Dallas For Safer Water

STOP! Please stop now! We want you to watch this extremely important 33 minute VIDEO.
Click this VIDEO link: https://odysee.com/@FluorideActionNetwork:5/rfkconnett:6
Robert F Kennedy, Jr interviews the attorney (Michael Connett) in the EPA Fluoride Lawsuit. This is the first time in history that a citizens group has ever taken the EPA to trial.
Trial testimony by the EPA and CDC is in that video, and you will hear them admit that Dallas water fluoridation levels can adversely affect health.
Alzheimer’s, lowered IQ, ADHD, Thyroid, hormone issues, pregnancy and other topics are discussed.
Much more information about the EPA Fluoride Trial is on this webpage:
DallasForSaferWater – NewsandActivism - https://www.dallasforsaferwater.com/newsandactivism
That webpage is where the action is!
Get the latest news and watch Activists interact with City officials.
We want you to visit that webpage first.
EPA Fluoride Lawsuit Trial Date - January 29th, 2024
The start date for the final phase of our federal lawsuit against the EPA over the neurotoxicity of fluoridation chemicals has been scheduled for January 29th, 2024. The Court has set aside two weeks to hear testimony and cross-examination of expert witnesses focused on new evidence and science published since the last trial dates in 2020, including the NTP’s 6-year systematic review of fluoride’s neurotoxicity.
DALLAS FOR SAFER WATER, originally known as DOGS AGAINST FLUORIDATION, is an effort to get the City of Dallas to stop needlessly adding toxic Fluoride chemical poisons to the public water supply (which include Arsenic, Lead, Mercury, radioactive particulates, Cadmium, P2O5, etc.) The EPA classifies the Fluoride chemical mix (HFS) as corrosive, hazardous, toxic waste. It is illegal to dump it in normal landfills or waterways. Yet, City Council members put it in our drinking water.
It is completely unnecessary for Dallas to intentionally add this Fluoridic hazardous, toxic waste.
The FIRST STEP to safer water is to stop deliberately adding poisons.

Freedom Alert !
The Mayor is pitching to eliminate the Public Voice! See October 19 Briefing on the News & Activism Page
Mayor & City Council Alert !
On August 9, 1965, City Council Resolution #65-4383 was passed. The Dallas City Council voted six to three to add fluoride to the city's water supply. The 1965 Council did not want the people to VOTE on this issue. Besides the three councilmen dynamically opposed to fluoridation, swarms of citizens were outraged.
The Dallas City Council enacted the compulsory medical intervention of fluoride into the water supply in 1965, and by that fact, the Dallas City Council can always stop fluoridation at any time.
The current Dallas Mayor and City Council, by its own inaction to halt fluoridation, is stating:
“We want to FORCE you to swallow our chemical substance, because you are too stupid to decide what you should consume every day.”
“We demand to FORCE everyone in the larger Dallas Metro area to swallow this medical intervention every day, because we said so. We dictate it, just like any dictator would.”
“We don’t care how many milligrams of fluoride that you swallow per day. According to us, there is no limit.”
“We don’t care if you are a minority, a baby, a fetus, a pregnant mother, a senior, a kidney patient, a heart patient, a cancer patient, thyroid compromised, immune compromised, a dog, a cat, fish, livestock or what. Everyone and everything in the larger metro area must consume our fluoride chemical every day.”
“We don’t care if what you swallow is classified by the EPA as a toxic hazardous waste.”
“We don’t care if this poses a health risk for you. We don’t care if hundreds and hundreds of well-respected scientific studies demonstrate that water fluoridation poses health risks. In fact, as dictators, we refuse to be transparent and will hide those studies from the public view.”
“We own your bodies and can dictate what you put in your body.”
~~ Give it some time for webpages to load.
Want to search text on a web page, pressing Control + F will bring up a search box.
CENSORSHIP and DELETED videos, links and articles.
The Wayback Machine has archived each webpage of DallasForSaferWater/DogsAgainstFluoridation.
Sample: Here is the DallasForSaferWater Home Page on June 8, 2021, but its top “Timeline” bar shows other captured timestamps of the webpage. Give it time for the webpage to load. Sometimes this archived webpage will lead to an archived link or video.
The Wayback Machine is one tool of many for searching bad links and deleted videos/articles.
Example: The deleted url to the City of Dallas 2011 Elevated Lead in Tap Water Study – Far down this webpage, there is a lot of information about lead in the water, but the City’s hosted link to the study is now void. However, The Wayback Machine found it.
Dallas area tap water already has more than 500 health damaging contaminants & chemicals. The Fluoride chemicals easily react with other things. Fluoride chemicals can react with cell activity in the human body causing all kinds of adverse health effects. Fluoride can react with toxic chemicals and metals which are already in the Dallas drinking water. Example: The THM "Freon" (air conditioning coolant) is formed from Fluoride reacting with the already existing harmful chemicals. No sane person would drink air conditioning coolant nor a toxic glass of fluoridated tap water which, like Velcro,carries Lead to the brain.
It is completely unnecessary for Dallas to intentionally add this Fluoridic hazardous, toxic waste.
The FIRST STEP to safer water is to stop deliberately adding poisons.
Taking a vote on January 28, 2015, the Dallas City Council insists that everyone swallow these poisons despite any potential adverse health effects. Councilmen Sheffie Kadane and Adam Medrano courageously opposed fluoridation.
The Council refuses to show scientific studies which prove that swallowing these poisons are safe for everyone.
In fact, not once did the City Council cite any scientific study. They refused to have an open dialogue nor a Town Hall about the health risks. They refused to call in toxicologists, scientists, and experts in the field of fluoride toxicity. When professionals in the field of toxicity came before the Council, they were given only 3 minutes to speak. Most Council Members blatantly ignored them (as is documented with video and photos).
Mountains of scientific studies suggest that swallowing fluoride could adversely affect a person’s health.
EXAMPLES: More than 300 studies show that Fluoride can damage the brain (scroll below). Hundreds of studies, (even going back to the 1800's), show that Fluoride damages the Thyroid. Fluoride can cause cancer and also augment many types of cancers. Fluoride mutates teeth and bone growth with many folks experiencing achy joints as first symptoms. Even NEWSWEEK reports some of the myths about Fluoride. See the LARGEST SCHOLARLY DATABASE FOR FLUORIDE.
It would be very silly to think that every one of those studies is invalid.
The Dallas City Council action affects the Metropolitan Water Supply which includes 25 suburbs, such as Irving, Addison, Grand Prairie, Cedar Hill, Red Oak, Duncanville, Carrollton, The Colony, Flower Mound, Seagoville, Mesquite, Coppell, etc.
This website documents the majority of interactions with the Dallas City Council beginning in 2013, which plainly show their disregard for the health of the people in the region. More than 100 presentations about water fluoridation have been given to the Dallas City Council along with countless reams of scientific literature.
