International Group of Dentists"
QUOTE excerpts "...We need to seek less toxic alternatives and work to improve human health with the safest approach... When will people realize that scientific research offers grave warnings about fluoride? Don't we all deserve safe water?"
"IQ Losses Continue to Haunt Fluoride" - https://www.thelundreport.org/content/iq-losses-continue-haunt-fluoride-0
September 29th - Regina Imburgia is interviewed on the John Stadtmiller Radio Show and gives a wonderful presentation about the Dallas Fluoride situation.
October 4th - Regina Imburgia is interviewed by well known Michael Rivero of "What Really Happened" radio show.

We have this recent impeccable, September Study regarding pregnant mothers and how Fluoride will lower the IQ in their children.
There are well over a hundred other scientific studies which suggest that Fluoride ingestion lowers IQ and/or possibly can affect other neurological actions (such as mood, attention, focus, behavior, hormones, emotions, etc.)
Hands down, the Science is undeniable and without question…
“Clearly, that at some dose, Fluoride damages the brain. Unequivocal.
There is no doubt about that.
Fluoride will damage the brain!"
Hands down, the Science is undeniable and without question…
“Clearly, that at some dose, Fluoride damages the brain. Unequivocal.
There is no doubt about that.
Fluoride will damage the brain!"
Get the Science !!
LINK to video
October 11, 2017
Fluoride Activists speak to the Dallas City Council.
The Council yawns in response.
Regina and Joe in the morning "Open Mic" and Linda in the afternoon.
LINK to the City's VIDEO.
Click "Open Microphone Speakers"

On October 11th, an audience member took a video of a City Council presentation which discusses the new study. LINK
On Wednesday October 18th,
Chantal speaks to the City Council about the September Study.
2 1/2 minute video - YouTube LINK
City Video LINK (Click "Open Microphone Speakers")
On Tuesday morning, November 14th, 2017, three Fluoride speakers spoke to The Dallas City Council, each giving a wonderful presentation. Unusual for The Dallas City Council, they seemed attentive towards the "Open Microphone Speakers".
Go to this LINK and click the morning "Open Microphone Speakers" for the video.
Deputy Mayor ProTem (Dist 2) Adam Medrano is NOT liable for harming children. He had voted against Fluoridation.

LULAC Representative Henry Rodriguez courageously addresses the Dallas City Council about Fluoridation. Video LINK
LULAC passed a National Resolution calling for an end to Water Fluoridation which also violates Civil Rights. LINK to full Resolution

One minute video Public Service Announcement which ran on the local FOX 4 TV network during our 2014-2015 campaign.
One minute video Public Service Announcement by the famous actor, Ed Asner.
The seven short videos below are a sampling of more than 100 presentations to the Dallas City Council about water fluoridation.
The videos highlight how fluoride can affect minorities, children, seniors, and those with health conditions.
Click the LINK to watch.
3 minutes - LINK
LULAC - 4 1/2 min LINK
3 minutes - LINK
6 minutes - children - LINK
Respect and listen to your Grandma
3 minutes - LINK
Minorities affected more by Fluoride.
Vote hijack attempt - 3+ minutes LINK
Kevin and others discuss minorities and health compromised. - 3+ minutes LINK
Full Documentary "Fluoride: Poison on Tap" not only delivers important information, but also some incredible video footage. Parts of the documentary were filmed in Dallas.
(99 minutes)
HISTORY BEHIND WATER FLUORIDATION, a 28 minute interview with an award-winning journalist and former producer at the BBC. Supporting documents here and here , here, and here and here and 400 pages with tons of footnotes here.
The two videos below are PRO-Fluoridation of Dallas water.
The video on the left is a Dallas Dentist who helped to bring fluoride to the Dallas water system many years ago
during the time when we had Lead in gasoline.
He describes how fluoridated water functions during teeth growth. He states it is not effective after age 18.
Dallas Pro-Fluoridation Dentist - 3 minutes LINK
Fluoride Commercial - 2 minutes LINK
Don't miss watching this!!
TOWN HALL on FLUORIDE in Councilman Sheffie Kadane's District - 10/20/14
Extraordinary information delivered by experts to a large crowd of concerned citizens. Every City Council member had been invited. LINK

The CDC in their “Recommendations for Using Fluoride”(circa 2001), states “the DOSAGE of supplemental Fluoride for infants under 6 months of age is 0.0 mg."
The CDC’s ATSDR states: “…Fluoride can cross the placenta from the mother’s blood to the developing fetus.”
4/23/14 - City Council Members have a strong interest in what this activist says.
4 minutes LINK
4/23/14 - City Council Members have a strong interest in what this activist says.
4 minutes LINK
4/23/14 - City Council Members have a strong interest in what this activist says.
4 minutes LINK
Dentist Dr. David Kennedy discusses exactly what is put in the Dallas Water. Documents for Dallas are shown.
24 minute video - LINK
Mosaic (graphic) is the company which provides the hazardous waste for the Dallas Water Fluoridation Program.
The EPA outlaws dumping this hazardous waste into water or soil, but hazardous waste can be "sold" to municipal water supplies. EPA document graphic
Mosaic was caught by the EPA in violation of dumping this extremely toxic substance with the LARGEST QUANTITY of HAZARDOUS WASTE in EPA's history.
The fine was tremendous.
See graphics here, here, and here. Scroll below for Information.
Two weeks prior to the January 28, 2015 Dallas City Council VOTE about the Water Fluoridation program, many activists give dynamic talks.
35 minutes - LINK
THE VOTE -Video LINK - What citizens do not see on the City of Dallas live feed is what Council members are doing during speaker presentations. GRAPHICS - 1st Speaker, 2nd Speaker, Howard Garrett "The Dirt Doctor" here and here
Calgary and Edmonton are both in Alberta, Canada. Each has a metropolitan population of just over a million people. They are about 200 miles from each other. Scientific study link in the article which demonstrates better dental health without Fluoridation. LINK

No Fluoridation in Japan and Why
Japan has 123 million more people than Dallas. Japan has a population of more than 126,000,000 people. Dallas County has a population of about 2,600,000. The population of Japan is equivalent to about 40% of the entire U.S. population.
With its prestigious science based wisdom, Japan refuses to fluoridate its water because of concerns for public health.
Professional Researcher, James Corbett, lives in Japan. He provides details about the Fluoride issue in Japan and other countries.
Some of the research which Mr. Corbett has done on Fluoride...