Dallas City Council Members are knowingly harming Blacks and Hispanics
with Lead poisoning via the drinking water.
Spend 10 minutes to see the Science.
EWG Senior Scientist - Chloramine and Fluoride (what Dallas adds to water) aggressively leaches Lead.
Disturbing news...
"State of American Drinking Water" at the (EWG) Environmental Working Group WEBSITE.
EWG's Tap Water Database – the most complete source available on the quality of U.S. drinking water, aggregating and analyzing data from almost 50,000 public water utilities nationwide. This database is more than just a helpful resource for individuals and families, but a call to action for everyone who cares about clean water.

No matter where you live...
~~~ Be sure to sign the PETITION.
~~~ Email the Mayor and City Council Members ! LINK
(It does make a difference. We know from experience.)

DallasForSaferWater (at)
Call or text Regina Imburgia
Email: Regina.Imburgia@gmail.com
(Put "Dogs" in the subject line.)
For current NEWS & ACTIVISM, go this page, NEWS & ACTIVISM.
About the WEBSITE name: "Dogs Against Fluoridation" -
Originally, "Dogs Against Fluoridation" was not slated to be the final name of a Dallas Fluoride information website, but the name "stuck" because it takes tremendous time to build another website. On a whim in the beginning, "Dogs" was chosen because there is a vast history going back more than one hundred years with many experiments on dogs which demonstrated the toxicity of fluoride.
Example: Thyroid conditions were deliberately caused using fluoride in 1854. http://poisonfluoride.com/pfpc/html/thyroid_history.html
Example: Many other adverse health conditions arise from fluoride.~1936 https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/19371402151
Example: Fluoride has been used to kill dogs. It can be one large dose, or a series of smaller does because often 50% of the ingested fluoride can accumulate. The first symptoms which often appear from too much fluoride are gastrointestinal issues.
Example: See what the pharmaceutical giant, MERCK, has to say about Fluoride exposure to dogs. (Compare symptoms with humans)
Go to THIS PAGE to see all the media links and news (Dog-Fight in the News Media) surrounding the VOTE on Fluoride for Dallas. The VOTE occurred on January 28th, 2015. Two Council Members wisely recognized the liabilities involved with adding a toxic hazardous waste substance which does not conform to Texas Law.
Toward the very bottom of "Home Page 2" and throughout this website, you will see “Dog Pictures” which were part of the original motif surrounding DogsAgainstFluoridation.com.

Scientific Studies, Videos, News, Data Collections, Links, etc.

Please visit FluorideAlert.Org which contains a tremendous amount of information about Fluoride.
50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation
What does Dallas put into the drinking water?
Fluoride Fundamentals #4: Sources of Fluoride
Be sure to follow the
Here is a 3 minute VIDEO on "How Fluoride Affects Teeth".
This 27 minute VIDEO details that many
"EPA Employees Oppose Fluoridation"
This 30 minute VIDEO details
March 2018 - James Corbett of "The Corbett Report" interviews Dr. Paul Connett of Fluoride Action Network about the EPA Lawsuit.
- Show notes with Links - https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1352-dr-paul-connett-on-the-case-against-fluoride/
(Video 23 minutes) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_737uiecSw

"Safer Water North Texas" was established by concerned citizens who had health issues resulting from the water.
Erin Brockovich came in April to lend support.
See much, MUCH more on "Home Page 2".
SAFER WATER NORTH TEXAS now has well over 13,000 citizens concerned about their water.
NTMWD hijacked website addresses in a covert attempt to divert the public's attention to their own website. This was EXPOSED by "Open Records Requests" by which emails were discovered. See the emails and hear activists protest this deliberate thwarting of concerned citizens at April 18th Allen Town Hall Meeting.
The simple answer to cleaner water, is to have cleaner water. Not more chemicals.
There are a myriad of scientific studies which show Fluoride’s harmful effects.
Four game-changing studies definitively demonstrate the neurotoxicity resulting from water fluoridation.
These 4 studies are beyond reproach.
Water fluoridation can and does irreparable damage to the brain, and is compared on par to lead toxicity.
The following 4 videos are short in length. Use the article link for more information.
Game-Changing Study Number 1
Bashash 2017 Study: Fluoride Exposure in Utero Linked to Lower IQ in Kids
Game-Changing Study Number 2
Green 2019 Study: Second U.S. Government Funded Study Shows Low Fluoride Exposure Reduces IQ
Game-Changing Study Number 3
Riddell 2019 Study: Fluoride in Water Linked to ADHD Symptoms and Diagnoses
Game-Changing Study Number 4
Till 2020 Study: Fluoridation Lowers IQ of Formula-Fed Babies (UPDATE)
A wide variety of ailments can result from fluoride. Also, fluoride can facilitate other chemicals or factors which cause health issues. After all, fluoride (fluorine) is the MOST reactive element on the Periodic Table.
Time and again, in scientific studies, Fluoride has been shown to act on a cellular level creating havoc on the natural body processes.
Some compounds of fluoride, such as what is put in Dallas water or used to make Teflon pans, can cause even more devastating effects.
Migraines, white spots or pit-holes on the teeth, low energy, depression, apathy, problems with concentration, kidney stress, heart/artery related conditions, easily broken bones or cracked teeth, GI tract issues, low testosterone, fertility, hormone imbalances, etc., etc....
...the list goes on. Depending upon the individual and situation, Fluoride might play a strong factor in these conditions.
Let's take a look at skin. Often it is a condition which a person can quickly recognize.
- Skin -
One of the more immediate, noticeable reactions to Fluoride results in skin issues such as acne, cysts or a red, itchy, scaly rash.

Buy the book! (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.)
"The Hidden Cause of Acne:
How Toxic Water is Affecting Your Health and What You Can Do About It"
This book is easy, smooth reading for everyone. Once started, it becomes a suspense story. You will be captivated. The material is referenced throughout with many footnotes.
WEBSITE - https://www.hiddencauseofacne.com/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/MelissaGallico
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ProjectFree.Me
YouTube Interview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hN59MGHHW0
Water Filters (with graphics) discussed by Ann Marie Michaels
Read this article by Ann Marie: http://www.cheeseslave.com/acne-natural-cure-the-end-of-acne-book-review/
Stomach distress or gastrointestinal issues are a very common with Fluoride.
Many newborns who drink fluoridated liquids (water and juices) will cry because of stomach distress.
Feeling tired all the time (fatigue), or achy joints, or respiratory problems, or headaches, or irritability, or brain fog, or depression are some other symptoms which can occur.
Fluoride, by its nature, tremendously magnifies the toxicity of other toxic chemical substances.
(For example - Aluminum or Lead or other chemical toxins in our drinking water.)
YouTube (left) Melissa discusses skin
Dogs are easily poisoned by Fluoride. See above "about the website name" and also MERCK's toxicity report, the symptoms of which can easily apply to humans.
A Veterinarian and Melissa discuss Raisins/Grapes/wine/grapejuice and dog poisoning linked to Fluoride.