April 25, 2017 update to the Fluoride Action Network action of Nov 30, 2016 (see paragraph further below).
It is official !
Fluoride Action Network and others organizations are now suing the EPA to End Fluoridation.
Details and links - http://fluoridealert.org/content/bulletin_4-25-17/
Court document of Lawsuit - https://www.eenews.net/assets/2017/04/21/document_gw_02.pdf
Videos along with thousands of articles, scientific studies, actions, news articles, etc. http://fluoridealert.org/fan-tv/
The EPA must take action within 90 days or face a lawsuit.
Nov 30, 2016
The Fluoride Action Network along with national environmental and medical health groups delivered a Citizen Petition to the EPA that calls for a nationwide ban on water fluoridation due to the neurotoxicity of fluoride.
The EPA must take action within 90 days or face a lawsuit.
For more information on this petition visit: http://fluoridealert.org/epa-petition/
...or here http://fluoridealert.org/articles/epa_fluoride_petition/
(2 minute YouTube)

Email or call or mail a letter to Dallas City Council Members.
The City Council has been repeatedly warned about Fluoride and LEAD in the Dallas water, the City refuses transparency with an Open Committee Meeting regarding the water quality, and also refuses to abide by Texas Law.
Recent National NEWS - Radioactive
Mosaic provides the Hydrofluorosilicic Acid (HFS) to Dallas.
In recent NEWS, one of their ponds caused a huge sinkhole leaking radioactive water into the aquifers (again).
(The Dallas City Council who said they had done their research should already be aware that... ...HFS (Hydrofluorosilicic Acid) which is added to Dallas Water is loaded with hazardous waste contaminants, including radioactive particles.)
Scroll down the page to "Recent News" for more information.
In the following linked Youtube interview about the Dallas water (with documents shown), you will see a long list of harmful contaminants...
Around the 5 minute mark, you will see the radioactive components of HFS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IpJ7A_38nk
In addition, this documentary "Poison on Tap" gives even more insight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqstwfKGzPI
Major problem with Lead blood levels in Dallas children
See enlarged Map at link

Jan 20, 2017 - The Dallas Morning News reports about more schools with high lead levels.
DISD Parents Worried After Lead Found In School's Water - August 2, 2016 Yona Gavino reports
Dallas tests water for Lead -
31% of the households tested had increased levels of Lead.
(more below in the "Lead" section)
NOTE: The City of Dallas has been repeatedly warned that the HFS (Hydrofluorosilicic Acid) added to the water accelerates the leaching of lead from old pipes, because HFS not only contains lead, but it also melts metal, glass and concrete.
Wednesday Feb 8, 2017 - Regina Imburgia speaks before the Dallas City Council asking them to take another "look" at how Water Fluoridation needlessly wastes City funds on a program which endangers public health.
(City Video - click on morning "Open Microphone Speakers" - http://dallastx.swagit.com/play/02082017-1042
Tuesday Oct 11, 2016 - Fluoride Speakers talk about Lead levels and radioactive contaminants
Dr. A.K. Susheela is mentioned by the first speaker. Well worth listening to!! https://vimeo.com/54005591

The Council Chambers were filled to capacity Tuesday morning with many concerned citizens wearing green shirts calling for an underground DART subway.
Three people spoke before The Dallas City Council about the highly toxic, highly corrosive, radioactive hazardous waste which Dallas adds to the drinking water.
They bring up the fact that the company which provides this toxic soup has a severe EPA history of unethical practices.
This substance contributes to the increasing levels of lead in the metropolitan drinking water for approximately one third of the households and businesses (per the City's own study). Other studies show more than 1/3 are affected.
This waste product of the mining industry always contains radioactive contamination by virtue of the fact that large quantities of uranium are part of the deposits mined.
8 1/2 minute video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfrZkG6qEeA
Remember, this toxic soup is so hazardous that it is highly illegal to dispose of it on land or in water. A loophole in the EPA code allows it to be "reclassified" if it is sold to cities. The loophole was designed by the mining industry to viably dispose of hazardous waste.
Scroll below for more information about Lead, the radioactivity, the EPA code, the company Mosaic, how Dallas violates TCEQ, etc.
Wed. Sept 14th - Fluoride speakers deliver profound statements to the Dallas City Council
These are wonderful presentations, each with their own profound methods. Be sure to watch them.
A Councilman's own words...
Regina brings up her Councilman's wise statement about balancing risk with benefit: "...We should require proof before signing off on consent." Regina points out that the City has never provided proof about the safety of HFS (Hydrofluorosilicic Acid) because they can't. Proof does not exist.
Wed. August 10th - Fluoride speakers before the Dallas City Council
Listen to these presentations before the Dallas Council on the City's Network.
After going to the link, click on the last item labeled "Open Microphone Speakers (Part 2 of 2)". Scroll to the 25:13 minute mark of the video. http://dallastx.swagit.com/play/08102016-599
Watch the 4 speakers on this YouTube Video below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ow8meLi4yE&feature=youtu.be
Wednesday June 22, 2016 - Ms. Linda Newland before the City Council
Ms. Newland, who stayed at City Hall all day waiting for her chance to speak, confronted the Council for being too preoccupied with texting on their phones while the people exercised their right to speak with the elected officials.
She talks both about the need to halt the fluoridation of water and the Council's lack of respect towards citizens.

Fluoride Action - Dallas City Hall - Wednesday June 8th, 2016
Dallas City
VIDEO Archive
- Click on "Open Mic" afternoon speakers -

Fluoride Action - Dallas City Hall - Wednesday June 1st, 2016
Dallas City LiveStream Video Archive - (Click "Open Mic" in morning) - http://dallastx.swagit.com/play/06012016-547


Dallas Group Action for April 27th, 2016 at Dallas City Hall
Click on “Open Microphone Speakers”, both in the morning and then in the afternoon.
VIDEO - http://dallastx.swagit.com/play/04272016-607
18 Anti-Fluoride activists speak!