Dr. Hans Moolenburgh, who helped to rid Fluoride from the Netherlands in the late 1970's, talks about the immediately present symptoms from Fluoride ingestion, such as a stomach ache.
A vast array of ailments can result, but it can be difficult for the victim to associate these ailments with Fluoride.
As a comparison, see what MERCK has to say about exposure to Fluoride in dogs.
Even if an individual suddenly stops all intake of Fluoride, their urine and blood levels of Fluoride would still be elevated for years, because 50% of the ingested Fluoride accumulates in the bones and tissues whereby it "recirculates" as the body rebuilds bones and tissues. (CDC's ASTDR - Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry)
When any individual investigates the thousands of studies about Fluoride, they recognize that this is one of the most reactive toxic chemicals . Fluoride insidiously "slow poisons" a person until their body no longer functions normally.
VIDEO (leftside)
Top worldwide researcher, a DENTAL SCIENTIST, (former President of the Canadian Association for Dental Research) talks about tooth development and the harmful effects from Fluoride.
A 3 year old who suddenly stops all fluoride intake could still suffer from Dental Fluorosis, because the Fluoride accumulation in the bones will continue to leach out in the body's system for many years.
He suggests 'Dental Fluorosis' Class Action Lawsuits against Politicians who demand that people drink Fluoride.
Erin Brockovich and Bob Bowcock strongly oppose water fluoridation.
(See a written statement by Erin Brockovich here.)
In following 3 minute YouTube Videos listen to what they have to say about water fluoridation!
(Our thanks to "Texas Man" and "Jesse" for their strong activism in putting together these clips.)
April 18, 2018 - Allen Town Hall Meeting about the Water Quality
North Texas Municipal Water District exposed for deceptive practices
Citizen speakers start around the 58 minute mark - Very impressive citizen activism! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPaXk7IkKFY
Is Your Water Safe?
POLL - Only 15% are very confident that the water is safe.
Thursday April 26, 2018 - CBS DFW Channel 11 News
CBS I-Team - "...There is a one in four chance that the tap water... is unsafe to drink or not properly tested." "Don't simply assume that it is going to be safe."
Story LINK
YouTube LINK
NBC DFW Channel 5 - Scientist agrees that toxins exist in drinking water
April 20th - Community Impact Newspaper - Article on Water Quality and Activists
UPDATES in October 2018 to the September 2017 IQ Study which now includes ADHD
Stop right there.
Don't go any further.
We mean it.
A dog might bite.
You must watch this
6 minute video.
Over 300 scientific studies show that Fluoride damages the brain.
It would be very silly to think that every one of those studies is invalid.
The Dallas City Council insists that everyone swallow Fluoride regardless of harmful health effects.
They refuse to show any scientific study which demonstrates that Fluoride is safe for everyone.
We all know that their concern is NOT the health of all citizens.
Landmark Fluoride Scientific Study - September 2017
See much more about the Landmark Fluoride Scientific Study - September 2017 on the News & Activism Webpage (October)
The study demonstrates that when pregnant mothers drink fluoridated waters at 0.7 mg/L fluoride, they are expected to give birth to children who will have meaningfully lowered cognitive function.
This means that Dallas which fluoridates the water (0.7 mg/L) falls into that category.
The credibility of the study is beyond reproach…
……a 12 year study
……a multimillion dollar study subsidized by the U.S. National Institute of Health and the EPA
……prestigious institutions conducted the study (University of Toronto, University of Michigan, Indiana-Purdue University School of Dentistry, McGill University Montreal, Harvard University, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, and the National Institute of Public Health of Mexico.)
……starting with almost 1,000 mothers, the study rigidly qualified participants down to nearly 300 sets of mothers and children (testing the children twice). Children were tested on “verbal, perceptual-performance, quantitative, memory and motor abilities.”
F.A.N. Press Release LINK
STUDY LINK - https://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/ehp655/
IMPORTANT NOTE about the study:
Researchers in this study took great care to ensure that no other neurotoxin (such Lead, arsenic, mercury, etc.) was involved. The study controlled for other neurotoxins along with socioeconomic status and education. To ensure a standardized measure (not influenced by hard to monitor factors such as foods consumed), urine samples were used.
This study isolates Fluoride, and Fluoride alone, as the determining factor which lowered the IQ of children during the 12 years.
Lead played no role whatsoever in the permanent brain damage of the children in the study.
UPDATES to the September 2017 IQ Study and more facts - October 2018
Critics Debunked
10 Minute VIDEO - Science shows that Blacks are being poisoned by Lead as a result of Dallas Water.
Lead and Fluoride - A quadruple whammy for African Americans
The Dallas Water Fluoridation Program contains many more brain neurotoxins than just fluoride, because the HFS (Hydrofluorosilicic Acid) contains Lead, Arsenic, Mercury and Radioactive Particles.
Also, HFS aggressively leaches Lead from the pipes.
Dallas has a grave Lead problem. (See supporting documents, map, articles and videos below.)
The City of Dallas conducted household tap water tests between two time periods. 31% of the Dallas households had an increase in tap water lead levels, because of the corrosive nature of water treatment chemicals combined with the Fluoride chemical. The science is here.
The studies that first set off alarm bells were 1999 and 2000 research reports led by Roger Masters, emeritus Dartmouth College professor at the Institute for Neuroscience and Society; and Myron Coplan of Intellequity Technology Services. They pored over federal blood tests administered to more than 1 million children and found those living in communities with fluoridated water had nearly three times the rate of elevated lead levels as those in unfluoridated communities.
Nearly 2 percent of the Massachusetts children under the age of 6 had 10 milligrams or more of lead per deciliter, a level of concern then used by the CDC. About 0.75 percent of children in non-fluoridated communities had lead levels that high.
The researchers also found that black youth had a much higher rate of high lead levels than white youth.
Fluoride facilitates Lead uptake past the blood brain barrier.
It has been shown in scientific studies that Fluoride has an affinity (attraction) for calcium, aluminum, lead, mercury and other metals, binding to these metals easily. Just as most water treatment plants can not filter out Fluoride, so it goes with the body's protective blood brain barrier filtering process. Often, children with high levels of Lead accumulation also have high levels of Fluoride accumulation.
If you want more Lead in your child's brain, drink fluoridated water.
In 2010, a published study led by Rosangela Sawan of the School of Dentistry at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil tested the impact of fluoride mixed with lead on baby rats. The researchers found rats exposed to a combination of both substances absorbed 1.7 to three times more lead in various body parts than those who were exposed to lead without the fluoride.
Lead exposure plus Fluoride exposure can potentially bring about an even GREATER loss of IQ in developing children.
Two brain neurotoxins combined.
10 Minute VIDEO - Science shows Blacks and Hispanics are being poisoned with Lead by Dallas Water.
Blacks are 4 to 6 times more likely to be affected than their Caucasian counterparts for each of these neurotoxins separately, Lead and then also Fluoride. Thus, the combination of both Fluoride and Lead for Blacks is alarming. This ethnic aspect comes straight from government reports along with institutional studies.