---> No sound and no video during video presentations...
Watch censorship here with morning and afternoon Open Mic Speakers.
The City of Dallas clearly does not want the public to hear the facts and science from experts about the public water supply.
The City does not want the public to know about Lead in the water.
The City does not want the public to know that it is violating Texas Law.
The City does not want the public to know that it injects into the Water Lines an extremely acidic, highly reactive, highly corrosive, hazardous toxic waste substance (one that melts glass, melts concrete, melts metal). A hazardous waste so toxic that it contains Lead and many other contaminants. It is illegal to dispose of this hazardous waste on land or in water or in the regular City Landfill.
We had cameras rolling on April 27th in case The City censored us again (which they did).
Watch these 3 minute presentations UNCENSORED.
Caleb's video was censored. The Pro-Fluoridation Dentist emphasizes that drinking fluoride provides NO benefit to teeth if a person is over the age of 18 years old.
Dr. James Williams DDS, one of the Founding Fathers of Fluoridation in Dallas, is a PRO-Fluoridation Dentist who states "NO BENEFIT to ANYONE OVER AGE 18".
Chantal & Michele each play half of Dr Yolanda Whyte's video (which was censored by the City).
Larry points out that if the City of Dallas is so sure that Fluoride is safe, then show us the facts in an Open Committee Meeting.
Dr Travis Fahey speaks to the Dallas City Council about Fluoridation April 27, 2016.
Regina chides the City for deliberate lack of transparency because LEAD is in Dallas Water !!!!! (See City's own test below)
Samantha's video was censored. It was an excerpt from the famous Dr. Mercola which reveals Fluoride's liabilities.
Bob's video was censored. It contains a personal message directed to the Council from a government whistle-blower famous for exposing the Washington, DC water Lead crisis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3i6NTkUF6To
Phyllis was censored. She brought a video personal message directed to the Dallas City Council from a Senior EPA Scientist, Dr Hirzy, who points out the many health liabilities to Fluoridation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RAgMeGe6Pc
Shawn brought up his concerns about the fluoride concentration increasing when the water is boiled which highly elevates Fluoride levels in foods, both at home and commercially. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAMXzwXaRAA
Linda points out how people are getting too much Fluoride from food, water and other sources. Plus it is a medicine.
James points out that people should have a choice, especially since Fluoride is a medication.
Terry speaks to the Dallas City Council bringing a personal message directed towards them from Richard Sauerheber, Ph.D, a former Scientist with NIH (National Institutes of Health). He has studied the Dallas water and has noticed how Lead levels increase when fluorosilicic acid is added the water supply. Again, Dallas censored this video so the public at large would not know this information.
Joe's previous presentation of March 2nd was censored by the City. Here on April 27th, Joe reads a SHORT list of the information presented to the Council during the past 2 1/2 years. The quantity of experts before the Council, along with scientific studies is too long to catalogue. In this link (which talks about LEAD ), Councilmen Sheffie Kadane & Adam Medrano point out the quantity of data and how important this information is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axHb_GQn_gI
John speaks about personal responsibility. He asks the Council to stop adding poison to the water. John offers alternative ideas, like a water filter and going to a fluoride free dentist!
Marjorie, a science professional, has a compromised immune system. She has addressed the Council in the past and points out that fluoridation further sickens the many residents who have a compromised body system. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YHmyFM1Fek
Bishop John Lawson speaks to the Dallas City Council April 27, 2016. A dynamic individual, Bishop Lawson is known for speaking out against abortion. He cares about the life of the unborn and he care about the lives of those on earth. Fluoridation is no good and it needs to stop. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3Ga7sIuXeU
January 19, 2017
Major problem with Lead blood levels in Dallas children
See enlarged Map
November 2016 - Greenville, Texas
"...The City of Greenville ceased fluoridation of its drinking water in Sept. 2013, due to the effort causing too much wear and tear on equipment. Director of Public Works John Wright has said the current fluoride concentration found naturally in the city’s raw water supply averages one-third to one-half of the fluoride level recommended by the EPA...."
Sept 16, 2016 - National News on Mosaic (the company which provides HFS to Dallas. This company had the largest fine ever levied by the Dept of Justice...scroll far below to the DOJ.)
HFS (Hydrofluorosilicic Acid) which is added to Dallas Water is loaded with hazardous waste contaminants, including radioactive particles.
Why is fluoride contaminated with radioactive waste?...
“there is a natural and unavoidable connection between phosphate mining and radioactive material. It is because phosphate and uranium were laid down at the same time and in the same place by the same geological processes millions of years ago. They go together. Mine phosphate, you get uranium.”
Photos of process - http://cof-cof.ca/hydrofluorosilicic-acid-origins/
NEWS - recent - radioactive
Mosaic provides the Hydrofluorosilicic Acid (HFS) to Dallas for water fluoridation.
In recent NEWS, one of their ponds caused a huge sinkhole leaking radioactive water into the aquifers (again).
(The gargantuan ponds contain the hazardous waste from which HFS is obtained and added to Dallas water.)
Size of the sinkhole towards the end of this NEWS video.
One of the lesser-known-facts about the phosphate industry is that its processing facilities have produced and sold sizeable quantities of uranium.
In 1997, just two phosphate plants in Louisiana produced 950,000 pounds of commercial uranium, which amounted to roughly 16% of the domestically produced uranium in the US.
In 1998, the same two plants produced another 950,000 pounds, but due to declining market prices for uranium, both plants have since ceased production.
September 15, 2016
Dallas ISD Orders Water Testing for Lead at All Schools
The Dallas Morning News - August 15, 2016
From football to fluoride, Texas local governments too smug — and far from candid, critics tell Texas senators
Sam Brandon of San Marcos, who has helped lead a drive for a successful 2015 referendum to remove fluoride from his Central Texas city's drinking water, said lawmakers should consider slapping criminal penalties on high-handed behavior by city officials trying to chill public participation in policy setting.
"You've got to remove the immunity from these people," he said.
-- CBS DFW 11--
DISD Parents Worried After Lead Found In School's Water
August 2, 2016 Yona Gavino reports
Contaminants Found in Water at South Oak Cliff High School
Various groups are concerned. They say because of history of issues at South Oak Cliff High School and a lack of trust with the district, they want additional testing completed by an independent party.
Members of the NAACP Dallas unit, South Oak Cliff Parents Coalition and Dallas SW Coalition For Better Public Schools gathered in front of the school Tuesday to call for more action.
“The South Oak Cliff parent coalition and Dallas South West Coalition for better public schools would like to address the ongoing issue of lead and other contaminants found in the drinking water at South Oak Cliff High,” NAACP member Arthur Fleming said.
“The community is asking for a new school," Rev. Maxie Johnson with South Oak Cliff Parent Coalition said Tuesday. "We are asking for these problems to be fixed. Our children should not have to drink contaminants found in the water.”
”To tell parents that the water is okay, and it’s not their kids is kind of like Flint Michigan," Arthur Flemming said. "They told those folks to keep drinking the water also.”
“When we look at what’s happing at a national level, there is that High sense of urgency and high sense of scrutiny of the water that’s within our school systems and in our cities," Nakia Douglas, Executive Director of South Oak Cliff Feeder Pattern, said. "So I would say it is our season, there will be others that have the issues that they will have to address.”

The Dallas Morning News - May 13, 2016
"Disabled Texans in three state homes have been drinking water with Flint-level amounts of lead"

nsnbc - "Dallas Council Member Philip Kingston Tweets about “Porn Music” at Fluoridation Hearing"
"... Councilman Philip Kingston created a tsunami of complaints when he tweeted about what he perceived as “porn-like music” in a presentation about water fluoridation during the open microphone portion of a Dallas City Council meeting. One might ask two questions. What does Kingston’s taste in music have to do with the issue of water fluoridation? And what type of porn movies is he watching anyway? While Philips had little to say about water fluoridation he surely opened the floodgates for indignation...."
May 11, 2016 - Associated Press
"Dogs in Flint getting tested as well for lead toxicity"
YouTube Video
Syrian Chemical Weapon
The exact same Fluoride added to Dallas water is a Syrian Chemical Weapon.
"The disposal of Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile has been completed, with the destruction of 75 litres cylinders of hydrogen fluoride by the waste disposal firm Veolia in Texas, US.
The Syrian government declared their stockpiles of chemical weapons – which included precursors to the nerve gases sarin and VX as well as hydrogen fluoride – to the (OPCW), the world’s chemical weapons watchdog."
Year long Houston Chronicle investigation teamed with Texas A & M cites how the Fluoride which is added to Dallas water can kill or injure thousands of people.
"...hydrogen fluoride - That could kill and injure people up to 25 miles away, encompassing an area with more than 2 million residents...Such an accident nearly happened...in California...flying debris narrowly missed a hydrogen fluoride tank."
"...Dupont...has up to 2.1 million pounds of toxic hydrofluoric acid...When released, the acid forms a dense, rolling cloud of gas that hangs close to the ground, potentially sending lethal concentrations for miles. ...a South Korean plant released 8 tons of it, killing five workers and triggering emergency treatment for more than 3,000 people in towns downwind...."
2014 Memo to Dallas Officials about Fluoridation - pdf - [ Packed with Misinformation and omitting all the facts ]
NEWS - A recent "Freedom of Information Act" document shows that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Dental Association (ADA) are very worried about the adverse health affects of water fluoridation. However, these pro-fluoride institutions have backed themselves into a corner by publicly stating that fluoridation is safe. The institutions are now faced with the major dilemma of losing credibility and also being exposed to poor Public Relations if they back-peddle on their previous false statements of safety assurances.
One can only assume that the American Dental Association will try to save face much like the EPA did when it back-peddled in 2015 by lowering the national standards for fluoridated water levels. The EPA's lowering of the standard is part of a gradual PR attempt try to maintain credibility. Per the Freedom of Information Act documents, these institutions know that science overwhelmingly demonstrates the toxicity of fluoridation. Rather than admitting wrong doing and honestly trying to help the health of people, these institutions are more concerned about how they are perceived in the public eye.
On 4/27/2016, the Council Chambers were filled with students. The Mayor welcomes them with the exact quote portrayed in the MEME below.
Later, Philip Kingston tweets a rude, inappropriate comment deriding the Fluoride presentations. Some of the presentations had video testimony from experts regarding the crisis Lead levels in Dallas water. These experts & videos about the Lead crisis were censored to the public by the City. Kingston compared the background music to porn music.
Is this the way City government is run, an example to students?

Reported here...
nsnbc - "Dallas Council Member Philip Kingston Tweets about “Porn Music” at Fluoridation Hearing"


There is no doubt that Lead is in the Dallas tap water of many households and businesses, and that the situation is getting worse.
Unfortunately, the City of Dallas has censored to the public our presentations from experts and has refused to have an open dialogue on this issue.
We encourage people to review the many YouTube Videos which reveal some of the censored information about Lead in Dallas water.
Major problem with Lead blood levels in Dallas children
See enlarged Map
Over a 15 year period, the City of Dallas conducted household tap water tests.
31% of the households tested had increased Lead levels.
In 2011, as part of the TCEQ "Lead and Copper" water testing, the City of Dallas found that 9 of the 62 households tested had elevated "action" levels of Lead in their faucet water. An additional 10 households had increases in Lead levels, but below "Actionable".
What is significant!...
These households had been participating in the City's "Lead water test" for the previous 15 years.
During all the previous years of testing, none of the 62 households had elevated Lead levels.
The implication is that by 2011, corrosion of the pipes started to appear which brought about the introduction of Lead into the drinking water of the 9 households.
An extremely acidic, highly reactive, highly corrosive, hazardous toxic waste substance (one that melts glass, melts concrete, melts metal)( HFS or Hydrofluorosilicic Acid ) might very well be the primary culprit for the corrosion.
Despite warnings, the Dallas City Council had voted again in January 2015 to inject into the Water Lines an extremely acidic, highly reactive, highly corrosive, hazardous toxic waste substance (one that melts glass, melts concrete, melts metal).
--- It should be noted: When the City conducts these Lead Tests, they let the faucet water run for a period of time prior to the test in order to flush out built up residues. However, most citizens do not let their faucet water run for 5 minutes prior to filling a glass.
It also should be noted that the City of Dallas can be selective on which facilities and homes they might test for Lead in order to avoid any news alert.
--- Note: Also, the Dallas media has not shared this information that 19 of 62 houses tested over a 15 year period had an increase in Lead levels.
31% of the households tested had increased Lead levels.
- As noted above, a flush is performed when testing.
Of course, most people do not let their faucet run for 5 minutes before grabbing a drink.
This video discusses the testing flush:
Scientist studies how Lead levels are increasing in Dallas water.
This scientific article, with graph, specifically shows how Dallas Lead levels are increased when Fluoride (fluorosilicic acid) is added to the water lines. Richard Sauerheber, Ph.D. of the University of California and former Scientist with the National Institute of Health (NIH) reports his findings.
He personally addressed the Dallas City Council in this video (which the City censored to the public).
This article in The North Dallas Gazette is an excellent piece of investigative journalism.
Not only does it give facts and history about Lead and water issues, but it also points out how sometimes government officials, vested interests, and the media will suppress the facts and scientific research.
Unfortunately, government officials can cause all kinds of heartache by not studying the scientific research and by not actively reducing any potential liabilities to Public Health.

North Dallas Gazette
(April 14-20, 2016)
QUOTE excerpt...
In spite of public outcry the Dallas City Council moved forward and voted in favor to add Hydrofluorosilicic Acid (HFS) to the drinking water. Council members were warned of the dangers of HFS, the potential adverse effects it could have on residents as it is highly contaminated with toxins including lead and the fact that African-Americans are at the greatest risk leading with higher lead levels than their White and Hispanic counterparts.
Hydrofluorosilicic Acid (HSF) is an industrial chemical. It is the diluted version of fluorosilicic acid, which is a waste product of fertilizer manufacturing companies such as Cargill and CF Industries. HSF is created during the process of converting phosphate rock into soluble fertilizer. In the past this lethal toxin was being released into the air during this process, which posed an environmental hazard. As a result of government intervention fertilizer companies are now permitted to trap the chemical before it is released into the air, house it in containers, which they then sell to water departments throughout the country as a source of water fluoridation, and it’s quite costly.
The "Lead Safe America Foundation"
The "Lead Safe America Foundation" website shows how Fluoride can increase Lead levels in drinking water.

Mike Adams of Natural News states:
"Send us your water samples and we'll test for lead to protect America."
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/053245_lead_contamination_water_supply_laboratory_testing.html#ixzz42TcqHK4j
Test your Dallas Drinking Water for
Lead !!
Go to "Natural News"

WATCH - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOqgEwgfaDE
On December 10, 2014, Regina Imburgia again points out the evidence to the Dallas City Council that Fluoride increases Lead levels, and also by its nature contains harmful poisons such as arsenic.
Previously, each of the City Council members had been presented with mounds of written documents and well organized binders of scientific studies which verify the toxic hazards of Fluoride.
On December 10th, the City Council was covertly trying to push a vote on Fluoride without fair warning.
One minute video as aired on FOX 4 during the Dr Oz show- Ed Begley Jr.
In order to be balanced, we include this Fluoride Commercial.

The Dallas City Council has approved putting an extremely acidic hazardous waste into the water system. This hazardous waste (Hydrofluorosilicic Acid)(HFS) is so extremely acidic that it melts concrete, it melts glass and its melts metal. It leaches the Lead out of older pipes. Once the Lead is exposed, the pipes are permanently compromised.
This hazardous waste is so toxic that it is illegal to dump into a normal landfill or into any waterway.
Besides leaching Lead, who in their right mind would want to ingest a highly acidic, corrosive hazardous waste (HFS)?
Long List of Scientific Evidence of Fluoride's toxicity (along with other contaminants contained in this hazardous waste)
[ Very interesting stories in these studies. EXAMPLES: Children dying of fluoride poisoning in Dentist chair, heart attacks and heart problems, rat poison, GI tract messed up for huge groups of people, ...in Columbia River, Washington only 0.2 ppm fluoride narcotized salmon brain and collapsed a salmon run until fluoride discharges were stopped. Legislators quickly banned fluoride drinking water injections, because of course the waste water from the city still contained the fluoride ion (fluoride is extremely costly to filter out).]
The Dallas City Council is refusing open transparency about the VERY TOXIC CONTAMINANTS which it DELIBERATELY ADDS to the water, and refuses to follow RULE 209.42 (j) of the TCEQ (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality). The contaminants include a large amount of fluorosilicic acid, lead, and arsenic, plus smaller amounts of mercury, cadmium, chromium, copper, thallium, selenium, and barium.
TEXAS RULE 209.42 (j)
(more information)
Texas A & M Professor states that current Fluoride detection equipment does NOT effectively find the true amount of Fluoride in the water. (Water by its nature hides or buffers the fluoride acid)
Fluoride Ion detection as mentioned by the above Texas A & M Professor is the most effective method of determining Fluoride levels.
Mike Adams of Natural News will be testing Lead and Fluoride levels using ion chromatography. Send your samples to his Lab.