HFS ((Hydrofluorosilicic Acid) can longer be considered a health “risk”.
It is not a “risk”. It can be expected. It can be forecast.
Many Black and Hispanic children are expected to have lower intelligence resulting from Dallas water.
Dr. Paul Connett, has this video statement about the study.
(3 1/2 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSo32UTXiLQ
He elaborates with a written statement…
Below is Dr. Paul Connett addressing the Dallas City Council on June 11, 2014
The FDA suggests calling the Poison Control Center when a child under the age of 6 swallows too much Fluoride. See this graphic and this graphic
The Dallas City Council KNEW Fluoride was poison.
The CDC in their “Recommendations for Using Fluoride”(circa 2001), states “the DOSAGE of supplemental Fluoride for infants under 6 months of age is 0.0 mg."
The CDC’s ATSDR states: “…Fluoride can cross the placenta from the mother’s blood to the developing fetus.”
The following News Video below gives an excellent overview about the Landmark 12 year study done by many prestigious Universities in North America: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jQAO5j4g6M&feature=youtu.be&t=9m14s
NEWSWEEK 9/19/2017
Children's IQ
Could Be Lowered
By Mothers
Drinking Tap Water
While Pregnant
October 14, 2017 NEWS article about the study in Vermont's The Rutland Herald - LINK
FOX 5 KVVU-TV - "Fluoride Warnings Issued by International Group of Dentists"
QUOTE excerpts "...We need to seek less toxic alternatives and work to improve human health with the safest approach... When will people realize that scientific research offers grave warnings about fluoride? Don't we all deserve safe water?"
"IQ Losses Continue to Haunt Fluoride" - https://www.thelundreport.org/content/iq-losses-continue-haunt-fluoride-0
September 29th - Regina Imburgia is interviewed on the John Stadtmiller Radio Show and gives a wonderful presentation about the Dallas Fluoride situation.
October 4th - Regina Imburgia is interviewed by well known Michael Rivero of "What Really Happened" radio show.
We have this recent impeccable, September Study regarding pregnant mothers and how Fluoride will lower the IQ in their children.
There are well over a hundred other scientific studies which suggest that Fluoride ingestion lowers IQ and/or possibly can affect other neurological actions (such as mood, attention, focus, behavior, hormones, emotions, etc.)
Hands down, the Science is undeniable and without question…
“Clearly, that at some dose, Fluoride damages the brain. Unequivocal.
There is no doubt about that.
Fluoride will damage the brain!"
Get the Science !!
LINK to video
October 11, 2017
Fluoride Activists speak to the Dallas City Council.
The Council yawns in response.
Regina and Joe in the morning "Open Mic" and Linda in the afternoon.
LINK to the City's VIDEO.
Click "Open Microphone Speakers"
On October 11th, an audience member took a video of a City Council presentation which discusses the new study. LINK
On Wednesday October 18th,
Chantal speaks to the City Council about the September Study.
2 1/2 minute video - YouTube LINK
City Video LINK (Click "Open Microphone Speakers")
On Tuesday morning, November 14th, 2017, three Fluoride speakers spoke to The Dallas City Council, each giving a wonderful presentation. Unusual for The Dallas City Council, they seemed attentive towards the "Open Microphone Speakers".
Go to this LINK and click the morning "Open Microphone Speakers" for the video.
Deputy Mayor ProTem (Dist 2) Adam Medrano is NOT liable for harming children. He had voted against Fluoridation.

LULAC Representative Henry Rodriguez courageously addresses the Dallas City Council about Fluoridation. Video LINK
LULAC passed a National Resolution calling for an end to Water Fluoridation which also violates Civil Rights. LINK to full Resolution

10 minute VIDEO which shows the SCIENCE surrounding the fact that the Dallas area Black and Hispanic communities are being poisoned by Lead from the Dallas Fluoridated Water.


During January 2018, The North Dallas Gazette began running a series of balanced articles concerning the Dallas Water Fluoridation issue. Many, many people commented on these articles.
This is especially appropriate because The North Dallas Gazette has a large Black readership. Anyone who is familiar with the science surrounding Fluoridation understands that minorities suffer more adverse health effects from Fluoride than their Caucasian counterparts.
(Scroll further below to "CDC CORRUPTION targeting the health African Americans")
In April 2016, The North Dallas Gazette ran an article which covered Lead and Fluoride. (Scroll below to see the article on this website or use this LINK )
QUOTE excerpt...
"In spite of public outcry the Dallas City Council moved forward and voted in favor to add Hydrofluorosilicic Acid (HFS) to the drinking water. Council members were warned of the dangers of HFS, the potential adverse effects it could have on residents as it is highly contaminated with toxins including lead and the fact that African-Americans are at the greatest risk leading with higher lead levels than their White and Hispanic counterparts."
Here is the Cover Story for January 3, 2018 at The North Dallas Gazette…
“Is Dallas water too dangerous to drink?”
Some of the following articles…
"Guest Op-Ed: What can we do about the unsafe Dallas water?"
"NDG Readers Respond: Is Dallas water too dangerous to drink?"
"Guest Op-ed: Do Dallas Residents Need Community Water Fluoridation? Yes, and Here’s Why"
- CDC CORRUPTION targeting the health of African Americans -
Also, include the fact that the CDC intentionally tried to bury their own scientific studies which demonstrated this minority aspect surrounding Fluoride. It took a Freedom of Information Act request in 2005 to bring out how the CDC hid the alarming toxicity of Fluoride to African Americans. http://fluoridealert.org/news/new-report-reveals-feds-never-protected-communities-of-color-from-water-fluoridation-fan-calls-for-better-alternative/
This reminds us of the CDC's unethical direct involvement with “Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male” where many Blacks suffered or died unnecessarily along with similar atrocities by the CDC which continue to this day. See the video to the right... https://youtu.be/Sswitl8_-w4
The Head of the CDC during 2002-2009 received millions of dollars in stock from a company which she protected by destroying scientific research about that company's pharmaceutical product.
The list goes on and on about the CDC's lies to the public which are exposed by CDC SCIENTISTS who are tired of the corruption.
Here is the letter from the CDC Scientists exposing some of the CDC corruption. This article and this article give a long list of corrupt activities by the CDC. The recent Director of the CDC was forced to resign in January 2018 after it was exposed that she owned lots of stock in big tobacco companies along with pharmaceutical companies where the final science was tainted by her influence.
- The CDC is also the ONLY federal agency that actively promotes fluoridation. -
The "Oral Health Division" at the CDC is the ONLY division that speaks on fluoridation at the CDC.
The CDC is also the ONLY federal agency that actively promotes fluoridation.