Dallas Group Action for March 2nd, 2016 at Dallas City Hall
Click on “Open Microphone Speakers”, both in the morning and then in the afternoon.
VIDEO http://dallastx.swagit.com/play/03022016-571
Regina Imburgia talks about Lead in the drinking water at 9:30am, then in the afternoon seven more Anti-Fluoride activists speak.

The science showing the Fluoride & Lead connection http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/fluoride-in-water-worsens-us-lead-crisis-300219061.html
Some recent FLUORIDE ISSUES at hand, besides its toxicity…
-- The Hydrofluorosilicic Acid added to our water does not "comply" with Texas Rule 290.42 (j). Contains other contaminants.
-- The Dallas Water Department is often “over-injecting” the permissible amount of Fluoride.
-- Lead leaching is currently a big issue because of Flint, Michigan. Hydrofluorosilicic Acid leaches Lead from pipes.
(See the recent late January Dallas Morning News article about LEAD in Dallas Water - http://thescoopblog.dallasnews.com/2016/01/with-water-worries-in-flint-how-does-dallas-area-supply-stack-up.html/
This 15 minute video shows
Anti-Fluoride speakers back-to-back
giving their presentations
prior to the VOTE by the City Council
in January 2015.
(Howard Garrett is in it.)

Mike Adams, executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center and founder of Natural News, has a 13 minute mini-documentary about Fluoride.
WATCH VIDEO (13 minutes)

May 6, 2016 - VAXXED premiered in Dallas. People in the film took the stage to answer questions. The CDC is EXPOSED !!
"The saving of our world from pending doom will come, not through the complacent adjustment of the conforming majority, but through the creative maladjustment of a nonconforming minority." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr., 1963
~~~ Added October 2015 ~~~
Fluoride: Poison On Tap - Full Documentary
ORDER the DVD here: http://store.framingtheworld.com/products/fpot
Activists are helping to educate the public about the harmful effects of water fluoridation.
Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of DVDs have been distributed.
(Thanks Joe!)
All the Dallas City Council Members have been given a DVD along with binders of scientific literature and information.
(The Dallas City Council is in this film.)

For the most current news updates, please go to the
~~~~ Added October 2015 ~~~~
Mosaic (which supplies "Fluoride" for the Dallas water) has been found guilty of monstrous and atrocious handling of hazardous waste.

Wednesday, May 13 8:45 am at Dallas City Hall 1500 Marilla Street, Dallas
William Winn and Regina Imburgia are signed up to continue the conversation with the Mayor and Dallas City Council.
Over the Associated Press Newswire this story is hitting papers around the globe!!
"US lowers fluoride in water;
too much causing splotchy teeth"
(The CDC lowers the Fluoridated Water Standard to 0.7 ppm everywhere.)
Go comment somewhere. The AP story went all over.
Be sure to also look at this News Story...
"...a federal government medical journal...actually backed the historic study by Harvard scientists on the subject of fluoride’s devastating effects on cognitive ability...." (i.e. Fluoride lowers IQ)
Many, many days throughout the year, the Dallas SOURCE Water Fluoride Levels EXCEED the new CDC lowered standard of 0.7ppm everywhere.
(It also should be noted that warmer climates should have lower amounts of fluoride in their water per implications by the CDC. People drink more water in a hot climate. The safer, more sane approach in warm climates is to have a lower Fluoride level than on a national standard.)
Repeatedly, the Dallas City Council was warned about this!!!
They refused to take heed!
The Dallas City Council just wasted more than a million dollars and now has created a situation whereby Fluoride levels might easily exceed the new CDC levels in the SOURCE water alone, prior to the addition of more Fluoride. It becomes cost-prohibitive for Dallas to remove this excess Fluoride which now potentially exists. Certainly, the Dallas City Council has now created a problem where Fluoride Levels exceed the "spirit" of the CDC codes for Fluoridated Water in warmer climates. The EPA has also taken note of further lowering levels (see Dr Oz and the EPA)
The CHART below shows the NUMBER OF DAYS throughout a given year where the Fluoride Levels EXCEED 0.7ppm.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is UNTREATED source water.
An average of 0.5ppm or MORE occurs in the source water prior to the addition of Hydrofluorosilic Acid.

These FACTS are indisputable because they are natural Biological-Chemistry Laws…
Fluoride is NOT a nutrient for any metabolic body process.
Since (FLUORIDE) F- is the MOST REACTIVE ION of any other element, it can EASILY REACT with many of the body’s minerals and chemicals.
The body makes hundreds of thousands of chemicals every second utilizing a vast host of minerals, enzymes (i.e. other body chemicals) and nutrients. Even small amounts of Fluoride wreak havoc on natural body functions because the F- EASILY attaches to these body chemicals.
This is “why” the CDC’s ASTDR states that half of the Fluoride we ingest accumulates in the body!!
This is “why” Fluoride is used in many poisons and pesticides. It easily reacts with normal body chemicals which disrupt a healthy biological system.
Chemists know it is the most reactive of over 100 elements. Bio-Chemists and Toxicologists recognize that Fluoride poisons the system when ingested.
May 1st - Brief update (see more details further below)

APRIL 15TH 2015 - Brief update
Regina Imburgia has been "going back and forth" with the litigation regarding her LAWSUIT against 13 of the Dallas City Council Members. (This is a tough road to navigate for a novice, but Regina has been aggressively and professionally countering their "counters".)
Also, Regina has been aggressively seeking "Open Records Requests" surrounding the prejudicial censorship of the Fluoride Speakers on March 25th. Her requests for information regarding this grave injustice have been stonewalled and thwarted repeatedly. She is tenacious, determined and resolute. She is giving City Hall hell !!
They do not want to reveal what they did.
Here is a sample of Regina's litigation response:

The bottom line...
Regina points out that the 13 Dallas City Council Members are violating Texas Law.
They were warned repeatedly, but chose to ignore the law and chose to risk the health of millions. They had a choice. They were negligent as the executive administrators of the Public Water Supply by arbitrarily choosing to add an unhealthy substance which does not conform to Texas Law. The "vote" on January 28th was an executive administrative function. They did not "have to" add this substance. They were lackadaisical in their due diligence and in their role as administrators.
If on January 28th, the City Council had just let the addition of Fluoride to the water die,
just not renewed the contract,
then the volume would not be so loud now.
In short, the City Council should had...
"let sleeping dogs lie" .

Photo from Representative David Simpson's website
Texas State Representative David Simpson has introduced a new bill that would require Texas water supply systems to display information related to water fluoridation on their websites. Texas House Bill 1581 would require the amount of Fluoride, the name of the company supplying it, the combined amount of fluoride in the drinking water from all sources, the annual cost of adding fluoride to the drinking water distributed by the system, and more.

This BILL is significantly important ! It would require disclosure of ALL COSTS associated with the addition of Fluoride, including labor costs and equipment costs which can total MUCH MORE than the "contract" for the purchase of Hydrofluorosilicic Acid itself.
Listen briefly to the long list of the MANY ADDED COSTS surrounding the DALLAS WATER SYSTEM.

On Wednesday morning, March 25th,
four speakers spoke to the Dallas City Council.
CITY HALL VIDEO LINK (Go to “Open Microphone Speakers”)
...or you can go to this
YOUTUBE VIDEO --------->
Remember, there is nothing wrong with your computer.
It is the CENSORSHIP of City Hall which muddles the video.
Dallas City Council Stops Anti-Fluoridation Speakers by Turning Off Their Mics! 3-25-2015
What is alarming!
The SOUND (and VISUAL of the speakers’ videos)
was muted and not shown by City Hall to the Public!!
When you watch the Dallas City News Network Archives (see link mentioned above), the presentations by the speakers on Fluoridation are all messed up. The sound is muted for the most part when three of the speakers were presenting incriminating videos. Also, UNLIKE in the past, the videos were not shown to the public. In the past, all our videos were displayed for the public. (Just so you know, these videos were pre-approved as "okay to show" by the City Manager.)
From what we know now, it appears that this censorship (muting of sound) was DELIBERATE. Also, without prior notice, suddenly an obscure policy of not displaying videos to the public on TV was enforced, but without our knowledge. This non-disclosure about videos was DELIBERATE in order to censor the home viewer from the videos and sound. No speakers about other issues were censored or muted on March 25th, only the Fluoride speakers.
Many details to this charade by City Hall keep emerging. Once we get all the facts in a row, we will post them.
The first morning speaker is Chantal Arashvand. This is her video...
The second speaker is William Winn. His video...
Fourth speaker was Raelean Stewart. Her video...
Raelean says at the end of video: "Fluoridation is NOT Safe and Effective.This local dentists was one of many that appealed to you to not purchase the HydrofluorosilicicAcid. You ignored science, you ignored the voice of the people and you ignored an opportunity to do something good for Dallas. A vote of 8 could have stopped this dangerous program.
Nine of you can turn this around. Stop Fluoridation in Dallas."
However, we caught some of the presentations as we filmed the horseshoe…
You can see the presentations here with the camera showing City Council Members only (and all of the AUDIO some of the VISUAL of the speakers’ videos).
In the Video, you hear Regina Imburgia tell the Council about her lawsuit!!
Regina Imburgia tells the City Council that they are being sued.
She chides the City Council for their lack of professionalism and for their lack of concern regarding the public’s health.
YOUTUBE (less than 4 minutes)

I, Regina M Imburgia, am suing the thirteen members of the Dallas City Council named as the Defendants for the full jurisdictional limit of $10,000.00; to cover the expense of purchasing a whole house Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System with a three year maintenance agreement and for the expense of purchasing bottled water for the last 13 months.
Over the last thirteen months, I have been purchasing and hauling bottled water doing the best I could to avoid the poisoned Dallas water in my home. I was hopeful when the three year contract with Pencco, for the Hydrofluorosilicic Acid ran out, the Defendants would not renew.
The Defendants had the authority to not purchase the Hydrofluorosilicic Acid on January 28, 2014, when Agenda Item #44 was presented to them. It is recorded that I have pleaded with them for over a year to look at the research and face the fact that Hydrofluorosilicic Acid is not safe and raising the fluoride level is very harmful. None of the Defendants has shown evidence Hydrofluorosilicic Acid is safe or that the Hydrofluorosilicic Acid from Mosaic conforms to NFS 60 standards and has completed the 20 necessary toxin tests.
I am with-out another option, since I live in Dallas; the Dallas Water Utilities is the only provider of potable water. I have to purchase water from them. This is why I appealed to the Defendants many ways and many times, hoping they would make the prudent decision and not agree to the purchase for the Hydrofluorosilicic Acid.
Listed below is some of the information I made available to the Defendants.
A. June 11, 2014 Dr Paul Connett PhD. I arranged for Dr Connett to fly into Dallas and stay overnight, so he could speak to the Dallas City Council during the Open Microphone portion of the Counil meeting on Jun 11th. He did speak before them. Dr Connett is a retired Chemistry Professor and has spent 17 years researching fluoride. He co-authored a book with 80 pages of references. He told the Defendants they should not add the Hydrofluorosilicic Acid to the water supply.
B. October 19, 2014 Dr Bill Osmundson DDS, MPH came to Dallas to speak with the Defendants. Dr Osmundson is a thirty year practicing dentists who was pro-fluoride. Dr Osmundson reversed his opinion and he came to explain to the Defendants and others the dangers of using Hydrofluorosilicic Acid in the water supply.
C. On August 6, 2014 I gave each one of the Defendants a one inch binder full of research papers showing adverse effects of fluoride on the body.
D. I brought the Defendants direct video testimony from Dr Neil Carmen PhD, Dr Griffin Cole DDS NMD, Dr Joan Sefcik DDS, and Dr Robyn Abramcyz as to the dangers of Hydrofluorosilicic Acid. They explained Hydrofluorosilicic Acid is not Pharmaceutical grade and it contains contaminates, like arsenic and lead and others. These contaminates have no safe consumable level.
E. I sent the Defendants numerous letters from other Doctors and scientists, news articles, research papers and videos about the serious concerns with Hydrofluorosilicic Acid.
F. I called and emailed requests for appointments to speak with every one of them, and I met with the three that would agree to meet with me.
The Defendants are directly responsible for the toxin Hydrofluorosilicic Acid in the Dallas water supply. The Defendants had been given a year of opportunity to consult these and many more professionals about the dangers of Hydrofluorosilicic Acid.
The cost of purchasing bottled water, the time and energy involved in hauling, and storing the store bought water should not be my burden. My tap water has been laced with poisons; cooking with my tap water compounds the problems. The Hydrofluorosilicic Acid leeches lead from my pipes there is no safe level of lead. I do not want to give the dangerous water that comes out of my tap to my family, friends, pets or me. I also do not want to shower and bath in my tap water that has been contaminated by the Hydrofluorosilicic Acid. The Defendants did not act in ignorance. I should not suffer because of their actions. I seek the courts help in remedying this situation.
We have had many complaints regarding the Dallas City Council and their lack of concern regarding this poison (Fluoride).
The complaints range across the board… …poor decorum manners, disinterest in scientific evidence, unwillingness to study the Fluoride issue or to listen to speakers and professionals, not informing their constituents of the Fluoride issue, deceptions of anti-fluoride support when in actuality during the vote some council members betrayed their word, bias and preconceived ideas based on disinformation and on a few dentists who even themselves did not know the facts, lying about the number of emails in support of fluoridation when in reality there were huge numbers of emails and letters voicing opposition to fluoride, refusing to look at the number of people who oppose fluoridated water, etc.
All these complaints are well documented. Many of these complaints can easily be observed in videos.
Watch the improprieties of Dallas City Council Members at the VOTE of January 28th!
January 28th – City Council Members Only - http://youtu.be/Pz468n6neTY?t=8m46s
January 28th was the day that The Dallas City Council VOTED to Fluoridate the Water Supply
January 28th -- Speakers Before the City Council Presentations - https://youtu.be/w2IfGk-L6xo

Scroll below to see more about January 28th, the day of the VOTE.