The "Oral Health Division" is NOT made up of CDC Scientists who study Fluoride, and in fact, the team is not composed of experts about Fluoridation. The "Oral Health Division" hires Public Relations firms (such as PEW) in order to promote water fluoridation. In addition, Scientists employed by the CDC do not study Fluoride.
- FDA -
The FDA has never regulated fluoride for ingestion either as a prescription drug or when added to the public water supply. Its official position is that fluoride is an “unapproved drug.” See the FDA WARNING on FLUORIDE TOOTHPASTE.
- EPA -
The EPA does not regulate additives to water (i.e. Chemicals added to increase Fluoride levels in the drinking water).
The EPA regulates only contaminants. Here is an example of how the EPA fined the company Mosaic (past provider of the Dallas Fluoride Chemical) for contamination by improperly dumping the SAME EXACT CHEMICAL WHICH IS ADDED TO THE DALLAS WATER FOR FLUORIDATION. (Yes, we know that it doesn't make sense to add toxic hazardous waste into our drinking water, but fining a company for dumping it elsewhere. This is a result of "government intelligence at its finest", both the City of Dallas and the EPA.)
However, were the EPA to do its job honestly and determine a science-based "maximum contaminant level goal" (MCLG) for fluoride in water – as the NRC panel recommended that it did in 2006 – it would scrap the fluoridation program, once and for all. A safe MCLG would have to be set well below 1 ppm. (Dallas is at 0.7 ppm)
The EPA has dragged its feet for over a decade, allowing its science to remain subservient to Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) CDC "Oral Health Division" policy of continuing to support the practice of water fluoridation. Thus since 1986 the EPA water division has maintained the preposterous notion that the most sensitive end point to fluoride’s toxicity is crippling 'skeletal fluorosis'. Other than die-hard fluoridation promoters there is not one genuine fluoride researcher who would support such a position.
EPA Corruption
There are countless examples of how the EPA does not effectively guard the health of its citizens, but it does try to protect big corporate interests.
See this 2018 article where the head of the EPA deliberately poisoned children. However, despite top EPA officials being corrupt, many, many EPA employees strongly oppose Water Fluoridation because of it poses dramatic health risks.
There are many internal fluoride documents which the EPA has withheld from the public.
EPA whistleblowers have recounted stories (cancer causing Fluoride).
Here is the head of the EPA repeatedly lying to the public that the air and water are safe, despite scientific evidence to the contrary.
Thus, thousands are dead or sick.
One minute video Public Service Announcement which ran on the local FOX 4 TV network during our 2014-2015 campaign.
One minute video Public Service Announcement by the famous actor, Ed Asner.
The seven short videos below are a sampling of more than 100 presentations to the Dallas City Council about water fluoridation.
The videos highlight how fluoride can affect minorities, children, seniors, and those with health conditions.
Click the LINK to watch.
3 minutes - LINK
ULAC - 4 1/2 min LINK
3 minutes - LINK
6 minutes - children - LINK
Respect and listen to your Grandma
3 minutes - LINK
Minorities affected more by Fluoride.
Vote hijack attempt - 3+ minutes LINK
Kevin and others discuss minorities and health compromised. - 3+ minutes LINK
Full Documentary "Fluoride: Poison on Tap" not only delivers important information, but also some incredible video footage. Parts of the documentary were filmed in Dallas.
(99 minutes)
HISTORY BEHIND WATER FLUORIDATION, a 28 minute interview with an award-winning journalist and former producer at the BBC. Supporting documents here and here , here, and here and here and 400 pages with tons of footnotes here.
The two videos below are PRO-Fluoridation of Dallas water.
The video on the left is a Dallas Dentist who helped to bring fluoride to the Dallas water system many years ago
during the time when we had Lead in gasoline.
He describes how fluoridated water functions during teeth growth. He states it is not effective after age 18.
Dallas Pro-Fluoridation Dentist - 3 minutes LINK
Fluoride Commercial - 2 minutes LINK
Don't miss watching this!!
TOWN HALL on FLUORIDE in Councilman Sheffie Kadane's District - 10/20/14
Extraordinary information delivered by experts to a large crowd of concerned citizens. Every City Council member had been invited. LINK

The CDC in their “Recommendations for Using Fluoride”(circa 2001), states “the DOSAGE of supplemental Fluoride for infants under 6 months of age is 0.0 mg."
The CDC’s ATSDR states: “…Fluoride can cross the placenta from the mother’s blood to the developing fetus.”
4/23/14 - City Council Members have a strong interest in what this activist says.
4 minutes LINK
Lead in Dallas water and its effects on minorities are discussed with Council.
4 minutes - LINK
Dentist Dr. David Kennedy discusses exactly what is put in the Dallas Water. Documents for Dallas are shown.
24 minute video - LINK
Mosaic (graphic) is the company which provides the hazardous waste for the Dallas Water Fluoridation Program.
The EPA outlaws dumping this hazardous waste into water or soil, but hazardous waste can be "sold" to municipal water supplies.
Mosaic was caught by the EPA in violation of dumping this extremely toxic substance with the LARGEST QUANTITY of HAZARDOUS WASTE in EPA's history.
The fine was tremendous.
See graphics here, here, and here. Scroll below for Information.
Two weeks prior to the January 28, 2015 Dallas City Council VOTE about the Water Fluoridation program, many activists give dynamic talks.
35 minutes - LINK
THE VOTE -Video LINK - What citizens do not see on the City of Dallas live feed is what Council members are doing during speaker presentations. GRAPHICS - 1st Speaker, 2nd Speaker, Howard Garrett "The Dirt Doctor" here and here
No Fluoridation in Japan and Why
Japan has 123 million more people than Dallas. Japan has a population of more than 126,000,000 people. Dallas County has a population of about 2,600,000. The population of Japan is equivalent to about 40% of the entire U.S. population.
With its prestigious science based wisdom, Japan refuses to fluoridate its water because of concerns for public health.
Professional Researcher, James Corbett, lives in Japan. He provides details about the Fluoride issue in Japan and other countries.
Some of the research which Mr. Corbett has done on Fluoride...

Lawsuit against the EPA
Update January 2018 - We are winning! See the video below for an update about the Lawsuit - https://youtu.be/t486r-BlWOc
April 25, 2017 update to the Fluoride Action Network action of Nov 30, 2016 (see paragraph further below).
It is official !
Fluoride Action Network and others organizations are now suing the EPA to End Fluoridation.
Details and links - http://fluoridealert.org/content/bulletin_4-25-17/
Court document of Lawsuit - https://www.eenews.net/assets/2017/04/21/document_gw_02.pdf
Videos along with thousands of articles, scientific studies, actions, news articles, etc. http://fluoridealert.org/fan-tv/
National NEWS - Radioactive
Mosaic provides the Hydrofluorosilicic Acid (HFS) to Dallas.
In recent NEWS, one of their ponds caused a huge sinkhole leaking radioactive water into the aquifers (again).