Fluoride Action North Texas Announces:
…a Fluoridation Protest Wednesday 3/25/15 8-8:45 am outside Dallas City Hall…
…At 9 am we will enter The Dallas Council Chambers to support our four morning Open Microphone speakers signed up to give presentations opposing the Dallas Council's vote to continue Fluoridation….
… “Documents received from an Open Records Request for all of Councilman Callahan’s emails”…(prove his statements on January 28th to be untrue).
Fluoride Action North Texas is declaring, “We warned the Dallas City Council their vote to purchase the Hydrofluorosilicic Acid to continue fluoridation would make our voice opposing fluoridation louder. The message was delivered by Brittney Olsen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2IfGk-L6xo&feature=youtu.be&t=3m39s.
Read more… http://www.prweb.com/releases/2015/03/prweb12581227.htm

This Video shows City Council Members ONLY >>>
Some City Council Members are chatting during all the speaker presentations.
Some walk away or start texting.
VIDEOYOUTUBE http://youtu.be/Pz468n6neTY?t=8m46s
-- SOUND... If the sound doesn't play, un-mute the video.
Move to Item 44 for the VOTE. Action starts after 8 minutes
Some recent Newspaper articles about the March 25th City Council Meeting…
Reporter Paul Wittenberger talks about Dallas Water Fluoridation. (November, 2014)
DOCUMENTS are shown.
YOUTUBE - https://youtu.be/Jxto-J4uPaQ
Previously, he has presented several interviews regarding the Dallas Water Fluoridation Issue, along with documents & TRUE COSTS.
[See our WEBPAGE "Hazardous Waste" ]
Paul interviewed Regina Imburgia around May 2014 when the Fluoride Issue in Dallas was gaining strong momentum.
YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ym3ee31ghAM&feature=youtu.be
"Water Fluoridation Linked to Higher ADHD Rates"
By Douglas Main 3/10/15
“New research shows there is a strong correlation between water fluoridation and the prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, in the United States.”
“It’s the first time that scientists have systematically studied the relationship between the behavioral disorder and fluoridation, the process wherein fluoride is added to water to prevent cavities….”
Scientific Journal (where studies are published)
The Study
"Water Fluoridation May Increase Risk of Underactive Thyroid Disorder"
By Douglas Main 2/24/15
“A large study that looked at data from nearly every general medical practice in England suggests that water fluoridation may increase the risk of developing hypothyroidism, or underactive thyroid. This condition, in which the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormones, is associated with symptoms such as fatigue, obesity and depression.”
“The study found that locations with fluoridated water supplies were more than 30 percent more likely to have high levels of hypothyroidism, compared to areas with low levels of the chemical in the water. Overall, there were 9 percent more cases of underactive thyroid in fluoridated places.”

The Dallas City Council was
Listen here !!!... http://youtu.be/w2IfGk-L6xo?t=3m39s
There were 13 City Council Members who chose to RISK the overall health of its citizens and visitors for years to come.
These 13 Council Members were not “Forward Thinking”, but rather chose the Status Quo and also sided with The Mosaic Company (which provides the industrial waste that is injected into the drinking water).
On January 28th, 2015, EIGHT Dallas City Council members could have voted “NO” to the purchase of the Hydro Fluorosilicic Acid which is added to water in order to raise the Fluoride level from the naturally occurring 0.5 mg per liter to a superficial 0.7 mg per liter.
ONLY TWO Council Members, Sheffie Kadane and Adam Medrano, voted “NO”.
EIGHT Votes would have STOPPED Fluoridation in Dallas!! The Council was WELL informed of the dangers and they were WELL aware of the lack of evidence Fluoridation is safe and effective. Yet 13 members voted to purchase this Toxin from Mosaic.
On the morning of Wednesday January 28, 2015
Dallas City Council Voted on the Water Fluoridation Issue

We posted how each City Council Member Voted below.