(The Dallas City Council who said they had done their research should already be aware that... ...HFS (Hydrofluorosilicic Acid) which is added to Dallas Water is loaded with hazardous waste contaminants, including radioactive particles.)
Scroll down the page to "Recent News" for more information.
In the following linked Youtube interview about the Dallas water (with documents shown), you will see a long list of harmful contaminants...
Around the 5 minute mark, you will see the radioactive components of HFS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IpJ7A_38nk
In addition, this documentary "Poison on Tap" gives even more insight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqstwfKGzPI
5 Minute Video showing how Blacks and Hispanics are more affected by Lead.
Fluoride in Dallas Water facilitates this Lead poisoning.
Major problem with Lead blood levels in Dallas children
See enlarged Map at link

Jan 20, 2017 - The Dallas Morning News reports about more schools with high lead levels.
DISD Parents Worried After Lead Found In School's Water - August 2, 2016
Yona Gavino reports
Dallas tests water for Lead -
31% of the households tested had increased levels of Lead.
(more below in the "Lead" section)
NOTE: The City of Dallas has been repeatedly warned that the HFS (Hydrofluorosilicic Acid) added to the water accelerates the leaching of lead from old pipes, because HFS not only contains lead, but it also melts metal, glass and concrete.
Chloramines and Hydrofluorosilicic Acid in Dallas
Fluorosilicates have a unique affinity for lead.
In fact, Lead Fluorosilicate is one of the most water-soluble forms of lead.
Dallas Water – Lead poisoning, Chloramines, and Fluoride
Dallas has a grave issue with Lead in the tap water.
The science is very clear… Lead, like Fluoride, is more harmful to minorities (Blacks and Hispanics) than their Caucasian counterparts.
Lead not only lowers intelligence and harms the body and the immune system, but Lead also affects behavior. Often, people contaminated by Lead become more violent.
Dallas Water Utilities uses “chloramines” in order to disinfect the water. “Chloramines” are cheap method of disinfection which results in many problems. Future generations will inherit a costly mess.
Chloramines are not very effective at curbing bacteria growth. In fact, they can sometimes promote it.
A key aspect about Chloramines is that they corrode the pipes and ruin the City of Dallas water line infrastructure.
Future generations will need to replace the water lines.
Chloramines dynamically leach out Lead.
See the following article by EWG (The Environmental Working Group).
“…chloramines drastically increase the leaching of lead from pipes. …there thousands of lead service lines in the water system…Add to these lines the lead based solder used to join copper pipe, brass and chrome plated faucets, and water fixtures, and the opportunities for lead to leach into the drinking water multiply…”
“…As described by Duke researchers, chloramine-induced lead leaching might be lessened by the addition of anticorrosivity agents during the water treatment process. Is that sufficient for protection of public health? We really don't know! Chloramine itself has been associated with severe respiratory toxicity and skin sensitivity…”
“…And now add fluoride In addition to disinfection chemicals, other additives are commonly mixed with the finished drinking water before it leaves the water treatment plant… …Typically, water is fluoridated with fluorosilicic acid (FSA) or its salt, sodium fluorosilicate, collectively referred to as fluorosilicates…”
“…Here comes a second unpleasant "surprise" for those in lead-piped locations: fluorosilicates have a unique affinity for lead. In fact, lead fluorosilicate is one of the most water-soluble forms of lead.
In fact, fluorosilicic acid has been used as a solvent for lead and other heavy metals in metallurgy. In industrial applications, chemical engineers rely on this acid to remove surface lead from leaded-brass machine parts. Research shows what happens when we mix it all up: What happens when fluorosilicates in water pass through lead-containing pipes and metal fixtures? Not surprisingly, the fluorosilicates extract high levels of soluble lead from leaded-brass metal parts (researchers from the Environmental Quality Institute of the University of North Carolina-Asheville performed this actual experiment).”
“In research published in the scientific journal Neurotoxicology, researchers found that the mixture of the two chemicals: disinfectant (whether chlorine or chloramine) with fluorosilicic acid has a drastically increased potency, leaching amazingly high quantities of lead.”
(See the following scientific study - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0161813X07001404 )
“Where does this lead go? Into our drinking water and right on into our bodies, where they wreak havoc by poisoning our heart, kidneys and blood, causing irreversible neurological damage and impairing reproductive function….”
Get your tap water tested for Lead. Simple. Low cost. Non-profit database.
See Dallas on the interactive map with alert levels.
ToxinAlert.Org - First digital geo-social network for clean water supply and combined public water alert system to protect families and community from drinking water pollution.
2018 November Lead Update
Lead Water Samples in Dallas taken might be misleading,
grossly underplaying the quantity of lead in drinking water.
Read this article by Jordan Chariton ...
EXCLUSIVE: Flint Water Declared ‘Restored’ After Michigan’s Environmental Agency Broke EPA Testing Regulations
and read the EPA Water Sampling Mandate 2016
The practice of running water right before sampling, known as flushing, is a violation of EPA regulations for water sampling because it artificially lowers lead levels, allowing time for large quantities of lead, copper, and other heavy metals to “flush” out of the system. The EPA mandates that lead water samples be taken after water is stagnant for at least six hours and that samples be taken as a “first draw,” meaning right after the tap is turned on.
The EPA’s “action level” for lead, which is the level where state and local environmental agencies are required to take action to lower levels, is 15 parts per billion. That level is not a public health measurement — experts say no level of lead is safe — but instead a corrosion control measurement.
~~~~~~ 2018 November Lead Update ~~~~~~
NOTATION - How the Dallas Fluoride Chemical (HFS) leaches lead from pipes and facilitates its uptake into the brain.
Fluoride (HFS or Hydrofluorosilicic Acid) likely leaches lead from pipes, brass fittings and soldered joints. In tightly controlled laboratory experiments, Maas et al (2007) have shown that fluoridating agents in combination with chlorinating agents such as chloroamine (Dallas uses chloramine) increase the leaching of lead from brass fittings used in plumbing.
The silicon fluorides may also increase lead uptake into children’s blood. Studies by Masters and Coplan (1999, 2000, 2007), and to a lesser extent Macek (2006), show an association between the use of fluorosilicic acid (and its sodium salt) to fluoridate water and an increased uptake of lead into children’s blood. Because of lead’s acknowledged ability to damage the developing brain, this is a very serious finding. Nevertheless, it is being largely ignored by fluoridating countries. This association received some strong biochemical support from an animal study by Sawan et al. (2010) who found that exposure of rats to a combination of fluorosilicic acid and lead in their drinking water increased the uptake of lead into blood some threefold over exposure to lead alone.
SEE THE SCIENCE - http://fluoridealert.org/search-results/?q=lead%20leaching
Scientific Studies show that minorities (Blacks and Hispanics) suffer the most from the Lead leaching caused by the Fluoride added to the water.
See the images below.

January 19, 2017
Major problem with Lead blood levels in Dallas children
See enlarged Map
November 2016 - Greenville, Texas
"...The City of Greenville ceased fluoridation of its drinking water in Sept. 2013, due to the effort causing too much wear and tear on equipment. Director of Public Works John Wright has said the current fluoride concentration found naturally in the city’s raw water supply averages one-third to one-half of the fluoride level recommended by the EPA...."
Sept 16, 2016 - National News on Mosaic (the company which provides HFS to Dallas. This company had the largest fine ever levied by the Dept of Justice...scroll far below to the DOJ.)
HFS (Hydrofluorosilicic Acid) which is added to Dallas Water is loaded with hazardous waste contaminants, including radioactive particles.
Why is fluoride contaminated with radioactive waste?...
“there is a natural and unavoidable connection between phosphate mining and radioactive material. It is because phosphate and uranium were laid down at the same time and in the same place by the same geological processes millions of years ago. They go together. Mine phosphate, you get uranium.”
Photos of process - http://cof-cof.ca/hydrofluorosilicic-acid-origins/
NEWS - recent - radioactive
Mosaic provides the Hydrofluorosilicic Acid (HFS) to Dallas for water fluoridation.
In recent NEWS, one of their ponds caused a huge sinkhole leaking radioactive water into the aquifers (again).
(The gargantuan ponds contain the hazardous waste from which HFS is obtained and added to Dallas water.)
Size of the sinkhole towards the end of this NEWS video.
One of the lesser-known-facts about the phosphate industry is that its processing facilities have produced and sold sizeable quantities of uranium.
In 1997, just two phosphate plants in Louisiana produced 950,000 pounds of commercial uranium, which amounted to roughly 16% of the domestically produced uranium in the US.
In 1998, the same two plants produced another 950,000 pounds, but due to declining market prices for uranium, both plants have since ceased production.
September 15, 2016
Dallas ISD Orders Water Testing for Lead at All Schools
The Dallas Morning News - August 15, 2016
From football to fluoride, Texas local governments too smug — and far from candid, critics tell Texas senators
Sam Brandon of San Marcos, who has helped lead a drive for a successful 2015 referendum to remove fluoride from his Central Texas city's drinking water, said lawmakers should consider slapping criminal penalties on high-handed behavior by city officials trying to chill public participation in policy setting.
"You've got to remove the immunity from these people," he said.
-- CBS DFW 11--
DISD Parents Worried After Lead Found In School's Water
August 2, 2016 Yona Gavino reports
Contaminants Found in Water at South Oak Cliff High School
Various groups are concerned. They say because of history of issues at South Oak Cliff High School and a lack of trust with the district, they want additional testing completed by an independent party.
Members of the NAACP Dallas unit, South Oak Cliff Parents Coalition and Dallas SW Coalition For Better Public Schools gathered in front of the school Tuesday to call for more action.
“The South Oak Cliff parent coalition and Dallas South West Coalition for better public schools would like to address the ongoing issue of lead and other contaminants found in the drinking water at South Oak Cliff High,” NAACP member Arthur Fleming said.
“The community is asking for a new school," Rev. Maxie Johnson with South Oak Cliff Parent Coalition said Tuesday. "We are asking for these problems to be fixed. Our children should not have to drink contaminants found in the water.”
”To tell parents that the water is okay, and it’s not their kids is kind of like Flint Michigan," Arthur Flemming said. "They told those folks to keep drinking the water also.”
“When we look at what’s happing at a national level, there is that High sense of urgency and high sense of scrutiny of the water that’s within our school systems and in our cities," Nakia Douglas, Executive Director of South Oak Cliff Feeder Pattern, said. "So I would say it is our season, there will be others that have the issues that they will have to address.”

The Dallas Morning News - May 13, 2016
"Disabled Texans in three state homes have
been drinking water with Flint-level amounts of

nsnbc - "Dallas Council Member Philip Kingston Tweets about “Porn Music” at Fluoridation Hearing"
"... Councilman Philip Kingston created a tsunami of complaints when he tweeted about what he perceived as “porn-like music” in a presentation about water fluoridation during the open microphone portion of a Dallas City Council meeting. One might ask two questions. What does Kingston’s taste in music have to do with the issue of water fluoridation? And what type of porn movies is he watching anyway? While Philips had little to say about water fluoridation he surely opened the floodgates for indignation...."
May 11, 2016 - Associated Press
"Dogs in Flint getting tested as well for lead toxicity"
YouTube Video
Year long Houston Chronicle investigation teamed with Texas A & M cites how the Fluoride which is added to Dallas water can kill or injure thousands of people.
"...hydrogen fluoride - That could kill and injure people up to 25 miles away, encompassing an area with more than 2 million residents...Such an accident nearly happened...in California...flying debris narrowly missed a hydrogen fluoride tank."
"...Dupont...has up to 2.1 million pounds of toxic hydrofluoric acid...When released, the acid forms a dense, rolling cloud of gas that hangs close to the ground, potentially sending lethal concentrations for miles. ...a South Korean plant released 8 tons of it, killing five workers and triggering emergency treatment for more than 3,000 people in towns downwind...."
2014 Memo to Dallas Officials about Fluoridation - pdf - [ Packed with Misinformation and omitting all the facts ]
NEWS - A recent "Freedom of Information Act" document shows that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Dental Association (ADA) are very worried about the adverse health affects of water fluoridation. However, these pro-fluoride institutions have backed themselves into a corner by publicly stating that fluoridation is safe. The institutions are now faced with the major dilemma of losing credibility and also being exposed to poor Public Relations if they back-peddle on their previous false statements of safety assurances.
One can only assume that the American Dental Association will try to save face much like the EPA did when it back-peddled in 2015 by lowering the national standards for fluoridated water levels. The EPA's lowering of the standard is part of a gradual PR attempt try to maintain credibility. Per the Freedom of Information Act documents, these institutions know that science overwhelmingly demonstrates the toxicity of fluoridation. Rather than admitting wrong doing and honestly trying to help the health of people, these institutions are more concerned about how they are perceived in the public eye.

There is no doubt that Lead is in the Dallas tap water of many households and businesses, and that the situation is getting worse.
Unfortunately, the City of Dallas has censored to the public our presentations from experts and has refused to have an open dialogue on this issue.
We encourage people to review the many YouTube Videos which reveal some of the censored information about Lead in Dallas water.
Major problem with Lead blood levels in Dallas children
See enlarged Map
Over a 15 year period, the City of Dallas conducted household tap water tests.
31% of the households tested had increased Lead levels.
In 2011, as part of the TCEQ "Lead and Copper" water testing, the City of Dallas found that 9 of the 62 households tested had elevated "action" levels of Lead in their faucet water. An additional 10 households had increases in Lead levels, but below "Actionable".
What is significant!...
These households had been participating in the City's "Lead water test" for the previous 15 years.
During all the previous years of testing, none of the 62 households had elevated Lead levels.
The implication is that by 2011, corrosion of the pipes started to appear which brought about the introduction of Lead into the drinking water of the 9 households.