Howard Garrett "The Dirt Doctor"
was there speaking to the
Dallas City Council on Jan 28th.
City Hall VIDEO January 28th
Below we have a YOUTUBE VIDEO of the City Council Meeting.
About Item # 44
Authorize a three-year master agreement for the purchase of hydrofluosilicic acid to be used for the treatment of potable water Mosaic Crop Nutrition, LLC, lowest responsible bidder of three - Not to exceed $1,060,800 - Financing: Water Utilities Current Funds
WATCH THIS VIDEO! It explains what is REALLY happening about Item #44. (with documents)
or this page https://www.dogsagainstfluoridation.com/hazardous-waste Dr. David Kennedy Talks about Water Fluoridation in Dallas
Dr David Kennedy, DDS - This esteemed 3rd generation Dentist of more than 20 years, who also has been on the Board of Directors of several dental organizations and is past President of “International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology”, goes over in great detail Item # 44 of the Dallas City Council vote on January 28th (Fluoridation of Public Water). DOCUMENTS ARE SHOWN IN THE VIDEO.
--- --- --- VIDEO --- --- ---
YOU WILL SEE THE Disappointing vote where Dwayne Carraway and Scott Griggs betray their commitment to Vote Against the Purchase of the Fluoridation Chemical!
But Sheffie Kadane and Adam Medrano act honorablly and stood against purchasing this Toxin!
Send your Thank You messages to these HEROS!
Let us hit Callahan with a few emails!!
and complementary ones to Medrano and Kadane.
Tell Griggs and Carraway how you feel about their BETRAYAL !
(SCROLL BELOW to "How You Can Help" for email contacts to The Dallas City Council Members)
~~~~~~ VIDEO ~~~~~~
Dallas City Council Votes to Renew
3-Year Fluoride Contract
Jan 28, 2015
YOUTUBE http://youtu.be/w2IfGk-L6xo
(Includes the “Dallas Vote NO” video of people holding signs)
-- The photos of people holding signs are on the Gallery Page. We could not get everyone in the video. --
“Dallas City Council Votes to Renew 3 Year Fluoride Contract (Austin video)”
35 minutes FULL ACCOUNT on Jan 28th – Includes Item 44 VOTE on Fluoride with Pro-Fluoride Dentists speaking.
YOUTUBE http://youtu.be/w2IfGk-L6xo
FluorideFreeAustin YOUTUBE http://youtu.be/FSxT24z-D5A
Ignoring public opinion, the Dallas City Council voted 13-2 to continue adding industrial waste fluorosilicic acid to Dallas' already naturally-fluoridated water.

View the Live Stream from Dallas City Hall here
(Archive footage also available at the above link) and we have Videos of some past Council Sessions on this webpage https://www.dogsagainstfluoridation.com/city-council

We strongly encourage people to do everything that they can to make sure that all the City Council Members
(except for Kadane and Medrano)
are not re-elected.
Here is a list of the City Leaders to oppose in any election:
Mike Rawlings, Tennell Atkins, Monica Alonzo, Scott Griggs, Vonciel Hill, Dwaine Caraway, Rick Callahan, Carolyn Davis, Jerry Allen, Lee Kleinman, Sandy Greyson, Jennifer Staubach, Philip Kingston.
Dogs have a higher IQ than these guys! ...and more concern for Public Health Risks!
Support Adam Medrano in any election.
Unfortunately, Sheffie Kadane will not be running for office again.
Much thanks to David E. for putting together the following videos...
“Final Open Mic Before Dallas City Council Votes on Fluoride (January 28, 2015)”
15 minutes YOUTUBE http://youtu.be/V1T-gT1z2Bw
"Dallas Vote NO"
which was played at the January 28th City Council Meeting.
-- The photos of people holding signs are on the Gallery Page. We could not get everyone in the video. --
This Video shows City Council Members only ---->
It demonstrates how much attention the Dallas City Council Members have towards PUBLIC HEALTH.
As we know, they are not focused on PUBLIC HEALTH nor the HEALTH RISKS of Fluoride.
Watch how many are completely uninterested.
YOUTUBE http://youtu.be/Pz468n6neTY?t=8m46s
-- SOUND... If the sound doesn't play, un-mute the video.
Move to Item 44 for the VOTE. Action starts after 8 minutes.
(Thanks Jon for filming.)

Rick Callahan - City Council Member for District 5
There is not a graceful way to put this...
In the opinion of us "Dogs Against Fluoridation", Rick Callahan is pretty stupid... ...and he was caught telling a BIG LIE.
LISTEN and WATCH him for yourself! http://youtu.be/FSxT24z-D5A?t=31m26s
You can tell by his own words, that he is a clueless airhead who NEVER even read any of the scientific literature on Fluoride, nor did he ever really see all the many, many topics on Toxic Chemicals which Howard Garrett has written and talked about for more than a decade.
His main "sin" is that he NEVER BOTHERED TO LOOK, TO STUDY,
TO READ. What a doofus! Dogs have more common sense.
Rick Callahan - City Council Member for District 5 was caught telling a BIG LIE !
He said: "I've received emails from over 200 Dental Organizations, American Medical Society, Scientific Groups...."
From an "Open Records Request", it was discovered that Callahan received only 13 pro-fluoride emails, but over 600 anti-fluoridation emails. See this 3 minute video to the right. LINK
Below is a 3 minute video exposing the BIG LIE.
Stay tuned!
Updates Coming about Class Action Lawsuits because of Fluoride Toxicity!
Fluoride (Fluorine) is the MOST REACTIVE of all elements and it is the most electronegative element. (This means that it attracts electrons in other molecules more powerfully than any other element can.)
So, F- will react with nearly every other element, because it is the most reactive.
When ingested, it easily “overpowers” and replaces or reacts with other chemicals, chemicals which are found throughout the body. And the body makes thousands and thousands of chemicals (an estimated 70,000 enzymes alone.)
Don't miss this! City Council Meeting of 1/14/15 -https://www.dogsagainstfluoridation.com/city-council
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We argue that it is needless to add Fluoride due to adequate amounts in Raw Source Water (0.5 parts per million), adding more Fluoride is potentially harmful to public health in many ways (see website links), and adding Fluoride is costly (spending more than a million dollars of taxpayer money).
Please read “THE ISSUE” page and explore our website.

EMAILS - We welcome your communication, even if you have "a bone to pick".
We may “bark”, but we don’t bite.
And we love to get Dog Pictures with relevant captions! Please, please send them.
In the Subject Header, be sure to describe the nature of the email.
Fluoride Action North Texas - https://www.facebook.com/FluorideActionNorthTexas?fref=nf
(The above FACEBOOK page is a great resource for daily updates of this campaign and news.
It was featured on TV.)
Dogs Against Fluoridation!! Contest- https://www.facebook.com/events/1550451548506069/?ref=22
Please HELP
Help to stop the addition of Fluoride into the Dallas area drinking water.
- What ANYONE can do...
It is simple. Takes a few minutes.
You can make a difference.
This is an historic action!

The Anti-Fluoride Campaign is simple.
We have been asking the City Council and Mayor: "Please stop adding additional amounts of Fluoride to the Dallas water" as the Dallas source water already contains a substantial amount of Fluoride naturally for those who want fluoridated water.
However, On January 28th 2015, The Dallas City Council VOTED to
continue adding Fluoride to the Tap Water.
Our approach is now different, because the Dallas City council Members are LIABLE for the HEALTH RISKS which exist and which they have been made aware of.
~~~ Go to this link and fill out the form, addressing the Mayor and City Council. This method is most read.
~~~ Or you can contact each City Council Member individually.
City Council District Map(s)
for each City Council Member
mike.rawlings@dallascityhall.com; jerry.allen@dallascityhall.com; monica.alonzo@dallascityhall.com; tennell.atkins@dallascityhall.com; rick.callahan@dallascityhall.com; dwaine.caraway@dallascityhall.com; carolyn.davis@dallascityhall.com; jennifer.gates@dallascityhall.com; sandy.greyson@dallascityhall.com; scott.griggs@dallascityhall.com; vonciel.hill@dallascityhall.com; sheffield.kadane@dallascityhall.com; philip.kingston@dallascityhall.com; lee.kleinman@dallascityhall.com; adam.medrano@dallascityhall.com

~~~ Be sure to sign the Petition "Stop Water Fluoridation in Dallas, Texas" Petitioning Dallas City Council-City Secretary Mayor Rawlings and The Dallas City Council
~~~~> You can actually write a letter! Mail it to different City Council Members. Sometimes a hand addressed letter has impact! The names of City Council Members are in the link above. Mail to: Dallas City Hall 1500 Marilla Street, Dallas, TX 75201
~~~~> Write “Letters to the Editor”. Contact different NEWS organizations and anchors, (such as TV, radio, online, print). Share this website with friends and social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
[ Example: For The Dallas Morning News, on the right side of this link's page are resources on how to send a "Letter to the Editor" or 90 second Video Response to the "Debate on Fluoride".
http://letterstotheeditorblog.dallasnews.com/2015/01/the-fluoride-debate-safe-or-unsafe.html/ ]
~~~~~~~~~~> Share this website! It helps! https://www.dogsagainstfluoridation.com/
Sharing this website really helps to inform people. Please do so.
*********************Go to the bottom of this page. Important message for you.**********************
Everybody (and every dog) WINS on this!! Pro-Fluoride or Anti-Fluoride. We already have adequate amounts in our water. And an individual can always drink more water or use more toothpaste if they desire more Fluoride. Plus, the City will save over a million dollars of taxpayer money!

DOGS AGAINST FLUORIDATION https://www.dogsagainstfluoridation.com/

Sidenote: It is expected that even the EPA would concur that adding supplementary Fluoride to Dallas Raw Water is UNNECESSARY!! See what the Head of the EPA, Lisa Jackson, says about lowering the EPA's suggested guidelines on levels of Fluoride... https://www.dogsagainstfluoridation.com/dr-oz-psa
Dr. David Kennedy, an esteemed 3rd generation Dentist of more than 20 years, who also has been on the Board of Directors of several dental organizations and is past President of “International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology”, goes over in great detail Item # 44 of the Dallas City Council vote on January 28th (Fluoridation of Public Water).
Don’t miss this short video with DOCUMENTS
which shows what is added to the Dallas
Drinking Water.
Dr. David Kennedy Talks about Water Fluoridation in Dallas
YOUTUBE http://youtu.be/9IpJ7A_38nk

On January 28th, just after the vote, Kingston gets on the mic and talks about “puppy rescue”.
Here is the 28th Council Meeting from City Hall's feed...
Go to "Special Announcements", following after Item #44.
In that segment, you will hear Kingston and Caraway. Caraway's dog is named "Howard". Kingston’s puppy is named “Beverly”.