An extremely acidic, highly reactive, highly corrosive, hazardous toxic waste substance (one that melts glass, melts concrete, melts metal)( HFS or Hydrofluorosilicic Acid ) might very well be the primary culprit for the corrosion.
Despite warnings, the Dallas City Council had voted again in January 2015 to inject into the Water Lines an extremely acidic, highly reactive, highly corrosive, hazardous toxic waste substance (one that melts glass, melts concrete, melts metal).
--- It should be noted: When the City conducts these Lead Tests, they let the faucet water run for a period of time prior to the test in order to flush out built up residues. However, most citizens do not let their faucet water run for 5 minutes prior to filling a glass.
It also should be noted that the City of Dallas can be selective on which facilities and homes they might test for Lead in order to avoid any news alert.
--- Note: Also, the Dallas media has not shared this information that 19 of 62 houses tested over a 15 year period had an increase in Lead levels.
31% of the households tested had increased Lead levels.
- As noted above, a flush is often performed when testing.
Of course, most people do not let their faucet run for 5 minutes before grabbing a drink.
This video discusses the testing flush:
- NO FLUSHING - Lead Test
The EPA states that a faucet should NOT be turned on prior to getting water samples for a Lead test.
Scientist studies how Lead levels are increasing in Dallas water.
This scientific article, with graph, specifically shows how Dallas Lead levels are increased when Fluoride (fluorosilicic acid) is added to the water lines. Richard Sauerheber, Ph.D. of the University of California and former Scientist with the National Institute of Health (NIH) reports his findings.
He personally addressed the Dallas City Council in this video (which the City censored to the public).
This article in The North Dallas Gazette is an excellent piece of investigative journalism.
Not only does it give facts and history about Lead and water issues, but it also points out how sometimes government officials, vested interests, and the media will suppress the facts and scientific research.
Unfortunately, government officials can cause all kinds of heartache by not studying the scientific research and by not actively reducing any potential liabilities to Public Health.

North Dallas Gazette
(April 14-20, 2016)
QUOTE excerpt...
In spite of public outcry the Dallas City Council moved forward and voted in favor to add Hydrofluorosilicic Acid (HFS) to the drinking water. Council members were warned of the dangers of HFS, the potential adverse effects it could have on residents as it is highly contaminated with toxins including lead and the fact that African-Americans are at the greatest risk leading with higher lead levels than their White and Hispanic counterparts.
Hydrofluorosilicic Acid (HSF) is an industrial chemical. It is the diluted version of fluorosilicic acid, which is a waste product of fertilizer manufacturing companies such as Cargill and CF Industries. HSF is created during the process of converting phosphate rock into soluble fertilizer. In the past this lethal toxin was being released into the air during this process, which posed an environmental hazard. As a result of government intervention fertilizer companies are now permitted to trap the chemical before it is released into the air, house it in containers, which they then sell to water departments throughout the country as a source of water fluoridation, and it’s quite costly.
The "Lead Safe America Foundation"
The "Lead Safe America Foundation" website shows how Fluoride can increase Lead levels in drinking water.

WATCH - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOqgEwgfaDE
On December 10, 2014, Regina Imburgia again points out the evidence to the Dallas City Council that Fluoride increases Lead levels, and also by its nature contains harmful poisons such as arsenic.
Previously, each of the City Council members had been presented with mounds of written documents and well organized binders of scientific studies which verify the toxic hazards of Fluoride.
On December 10th, the City Council was covertly trying to push a vote on Fluoride without fair warning.
One minute video as aired on FOX 4 during the Dr Oz show- Ed Begley Jr.

The Dallas City Council has approved putting an extremely acidic hazardous waste into the water system. This hazardous waste (Hydrofluorosilicic Acid)(HFS) is so extremely acidic that it melts concrete, it melts glass and its melts metal. It leaches the Lead out of older pipes. Once the Lead is exposed, the pipes are permanently compromised.
This hazardous waste is so toxic that it is illegal to dump into a normal landfill or into any waterway.
Besides leaching Lead, who in their right mind would want to ingest a highly acidic, corrosive hazardous waste (HFS)?
Long List of Scientific Evidence of Fluoride's toxicity (along with other contaminants contained in this hazardous waste)
[ Very interesting stories in these studies. EXAMPLES: Children dying of fluoride poisoning in Dentist chair, heart attacks and heart problems, rat poison, GI tract messed up for huge groups of people, ...in Columbia River, Washington only 0.2 ppm fluoride narcotized salmon brain and collapsed a salmon run until fluoride discharges were stopped. Legislators quickly banned fluoride drinking water injections, because of course the waste water from the city still contained the fluoride ion (fluoride is extremely costly to filter out).]
The Dallas City Council is refusing open transparency about the VERY TOXIC CONTAMINANTS which it DELIBERATELY ADDS to the water, and refuses to follow RULE 209.42 (j) of the TCEQ (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality). The contaminants include a large amount of fluorosilicic acid, lead, and arsenic, plus smaller amounts of mercury, cadmium, chromium, copper, thallium, selenium, and barium.
TEXAS RULE 209.42 (j)
(more information)
Texas A & M Professor states that current Fluoride detection equipment does NOT effectively find the true amount of Fluoride in the water. (Water by its nature hides or buffers the fluoride acid)
Fluoride Ion detection as mentioned by the above Texas A & M Professor is the most effective method of determining Fluoride levels.
Mike Adams of Natural News will be testing Lead and Fluoride levels using ion chromatography. Send your samples to his Lab.
The science showing the Fluoride & Lead connection http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/fluoride-in-water-worsens-us-lead-crisis-300219061.html
Some recent FLUORIDE ISSUES at hand, besides its toxicity…
-- The Hydrofluorosilicic Acid added to our water does not "comply" with Texas Rule 290.42 (j). Contains other contaminants.
-- The Dallas Water Department is often “over-injecting” the permissible amount of Fluoride.
-- Lead leaching is currently a big issue because of Flint, Michigan. Hydrofluorosilicic Acid leaches Lead from pipes.
(See the recent late January Dallas Morning News article about LEAD in Dallas Water - http://thescoopblog.dallasnews.com/2016/01/with-water-worries-in-flint-how-does-dallas-area-supply-stack-up.html/
This 15 minute video shows
Anti-Fluoride speakers back-to-back
giving their presentations
prior to the VOTE by the City Council
in January 2015.
(Howard Garrett is in it.)
"The saving of our world from pending doom will come, not through the complacent adjustment of the conforming majority, but through the creative maladjustment of a nonconforming minority." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr., 1963
~~~ Added October 2015 ~~~
Fluoride: Poison On Tap - Full Documentary
ORDER the DVD here: http://store.framingtheworld.com/products/fpot
~~~~ Added October 2015 ~~~~
Mosaic (which supplies "Fluoride" for the Dallas water) has been found guilty of monstrous and atrocious handling of hazardous waste.